Best Plug for EV?

whats everybodys opinion on the best EV plug?
what about the best EV cheat plug?

(EV and EVO)


I think we could all agree, and I think I'm correct in this assumption, that this belongs in the EV forum.

Captaintripps: Anti-aging cream to the stars
(url="http://"")VoxHumana(/url) -- Comedy of the Future

Does anybody hear remember the old plug-in James Fond or something. I read about it in an old post can't find on the add-on pages, if you do find it please copy the address down in your response


I do remember that plug being pretty fun in a rather cheap way, but I haven't seen it around for years :redface:.

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(pipeline: he sucks™)

The best plugs that I have played for EV or EVO are the Empire plugs (Empire, Empire 2, Empire 3, Empire of Crime, and one more which I can't remember) which should be available at the addons page. They are for original EV.

You can stab and shoot and spit
But they won't be fixing it

Plugs to enjoy, eh?

Well there is the Empire series:

E2: Dark Horizon
E3: Endgame
E4: Empire of Crime
E5: Heart of Darkness

There are also Clauvis and Beyond, Eye of Orion, EVGE, Galactic Scourge, Pale, New Horizon, the Quantumire Trilogy, Mugabi and Destiny, and Mugabi and Destiny for Her.

(url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)

well the only ones i know off the top of my head is Pale and EVGameExpanderUpdate2 otherwise known as EVGE. both are avalable at the addon page.

Insanity has its advantages

Galactic Scourge is my personal favorite.

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Originally posted by firestorm:
Does anybody hear remember the old plug-in James Fond or something. I read about it in an old post can't find on the add-on pages, if you do find it please copy the address down in your response

Ah, yes. I haven't seen it either. Anyway, I'd say the best plug-in is Pale.

David Arthur
(url="http://"") MissionComputer and the Talon plug-in
(url="http://"") Forums / Classifieds / Upcoming Plug-ins / More

The Empire Series



Mike Lee (Firebird)



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Pale, New Horizons, and Mugabi and Destiny are all good plugs.

God bless,

UE Patriot

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Mess with the US, please.

I'd say the best is Heart of Darkness. Or Magma - its a pity they don't work together.

"Whatever" - me


Originally posted by EVula:



Oh yeah, how can I forget? Of course, Hornet topped them all.

Actually, it was a suprisingly fun plug-in. Now if you added a few more cool weapons into it...

Mike Lee (Firebird)


Originally posted by firestorm:
**Does anybody hear remember the old plug-in James Fond or something. I read about it in an old post can't find on the add-on pages, if you do find it please copy the address down in your response

Try this:


"Your death will be the proof that Horus does not lie."
Roger Zelazny, Creatures of Light and Darkness

(This message has been edited by Phil Barron (edited 05-24-2002).)

NH is real good too. im playing it now for the first time. however it could use some ajusting.

Insanity has its advantages

The Empire series, Pale, EVGE, New Horizons are my favourite plugs. Spent ages on all of them, although New Horizons kind of dissapointed me in the alien strings. The TRDF one is fun, though. And cool weapons. Pale was great plot and battles, Empire has the best combat system around, with lots of weapons and a pretty good storyline, and EVGE just adds a lot more fun to the EV universe.

flargh: slank - you realize, of course, that you've just dragged about 40,000 volts of static electricity off the tip of your vacuum cleaner attachments over your CPU.
-The Construct, Gameranger


Originally posted by Firebird:
**Oh yeah, how can I forget? Of course, Hornet topped them all.

Actually, it was a suprisingly fun plug-in. Now if you added a few more cool weapons into it...**

Yeah, all I had to do was add a few more weapons and fix all the bugs. 😉

Perhaps I should update it to 1.5... I recently found all my old EV work (my 3 or so incomplete plugins that I worked on), so it wouldn't be too hard to do...

(url="http://"")EVula,(/url) your friendly (url="http://"")self-promoting(/url) EV & EVO Boards/Addon/Newswire/Chronicles moderator
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I'd definately say that Empire 5: Heart of Darkness is the best EV plug I've played so far, even though I can't dominate Sauron to finish the Weave string. Great fun, and the ships are brilliant. I'm going to try some others, but they'd have to be bleedin' brilliant to better E5. I'd recommend it to anyone.

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