Anyone seen toffe?

I've been trying to contact toffe, the creator of EV Game Expander, over the past several days. Has anyone seen a trace of him? (Yes, this is EV-related) Anywhere I can check? An IRC channel, Hotline server, whatever?

Mike Lee (Firebird)
Visit Cymltaneous Solutions: (url="http://"")

I haven't seen him in years, I'm afraid.

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Originally posted by Mazca:
I haven't seen him in years, I'm afraid.

Neither have I, not since he was appearing on the old DiscBoards. He was always rather secretive - didn't give out an email address or anything.

David Arthur
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I haven't really talked to him in about 3-4 years, I'm afraid.

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I just thought I would add somthing on. I havn't seen him, ever. Don't slap me 😛

When playing paintball. Hit someone in the same place for maximum pain.


Originally posted by David Arthur:
**Neither have I, not since he was appearing on the old DiscBoards. He was always rather secretive - didn't give out an email address or anything.


Hmm...well, I'm not sure about the e-mail address thing, because I know some people knew it, myself included. He had a primitive website up before, and it was reduced to a one-pager with a short message, and I can still find it; however, it hasn't been updated in years, literally. He also had an ICQ number which I used to contact him with before; haven't seen him there either.

The thing is, after salvaging the contents of my Mac hard drive, I've decided to start up the task he started with finishing EVGE's final update (he gave me what he had so I could write missions for it)...and there are lots of things I wanted to talk to him about; but I guess I might not have too much luck with that.

In that case, I guess I will have to finish the undertaking myself. I've ported it to Override, and I'm thinking about starting some kind of progress log, but then again I've found those kinds of things to be a waste of time. Oh well. Back to work. Sleep can wait... 😉

Mike Lee (Firebird)
Visit Cymltaneous Solutions: (url="http://"")

Sorry Mike, so luck on this front either. Went back through some older crap and can't find an e-mail or any other method of contacting him here. Jericon, CS, or maybe even Skyhawk or Laer might be your best bets.

Pierced In Places You'd Love To Lick: 10 - 8 - 6



Originally posted by forge:
**Sorry Mike, so luck on this front either. Went back through some older crap and can't find an e-mail or any other method of contacting him here. Jericon, CS, or maybe even Skyhawk or Laer might be your best bets.


Well, Jericon and CS I've seen relatively recently, drifting around, but the others seem to have also disappeared into thin air. I think Sky had an account on a while back (what was that anyway?), but I can't find anything even there now.

It'd be nice if Kevin'd start Starlight again and we could relive those old times...

Mike Lee (Firebird)
Visit Cymltaneous Solutions: (url="http://"")