My EV Plug

I need someone with some resedit experiances. The positions stand as this:
(2) Coders
(1) Graphics Desinger (there was two but I took the job)
(2) Mission Writers
(2) System Desinger

It will be called 'EV Dreadnaught Wars' There will be a cilvilian Dreadnaught, Rebel and Confed Dreadnaught and a whole new Map. The only way to get the dreadnaught is to do the missions (Not the Alein Missions). Post here to sign up. You post the position you want to be in and your expiriance. It will come as first come first serve. When we get this off the ground we will test it and if it works then you all will be in the credits as creater. and we will email each other

"You can pick your friends, you can pick your nose. But you cant pick your friends nose."- Me

And God have mercy upon our souls.

-Lyat Esponer Corsair