ship graphics 1.05

In 1.05 the graphics were changed for all the ships except for a few sprites. In an old thread David Arthur posted that all the updated sprites were in 1.05beta 1. ("Differences in the way we play..." (url="http://"")http://www.ambrosias.....L/001597.html)(/url). I tried emailing David Arthur twice but got no response. So could anyone who has 1.05beta 1 send me the sprites. I will make a simple plug-in for the sprites and post it for all to enjoy. I'm sure there are many people who want to see the confederates flying around with 1.05 style graphics.


Well, I can't help you on that one, so you may wonder why I'm posting.

I'll tell you

Welcome to the boards 😉

Hand me the gun and say that again.

got an answer by looking at the EV 1.00 post David Arthur said sprites were in a fragmented form. I guess his way of saying not available. Which just sucks. I still want to know the story behind their deletion from 1.05 but I guess I'll never know.


I haven't received either of your emails - when did you send them? I've been away a bit in August, and some messages may have gotten lost amongst the vast backlog of junk that piles up (my address hasn't changed in more than six years, so it's on a fair number of mailing lists).

I never heard the inside story on why some of the sprites were changed back in 1.0.5b2, and I now only seem to have the 1.0.5b1 sprites in a fragmented form, mixed up with data from the 1.0.5 final release. In any case, I don't think I should post them publicly, as they are ultimately Ambrosia's property and have never been publicly released.

Of course, there are plenty of other graphics available to use. While the Confederation's ships look nicer in 1.0.5b1 than in any other version, they still don't compare with the alternate versions Matthew Dailey did for the Pale plug-in, or with Captain Skyblade's more recent versions (currently unavailable the last I heard, but they're supposed to be showing up on (url="http://"") any day now).

David Arthur
(url="http://"") MissionComputer and the Talon plug-in
(url="http://"") Now with added forum-y goodness! | (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"")EV Nova Survival Guide(/url)

Thanks for the reply I'm sure I sent one of the emails around 8/6 and other sometime before or after. The emails would be from vitk02. I could try again but the address I sent to is probably right since I used the link on your website. I didnt think about any issues with ownership of the graphics. I guess I could ask someone from ambrosia for permission or atleast a definite no. So if you have any suggestions on whom to ask. I dont understand why the graphics would be locked away since the final release of 1.05.



Originally posted by killak:
Thanks for the reply I'm sure I sent one of the emails around 8/6 and other sometime before or after. The emails would be from vitk02. I could try again but the address I sent to is probably right since I used the link on your website.

Ah, that explains it. Apparently the mail server that handles and is acting up, so that's probably why it didn't get through. I need to take down that address until it gets fixed. I believe the address in my profile on these boards still works.


Originally posted by killak:
I didnt think about any issues with ownership of the graphics. I guess I could ask someone from ambrosia for permission or atleast a definite no. So if you have any suggestions on whom to ask. I dont understand why the graphics would be locked away since the final release of 1.05.

Generally speaking, Ambrosia doesn't keep old beta builds available, but if you want to ask, the person to talk to would be either Andrew Welch (Ambrosia's el Presidente) or EV creator Matt Burch - I'm not sure exactly how the ownership of unreleased resources works in their contract.

David Arthur
(url="http://"") MissionComputer and the Talon plug-in
(url="http://"") Now with added forum-y goodness! | (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"")EV Nova Survival Guide(/url)

I sent an email to Matt Burch but accidently sent it (no subject) so I'll try again if I don't get any response. Would you be willing to send me what you have if I agree not to post or distribute it in any way?
