Vitality Boosters

Hey everyone,
Does anyone know of any concrete vitality booster locations? (Besides Andrew's Famous Disgusting Irresitable 'Shroom) I've heard that there's one in the Ghost Swamp area as well, but haven't been able to locate it...
As far as I can tell, Andrew's shroom is the only one that is located indefinetely in one location. Anyone in the know want to concur/correct me? (a.k.a ArcAngel Counterstrike, oasa, &tc.;)
I just got my reg. code. and I'm enjoying the game far too much for human good 😛


"They commited suicide by jumping from their egos onto their IQs."

Other then buying elixirs later in the game, I know of no other place.

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The old guy in Dernath gives you two elixirs when you give him a cyclops eye. I forget if one of them is a vitality elixir though.

You may also randomly find elixirs in chests, holes, or sacks.

Or if you're a badass hero like AAC, sea giants give them to you. 😄

Gentile or Jew
O you who turn the wheel and look to windward,
(url="http://"")Consider(/url) Phlebas, who was once handsome and tall as you.

It is a vitality potion... 🙂

Enie menie minie
moe... Oh, why not just
kill all of them.


Originally posted by ngiem:
I've heard that there's one in the Ghost Swamp area as well, but haven't been able to locate it...

Well, if you complete that quest, you get a title enhancement that does help your vitality.

There isn't any vitality booster that I know of in the ghost swamp, however, character attribute potions like luck, vitality and all the others can be found randomly thoughout the game in treasure holders like the trap, treasure chest, rocks and so forth, so maybe that person just happened to run by a potion of vitality. Hey I got a potion of luck there once and strength another time at another part of the swamp, that's no guarentee that there will be one potion per area, I think it is a probability factor in the game so if you look everywhere you're likely to stumble upon some potions, and some will be vitality, some won't. And yes the guy in dernath gives you a potion of vitality and a potion of luck.
