GS Help

Ok, Im new to the boards so yea. I downloaded GS(Galactic Scourge) and i put the plugins in the plugins folder (all of them). After that the loading made it to the top of the bar on the title and then it shut down. Ther color on the desktop went retarfef and a box came up saying "The Aplication "Escape Velocity" Unexpenctanly Quit" and so on. Im not sure why this is. I tryed removing some of the plugins, such as all of them except for, Galactic Scourge, Display and Graphics. I tryed it again and the same thing happened. I moved some memory to the "Escape Velocity" Icon. Not sure if i did it right, if your could give me and idea of how much i should move or what it should look like that would be apriciated. Right now im running on a PowerPC with mac OS 8.1 if that matters any. If your could suply any help that would be greatly apriciated 🙂
And if i should get a mac emulator for my PC, what one should i get?
Thx Again


If I Can Controll My Actions, Then Why Do They Controll Me

Try giving it even more memory. GS is a hungry little plug. And read the read-me. Did you put in all the cheat plugs that came with it, too?

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Thx, i gave it as much memory as i could and it worked 🙂 and im using all the plugins (except the cheats) not very fond of cheating heh. Thx for the help, i owe ya one.

If I Can Controll My Actions, Then Why Do They Controll Me

As has been the case with every plugin that quits on me during startup, it's a memory problem (as Luke mentioned). I always jack up EV's memory numbers well above the suggested size, especially if you plan on running plugins such as GS or MAGMA.

Joseph Payne - (url="http://"mailto: ")mailto: (/url)

Yea, and it worked. Whats an awsome plugin aside from GS? any sugjestions?

If I Can Controll My Actions, Then Why Do They Controll Me


Originally posted by SoludSnake:
**Yea, and it worked. Whats an awsome plugin aside from GS? any sugjestions?


Pale and MAGMA. Pale is much like GS in what it does to the game (simply adds more to the standard storyline, more governments, weapons etc.), where as MAGMA is a complete replacement plug for EV's standard graphics. Both are quite excellent.

Joseph Payne - (url="http://"mailto: ")mailto: (/url)