Bug? at Fantrima tunnel

I enter this tunnel(?) and it shows a map of various paths. One of which is named "Fantrima". I get nowhere at this junture, unless I double click just above the name. I then climb the wall until I'm in the shrubery. I can go left, then down until I'm in the next screen. Am I doing something wrong, or am I missing something here. Also, I do I get to that town in the upper left hand corner, Belgian? Oh, how many experience points does it take to pass the swamp ghost task? Those guys in there just kill me, literally.

Thanks for any and all help,


That cave is only useful when you find a second one to travel to.

Gentile or Jew
O you who turn the wheel and look to windward,
(url="http://"http://www.bigfurrydeal.com")Consider(/url) Phlebas, who was once handsome and tall as you.

The first time you go to Berglum you will have to do so on foot. After that you may make use of those cave entrances to move instantly between Fantrima and Berglum. Then, little by little, other entrances will be discovered.
