i need help

ok here is the story,
i blew the crap out of alot of confeddies and now im on the most wanted list, how do i get off of it?



Originally posted by travis b:
**ok here is the story,
i blew the crap out of alot of confeddies and now im on the most wanted list, how do i get off of it?

Stay in space where people like you. As long as the 'feds were the only ones you were attaking, the Rebels sould like you. Just stay in Rebel space and kill lots of pirates.

Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.
(url="http://"http://www.homestead.com/lukenj/index.html")"It's spelled Luke, but it's pronounced 'Qkrnxtl.'"(/url)



Try getting to a pirate starport (provided you haven't already ticked them off), and purchase a Fake ID. It should clear your record for the Confederate systems.


Originally posted by Captain Z (account prob):
Try getting to a pirate starport (provided you haven't already ticked them off), and purchase a Fake ID. It should clear your record for the Confederate systems.

Fake IDs cost $2 million and are only available at the "south-eastern" pirate station.

Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.
(url="http://"http://www.homestead.com/lukenj/index.html")"It's spelled Luke, but it's pronounced 'Qkrnxtl.'"(/url)

Just to let you know, being a rebel kicks butt.There are much for civilian fed ships out there to plunder and destroy.Plus rebels have the best ships and outfits avaliable.For real man weapons here is the list .
Tracter Beam - Rebel Only- Pirate a Confed ship when asked to
Particle Beam -Confed Only- Take out reb prototype ship once fully armed
Cloaking Device -Rebel Only- Insert operatives on Luna
Access to military ships -Rebel or Confed- defeat the aliens

See what i mean the rebels have the better part of it.They got better weapons and they have better military ships.And to tell you the truth the particle beam really sucks and takes out your fuel.But so does the Cloak but its usefull 🙂


Acutally, I'm not too sure about the fighters, but the Confed Destroyer has higher stats than the Rebel Destroyer and the Confed Cruiser has the highest stats in the game... Sure, the Rebel Cruisers drop it's force of Manta fighters more quickly than you can say "I would if I could, but I can't so I won't"... but those Manta fighters are quickly taken care of. The Mass Driver equiped on Rebel Cruisers is less powerful than the Neutron Cannon equiped on the Confed Cruiser... though the range is better. Overall... Rebels are more useful in hit & runs while Confed ships are designed for maximum kills in the shortest amount of time. Also, the Manta is more powerful than the Confed Patrol Ship... but the Gunboat would rock it in a 1 on 1.

The Particle Beam is useful if you combine it with other weapons... use this sparingly.
Tractor Beam is pretty useful for drawing your enemy into you're weapons-fire.
Cloaking Device is good for getting from 1 rebel system to another if you have to cross through Confed space... Also to avoid those Cruisers in the Capella system so you can get the big moola from the Luxury Liners and Exec Transports.

This info comes from using Res Edit alot 🙂

Life is a waste of time and time is a waste of life... So get wasted all of the time and have the time of your life!


Originally posted by Maniac Angel Raptor:
**Acutally, I'm not too sure about the fighters, but the Confed Destroyer has higher stats than the Rebel Destroyer and the Confed Cruiser has the highest stats in the game... Sure, the Rebel Cruisers drop it's force of Manta fighters more quickly than you can say "I would if I could, but I can't so I won't"... but those Manta fighters are quickly taken care of. The Mass Driver equiped on Rebel Cruisers is less powerful than the Neutron Cannon equiped on the Confed Cruiser... though the range is better. Overall... Rebels are more useful in hit & runs while Confed ships are designed for maximum kills in the shortest amount of time. Also, the Manta is more powerful than the Confed Patrol Ship... but the Gunboat would rock it in a 1 on 1.


1. a rebel cruiser does not have a mass driver unless its up graded and has a name like: R.S.S. <insert word here>
2. ive seen the manta take out a gunboat befor.
3. the confeds dont have a destroyer. they have a Frigate with 50 more shields but less firepower than a rebel destroyer
4. manta:speed 425-weap.3 swivel laser cannons 1 misslerack 1 missle-shield 20 patrol ship: speed 350-weap. 4 proton cannons 1 missle rack 2 missles-shield 20
result: who fires first same with gunboat.

/me predicts this will turn into one of those which is better threads.

Insanity has its advantages

To get back with the confeds follow these steps
1. Get a strong and heivelie armed ship
2. Shoot all rebels and pirates you see until you are of most wanted.

It should be noted that if you want to compare the stats between the Rebel and Confederate ships, you should check out the (url="http://"http://www.evula.com/survival_guide/")EV Survival Guide.(/url) 🙂

(url="http://"http://www.evula.com/")EVula,(/url) your friendly (url="http://"http://www.evula.com/")self-promoting(/url) EV & EVO Boards/Addon/Newswire/Chronicles moderator
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all, or almost all the ships in my game has suddenly turned into argosies. i'm on cygnus alliance plug-in. ships still show up as their real shape in the controls, though.
what is happening?


