Vote Here For best government (empire)

😛 Like the topic says vote here for what you think is the best government in Empire 2.0

Vote #1: Weave and all their allys

(Sorry for any grammer/spelling mistakes) 😛

"So You are a heartless basterd" -Me
Talon Plug-

Just to be nice and to keep you happy. Ill vote for Weave. 🙂

When playing paintball. Hit someone in the same place for maximum pain.

Weave. Hey, TLP? You ever planning on doing anything in the story? It's started...

(url="http://"")The World According To Students(/url)

Yeah, I find it ironic that he'll talk about Empire here but he won't play it where he's signed up . My vote is Brox. The Avenger is a sweet ship.

The Thunderhead Lance and Ion Cannon: Coming to an outfitter near you!