Help! Running EV on a mac emulator....

Hi - I'm a windows user and I want to play ev - i have a mac emulator (executor) and i have extracted the escape file from the .bin....problem is if i try to double click on it, it opens up in tex-editor....any ideas(besides bying a mac)? I'm desperate to play!


Alright trash all of your executor junk and use Warbeast's site on how to emulate a mac with BasiliskII. (url="http://"")http://www.geocities...mulateamac.html(/url)


My solution:

"Only fools have no


Originally posted by Wynar:
**My solution:


You're really helpful, aren't you?

(url="http://"")Mazca(/url) , Moderator, EV Developer's Corner
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If you're willing to wait a while, you should be advised of the following facts:

  • EV Nova (the third game in the Escape Velocity series) is being ported to Windows.
  • The scenario for the original Escape Velocity is being ported to the EV Nova engine.

Therefore, at some point you should be able to play the Escape Velocity scenario natively on Windows.

David Arthur
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