Originally posted by PEPPER DAN:
all, or almost all the ships in my game has suddenly turned into argosies. i'm on cygnus alliance plug-in. ships still show up as their real shape in the controls, though.
what is happening?

Your memory is too low. Increase the memory partition alloted to EV by about 15 megs and you should be fine.

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams; live the life you've imagined!"
Controller, (url="http://"http://saberstudios.evula.net/evwebstory")EVW(/url): (url="http://"http://www.avidgamers.com/rsia")Republican Security & Intelligence Agency(/url) - (url="http://"http://saberstudios.evula.net/evwebstory")EVW Website (Out Dated)(/url)
Military Technology: (url="http://"http://www.army-technology.com/")Army(/url) - (url="http://"http://www.chinfo.navy.mil/navpalib/factfile/ffiletop.html")Navy(/url) - (url="http://"http://www.af.mil/news/indexpages/fs_index.shtml")Air Force(/url) - (url="http://"http://www.firstgov.gov/topics/defense.html?ssid=1008272825086275_172")Defense Links(/url)
(url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/webboard/Forum6/HTML/002256.html")EV: Webstory(/url) Confederate Prime Minister : (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/webboard/Forum6/HTML/002256.html")EVW Webstory(/url) - (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/webboard/Forum6/HTML/002257.html") EVW Discussion(/url)


Originally posted by U.E. Admiral:
**2. ive seen the manta take out a gunboat befor.

I second that... It was unheard of in version 1.0 to 1.3, but I see Mantas destroying Gunboats (or better known as "Junkboats") quite frequently in the latest version. Speed and agility often pays off.

Resistance is futile. Join the alliance.
(url="http://"http://www.evula.com")evula.com(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.evula.net")evula.net(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.ev-nova.net")ev-nova.net(/url) | (url="http://"http://saberstudios.evula.net")saberstudios(/url)
"Everything we know tells us that machines are structures intelligence designs, and that accidents destroy. Therefore, accidents do not design machines. Intellect does. And the myriad of biological wonders that sprinkle our world testify to the design ingenuity of a Supreme Intellect." -Robert Gange, Origins of Destiny

(quote)Originally posted by EVula:
**It should be noted that if you want to compare the stats between the Rebel and Confederate ships, you should check out the EV Survival Guide.:p

Never try to meditate on ecstasy.-Me
If someone with Multiple Personality Disorder kills himself, is it Suicide or Homicide?- me again
|(url="http://"http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/thepalshiferebelhideout")The Palshife Rebel Hideout(/url)|(url="http://"http://www.EVula.com")EVula's Lair(/url)|(url="http://"http://groups.yahoo.com/group/EVPlayers/")EVPlayers(/url)|(url="http://"http://www.geocities.com/sim_sk8ersan")Escape Velocity: Rebel's Base(/url)|(url="http://"http://library.thinkquest.org/CR0210243")Our classes thinkquest site.(/url)

I had six rebel cruiser's as Escorts and attacked earth :eek: those fed's have unlimited Patrol ships. I had 37 ships in that battle and was fighting for and hour (or more). The fed's, even with cheap Weapons, they make up with numbers. Can earth be Conquered 🆒


Originally posted by Captain Skyblade:
**I second that... It was unheard of in version 1.0 to 1.3, but I see Mantas destroying Gunboats (or better known as "Junkboats") quite frequently in the latest version. Speed and agility often pays off.


thank you for your support. 🙂

Insanity has its advantages


Originally posted by rebel officer:
Can earth be Conquered

Yes - but it takes a long time.

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams; live the life you've imagined!"
Military Technology: (url="http://"http://www.army-technology.com/")Army(/url) - (url="http://"http://www.chinfo.navy.mil/navpalib/factfile/ffiletop.html")Navy(/url) - (url="http://"http://www.af.mil/news/indexpages/fs_index.shtml")Air Force(/url) - (url="http://"http://www.firstgov.gov/topics/defense.html?ssid=1008272825086275_172")Defense Links(/url)
Event Horizon: (url="http://"http://homepage.mac.com/marshalfak/")Rauther Power Industries Inc.(/url) - (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/webboard/Forum26/HTML/005165.html")Event Horizon Sign-Up(/url)
Macavenger's EV Webstory: (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/webboard/Forum6/HTML/002267.html")Sign-Up Thread(/url)


Originally posted by travis b:
**ok here is the story,
i blew the crap out of alot of confeddies and now im on the most wanted list, how do i get off of it?


Get a mission to destroy some pirates, so there are pirates in every jump. Go to where you are most wanted and destroy the pirates. You should drop to clean very quickly.

"I see," says the blind man while pissing into the wind, "it's all coming back to me now."
-Ultimate Rebel

I think hireing six light transports and running a trade route to get the needed 2million credits for a fake ID would take less time than blowing up pirate argosies (It takes a LOT of argosies to get rid of a most wanted rating). You could always dominate all the confed planets, but that would take about a week (anybody with that much spare time on their hands should get out more :p).

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