EV storys

This is to post storys from your head like a webstory but in non plugin form and you folow rules. It is like events that are withen EVs standerds
No planet can be blown up or any part of it distroyed
No more then 6 escourts
And you start on levo and work your way around.

If you have any Questions please ask (but use these: () so i know you arnt posting a story)

"You can pick your friends, you can pick your nose. But you cant pick your friends nose."- Me
3rrd Party EV Site: (url="http://"http://groups.yahoo.com/group/EscapeVeolcityGroup")http://groups.yahoo....peVeolcityGroup(/url)

Hey, don't we already have something quite similar to this active already? ;)™

Joseph Payne - (url="http://"mailto: joseph.payne@tmgmedia.net ")mailto: joseph.payne@tmgmedia.net (/url) joseph.payne@tmgmedia.net

That is for battles but no one is battleing

"You can pick your friends, you can pick your nose. But you cant pick your friends nose."- Me
3rrd Party EV Site: (url="http://"http://groups.yahoo.com/group/EscapeVeolcityGroup")http://groups.yahoo....peVeolcityGroup(/url)

There may not be in excess of two such stories active at any one time. Levo Spaceport RPG and the Empire Webstory are currently active, so this topic receives a citizen's iLock (if it's ignored, I'll ask Eric to make it permanent if he would be so kind.)


Let him have his little rpg. Every post this guy made on Levo Spaceport was totaly irrelivant to the story line. Who ever joins this rpg (god help them) will in time see this and leave the rpg on their own. Let's watch Ev Storys (stories) wither and die.



Originally posted by Staron_Starwind:
Let him have his little rpg. Every post this guy made on Levo Spaceport was totaly irrelivant to the story line. Who ever joins this rpg (god help them) will in time see this and leave the rpg on their own. Let's watch Ev Storys (stories) wither and die.

No-one will join anyway. The little addition of authority was intended to spare his feelings, to give him an excuse to why it failed.


You notice how this guy even has to bite Tempest's post about no spamming and follow the rules? This dude is pathetic
