mass driver

does anybody actually use the mass driver? it's only on like 1 planet and i've never used it or heard anything about it

The answer is forty-two
Holy Flerking Shnit!

The Mass Driver is great in EV Game Expander; I can't remember the last time I used it with the stock scenario, though.

Edit: Yeah, I meant to say great. D'oh.

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(This message has been edited by EVula (edited 06-01-2002).)

The Mass Driver is essentially useless in the stock game.

I think EVula meant 'great'.

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Actually, I've had some pleasant memories of my mass driver (no, not those, you sick perverted psycho). Before I got the latest update, if you bought a mass driver, took off, selected it, fired it, landed, sold it, took off, and fired it again, i would be like 50 mass drivers. It also worked very well with the neutron blaster.

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Originally posted by -esw-dragoon_77:
**Actually, I've had some pleasant memories of my mass driver (no, not those, you sick perverted psycho). Before I got the latest update, if you bought a mass driver, took off, selected it, fired it, landed, sold it, took off, and fired it again, i would be like 50 mass drivers. It also worked very well with the neutron blaster.

That is a bug that has been fixed in 1.0.5.

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Don't care for the mass driver (but love it in "Galactic Scourge"). It's a waste of space in the normal game, just like the neutron blaster.

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"Everything we know tells us that machines are structures intelligence designs, and that accidents destroy. Therefore, accidents do not design machines. Intellect does. And the myriad of biological wonders that sprinkle our world testify to the design ingenuity of a Supreme Intellect." -Robert Gange, Origins of Destiny

so what exactly is galactic scourge

The answer is forty-two
Holy Flerking Shnit!

Its plug-in you can get at Ambrosia's Escape Velocity add-ons webpage.


I didn't find the mass driver all that exciting in GS, apart from the fact it has only 15 tons of mass. Best thing to buy in GS is a Hawk Bay, six hawks for 50 tons! or a Defender Bay which is eight defenders for 40 tons. The mass turret was neat, but the neutron turret was better since most ships have more sheilds than armor, shame you have to be a 'fed to get it. The tri-proton cannon has to be one of the best weapons in GS though, although I did increase the maximum limit so I could install a few more on my Rebel Destroyer :D.

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