What does everybody here think about Corvettes?
- Hated by all Confed Systems
Nice fast, manoeuvrable, enough power to shoot down anything. Just be careful about your shields, since they are in between those of a fighter and a Kestrel.
It is one of my favourite ship.
Mes plus sincčres Salutations ŕ la Vie,
Reine de ce Monde.
They are pretty nice, although I always find their shields are a bit too weak to be an excellent ship. If you sell the rocket launcher and ammo, you will gain a lot of free space for proton turrets/cannons.
(url="http://"http://www.mazca.com/")Mazca(/url) , Moderator, EV Developer's Corner
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Well, The shields are a bit to low to start, but some sheild boosters can make up for that. Good firepower, worse than the kestrel but not overpriced.
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The corvette is my ship of choice after the Rebel Destroyer, but it's sheilding is a bit weak, and sheild capacitors don't solve the problem. 1.5 units of sheilds won't go very far (it says 15 terrawats on the outfitters description, but if you looked in Res Edit, you'll find that shield and armour units are divided by ten to get the actual value). I find a Hawk bay or a layer of Tritanium gives the corvette the extra power needed when push comes to shove.
The Corvette is my favourite high-power ship in Escape Velocity.
David Arthur
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its a great ship but i never use it due to the same reasons everyone else had stated. i always wait for the Kestrel.
Insanity has its advantages
The Corvette is fast, agile, heavy hitting, highly protected: a great ship. However, there are better. I usually get one before getting a Kestrel or government ship.
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I find the corvette fast and manouvreable, but there just isn't enough firepower. But then again, It costs a fraction of the amount they charge for a Kestrel, and you might just have enough money to upgrade it immediately. I get one of them corvettes after getting the money in a scoutship.
"I'll be back..."
The corvette I think is nice. In fact, in my first time playing EV, What I did was nothing but missions from the mission computers in order to save up for a corvette. When I got it, I loved it and started to Dominate planets. I'd say its perfect for taking care of other ships but don't overdue it...Shields are definitely not an advantage.
The Flash>>>>>
I actually prefer the Corvette over the Kestrel because of its speed and maneuverability. I don't care about shields because I usually fight with them down anyway (that is, I don't care about getting hit until my shield bar gets hash marks all over it).
And no, don't tell me the Corvette has less armor than a Kestrel, because I know that already.
Mike Lee (Firebird)
I value speed and maneuverability above all else. From that perspective the 'Vette is the second-best ship in EV. The Rebel Destroyer being the only one better.
- KK
Courage stands halfway between cowardice and rashness, one of which is a lack, the other an excess of courage." ... Plutarch
Corvettes rock, although I always replace it with a Rebel Destroyer when I can. Perfect for use in the alien missions.
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