What are the critters?

Ok, minor complaint here. In the Learning Tree, there is a person with knowledge of
beasts and other critters that inhabit the land. But where do we learn what their names
are, so we can ask her about them?

Goblins and kobolds, no problem. Everyone in the game talks about them. But what about
the little runts that throw stones? Or the big dragon-like critters? Or the red/black

I guess my beef is that if there is a way to ask a person about the critters to gain
info about them, and if you have to do so by name, then there needs to be a way to find
out what the name of the critter is. Or, am I missing something?


Shoot 'em with everything you've got. If anything still lives, shoot 'em again.


Originally posted by Stark Bledfast:
**But what about the little runts that throw stones?


They're kobolds.

I never knew it would be so difficult to think of a good signature.

The Menagerie as far as I know: (major spoilers below)

Goblins: punks in steel armor that can barely hurt you
Kobolds: short little dudes who are similarly ineffective
Rockspiders: The ground spiders you find scattered around. Not terribly exciting.
Molespiders: Nasty spiders
Mindeaters: blue guys who want to suck your blood
?: Second level mindeaters with 'fros
Trolls: Black guys with daggers. They're kinda nasty.
Dragons?: Orange, and annoying
Cyclops: Red, brutish, and not pleasant. They're about 3x your height.
Zombies: white, skeletonish, and they want your body. Watch out.
Revenants: nastier zombies, a darker shade of skin.
Ogres: big, loud, with huge weapons. Easy to kill though.
Death knights: Darth Vader, except their sword is the size of you and glows. Don't mess with these guys.
Earth golems: They look like they're made of stone. Very icky.
Manticores: red gargoyles. Vicious in packs.
Blue dragons: a nastier strain of dragon.
Dark spirits: blue floaty guys who will make mincemeat out of your new suit.
Scurryish thingies: brown, short, found in most caves. A problem in numbers.
Albino freaks?: Greyish clear, taller than you, and wussy. A club.
Liliths: devil bitches, look sorta like Xena.
Minotaurs: Twice your height, dark brown/black stripes, and a scythe bigger than you.
Termites, white: wussy, but annoying. They're long and squusshy.
Termites, red. Duh.
Thivoks: green centaurish beasts.
Oakwasp: buzzy giant mosquitos.
Sea giants: Big, and nasty. Don't mess with these guys.
Head Sea Giant: See above, but nastier.
Grey mages: cloaked, emit glowy thingies.
Blue mages: cloaked, emit green thingies.
Red mages: cloaked, emit red fireballs.
Thief: Black cloak, low face.
Red thief: Red cloak, throws stuff.
The Guardian: Three times taller than you, glowing red eyeballs, two jagged swords, and the ability to thrown lightning. It's hard to miss him.

That's all the stuff I remember off hand.

Gentile or Jew
O you who turn the wheel and look to windward,
(url="http://"http://www.bigfurrydeal.com")Consider(/url) Phlebas, who was once handsome and tall as you.

Thank you for the listing of the npcs. However, my question still remains. If one
of the purposes for the learning tree is to dole out information regarding the various
creatures in the land, should there not be a way in the game to find out what they are
all called? If you found the names of them in the game, where did you find them?

I guess I'm wondering if something was left out. Ie, after the tree was constucted
someone felt it would be a nice addition to have someone give out info on all the
creatures of the land. And since the coders know all their names, they didn't realize
that the rest of us wouldn't know them. Or perhaps I'm overlooking something, or making
too big of a deal about it.

Shoot 'em with everything you've got. If anything still lives, shoot 'em again.