Escape Velocity Ship Poll

As you can plainly see, the Rebel Cruiser is winning by a long shot. Rebels rule!

P.S. Wow! 100th post on this topic!

To Escape Velocity: Nova and Beyond!
Millennium. Its coming, prepare for it.
Coming to the (url="http://"")EV Chronicles(/url).

I would have to say Kestrel. I haven't played EV in a while due to a broken Mac but back in the good ole' days, my Kestrel was my bestest pal, we rocked the galaxy together <sniff>. Parting is such sweet sorrow, or something.

Oh well.

By the way...this was a good idea Nova6, keep up the good work. 🙂

The ultimate Pokémon master!
- Corey


Originally posted by coreyblue64:
**By the way...this was a good idea Nova6, keep up the good work.:)

Thank you. I started this when I was still a newbie and I REALY liked polls.


So far:

Confed Cruiser:3
Rebel Cruiser:12
Rebel Destroyer:5
Bulk freighter:1
Confed Frigate:1
Rebel Manta:1




Originally posted by Wyvern:


Defender? I can't believe you chose it. It certainly can't be for power, can it? A few shots with a laser cannon and the pilot is breathing vaccum(unless he has an escape pod).

Speaking of escape pods, has anyone ever blown up Matt Burch? He sends out an escape pod if you do(and so does Andrew Welch, for that matter).

better dead than confed!


Originally posted by coreyblue64:
**Defender? I can't believe you chose it.

If he likes it he likes it. Besides, it does look cool.



Originally posted by Nova6:
**If he likes it he likes it. Besides, it does look cool.


Yeah, it does look cool(one of the coolest actually). And I certainly have nothing against anyone who likes Defenders. That's just not the way I do things. All I meant is that one is trying to play EV with a Defender, there are much better ways of doing things, and statistically, the Defender ranks really low(right above Shuttle and Hawk).
Actually, I don't know what Hawks have, they may be better.

go rebels

better dead than confed!

Sorry to make two posts where one would have done, but I couldn't help noticing no votes for the shuttlecraft(big surprise there, eh?).

That's all.

eat my proton bolts confederate scum

better dead than confed!


Originally posted by coreyblue64:
**Actually, I don't know what Hawks have, they may be better.


A pair of missiles and two laser cannons.

I like the `vette.

I`m a bomb technician. If you see me running...try to keep up.


Originally posted by Rogan:
**A pair of missiles and two laser cannons.

I like the `vette.


That places it higher than the Defender in my books.

I never had a corvette...are they any good? The Kestrel could dominate over everything, and I just remembered the Lightning fighters. Oh, but those little guys were helpful. They were as annoying as all get out! They should be called "Mosquito" or "Gnat" or "Pest" or something like that. Then bam! back into the cargo bay they go. And anytime someone else's Lightning flies by, just disable it and voila, a new fighter. Those were the days...

if only confed cruisers came in a bay...

...oh wait, they do. Once I made a plug with Confed Cruiser bays, I installed them in a Clipper or something small like that and these giant cruisers came out of my tiny ship. THAT was cool.

  • keeping up, Rogan, and passin you too! *

better dead than confed!

(This message has been edited by coreyblue64 (edited 12-20-2000).)


Originally posted by coreyblue64:
**Yeah, it does look cool(one of the coolest actually). And I certainly have nothing against anyone who likes Defenders. That's just not the way I do things. All I meant is that one is trying to play EV with a Defender, there are much better ways of doing things, and statistically, the Defender ranks really low(right above Shuttle and Hawk).
Actually, I don't know what Hawks have, they may be better.

I tried playing EV with a Defender once, I got stuck in the Sol system with no fuel and no one would help me because I was there enemy. I never bought a Defender again.




Originally posted by Nova6:
**I tried playing EV with a Defender once, I got stuck in the Sol system with no fuel and no one would help me because I was there enemy. I never bought a Defender again.



Yeah, I tried a Defender once too, with disastrous results. Any enemies I had destroyed me within seconds.

Down with the Confederate garbage! May the Rebellion live forever!

better dead than confed!

Confed Cruiser. With some upgrading and outfitting it can become almost unstoppable.

No one is listening until you make a mistake.

I really don't remember whether or not I voted, so here goes...

1 Vote for the Hawk!

That ship rules! I only played it in a plug I made, but it was a really cool ship. (the only change the plug made was to allow the Hawk to be buyable). They're pretty fast, and with the speed upgrades they don't have to worry about most turrets because they miss you as you fly by. With the various and sundreous upgrades, it makes an awesome fighter! course, it isn't great capital ship or cargo vessel, but who's counting? heehee...

"Get with the krizapee taste of Rocket Fuel malt liqueur. Rocket Fuel's got the upstate prison flavor that keeps you ugly all night. So when you wanna get sick, remember: Nothing makes your feet stank like Rocket Fuel malt liquer. Damn! it's krizapee."

So far:

Confed Cruiser:4
Rebel Cruiser:12
Rebel Destroyer:5
Bulk freighter:1
Confed Frigate:1
Rebel Manta:1




Originally posted by coreyblue64:
Speaking of escape pods, has anyone ever blown up Matt Burch? He sends out an escape pod if you do(and so does Andrew Welch, for that matter).

Matt Burch is almost impossible to beat- even the Forklift doesn't hurt him- he has piles of cash, though- but if you kill him, he'll get revenge...

I ask you to look both ways- for the road to the atom leads through the stars, and the road to the stars leads through the atom.


Originally posted by Nova6:
**Thank you. I started this when I was still a newbie and I REALY liked polls.


Who says you aren't now ;)! Just kidding, you a reg like me now.

Visit my EV site (url="http://"")The Catacomb(/url)
My (url="http://"")Unnoficial EV boards.(/url)
If a tree falls in a forest,and no ones around to hear it, does it make a sound?
"Winning isn't everything, but wanting to win is."


Originally posted by The Catacomb:
**Who says you aren't now;)! Just kidding, you a reg like me now.


So how long do you have to be on to be a "reg"?

- Corey, the true master of all things Pokémon and EV
better dead than confed!!
long live the rebellion!!

Hmmm... Depends on how much time you spend here. But a couple months be my geuss

Visit my EV site (url="http://"")The Catacomb(/url)
My (url="http://"")Unnoficial EV boards.(/url)
If a tree falls in a forest,and no ones around to hear it, does it make a sound?
"Winning isn't everything, but wanting to win is."


Originally posted by coreyblue64:
**So how long do you have to be on to be a "reg"?

1 to 2 months, maybe more. I registered in early Nov.

