ResEdit help :D

well... i could fly from one commodity exchange to another for some hours to get 10M credits for a kestrel (i did such **** in EVO) but i dont have time and will... 😛 so does anybody know about a documentation to EV about how to "improve" it in resedit? which line change into what? help...

"Space is black, blood
is red...
No mistakes possible!"

To write a plug-in that changes EV, you need to have a few critical resources.

First and foremost, you should read through and familiarize yourself with the (url="http://";=EVBible.sit")EV Bible(/url). The Bible explains all of the fields that can be edited, and gives other such engine information.

Secondly, you should download (url="http://";=ResEdit213.sit.hqx")Res-Edit(/url) and the (url="http://";=ResEditBeginnersGuide.sit.hqx")ResEdit Beginner's Guide(/url). Those should help you get off the ground.

You should also download (url="http://";=EV_Formula_Calc_132.sit")EV Formula Calc(/url) and MissionComputer by David Arthur (an excellent plug-in editor that comes in both (url="http://";=MissionComputer_130_Classic.sit")classic (OS9)(/url) and (url="http://";=MissionComputer_130_Ma850C6.gz")OSX compatible(/url) versions.

General Rak - PowerBroker - (url="http://"")


Originally posted by 1_Al!EN_0:
**... i dont have time and will...

If you're going to cheat, cheat! The easiest way is to go to the "EV add-ons" section of this site a look under "cheats." I believe there are several files there that will do what you want.

If you prefer to create your own cheat, I suggest that the easiest and quickest way to amass obscene amounts of cash is to write or modify a very simple mission to pay out millions and millions of credits. The simplest I have found is a "survey this spob" mission which requires the player only to lift off and land again to get the payment.

Joe Burnette
"I find that humans can be divided into only two meaningful categories: Decent Humans and Sonsofbitches; both types appear to be evenly distributed among all shapes, colors, sizes, and nationalities." -- Keith Laumer

Please note that "Escape Velocity" is best experienced without cheats. Solely should you have completed all missions and thus have experienced "Escape Velocity" in all possible ways, can I see it understandable that you use cheats, otherwise, it's just lame. Plus that I assume the add-ons are fun. I have been unable to try, hence I cannot tell.

Sanity is overrated.

That pretty much sums it up... But you will want to check out the ev (url="http://"")Plug Page(/url) to see if what you intend to make has been done already. This is a very good idea when you just want to make cheat plug ins, because that's what everyone makes the first time around. There are numerous programs out there that are designed for the sole purpose of getting money- I'm assuming thats what you were going to make? Here's a few:

The last one is probabbly the best, I've used it before and its quick, easy and doesn't cause bugs. What more could you ask from a cheat? 😉 Anyway, hope your plug works, in the mean time, use these if you don't feel like making a new one.

PS: A bit of selfless advertising (EVula you taught me everything I know... :p)-

My Cheat plugs-


< Edit> Hmm, we all posted at the same time... i just took too long. All those links... 😉 < /Edit>
"A kind word will get you far, but when accompnied by a Tommy, it'll get you a lot farther." -Al Capone

(This message has been edited by EvilSquirrel (edited 07-27-2002).)

(This message has been edited by EvilSquirrel (edited 07-27-2002).)


kaboomer... it may be lame but :D... im ending up EVO, and im taking all my previous expirience to EV... in EVO i was making millions out of flying around the commodity exchange (more than 500,000 credits from one round) but it took some time which i don't have now 😛 its lame cause i want a kestrel before taking missions... but im only human 😄

edited: "billionare" doesnt work if ud like to know but whatever, i took the two others...
"Space is black, blood
is red...
No mistakes possible!"

(This message has been edited by 1_Al!EN_0 (edited 07-27-2002).)

A good web-based version of the EV Bible can be found (url="http://"")here.(/url)

(url="http://"")EVula,(/url) your friendly (url="http://"")self-promoting(/url) EV & EVO Boards/Addon/Newswire/Chronicles moderator
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