A few questions...

Hi, I've a few questions...

First of all, I've been helping out the Rebels, and I got a mission to locate a confederate transport, board it and bring back the weapons (I think it was) to Palshife. But I forgot where I was supposed to be looking for it so I cancelled the mission and went to receive it again, but I didn't receive it again! Have I lost the chance to do this? When I went back they already gave me the alien assignment, and I think that's the last one in the string, so does that mean I can't go back and find that transport? I was supposed to get a tractor beam, wasn't I?

Other than this, is there any real purpose to the Turin terraforming project and the Clotho Prime weapon delivery missions? Are they only for money or will something eventually happen? Because I definitely don't need the money and I don't want to do all these shipping assignments if it's just a means of earning some cash.

Erhm, I think that was all. Thanks in advance for anyone who helps out...


  1. You can get the mission you aborted again.
  2. The Clotho weapons missions are just repetitive and get you cash. After the initial mission nothing new happens.
  3. I think the Turin terraforming missions themselves are repetitive like the Clotho missions, but doing them causes a different mission set to become available to you.

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Originally posted by Dror:
When I went back they already gave me the alien assignment, and I think that's the last one in the string, so does that mean I can't go back and find that transport?

The Astrodyne Outpost missions are an offshoot of the Rebel storyline, and can be completed either before or after destroying the alien cruiser.

David Arthur
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Thank you very much!