New Plug-In idea... Take a look!

Hi, I'm working on a new Plug-In wich I intend to be available in both EV and EVO format... The plug-in will be for the Wing Commander universe! That's right, there will be aproximately 685 star systems with even more planets, stations and moons! I'd like to lighten the burden on myself though since I am currently alone on this project. All information will be supplied to those who apply to help me...

These are the things I would like people to apply for:
-Graphics (I would prefer not to re-use anything from other plug-ins, EV or EVO)
-Sounds (same note as for graphics)
-Spobs (those of you who arn't familiar with ResEdit terms, this means planets, stations and other such things)

Everyone who helps will be mentioned in the credits of this plug-in and will have a ship of their own in the game (your choice) just like the EV people!

Also, Ideas are always welcomed, and YES I am using the Map given by Wing Commander Prophecy for the creation of my galaxy! The story of my plug-in will try to encompass the whole series from Wing Commander to Wing Commander: Secret Ops... that will include Privateer 1 but not Privateer 2, WC: Armada or WC: Academy!

Any more info needed? Just e-mail and find out, I will be adding a new section to my personal webpage dedicated to this plug-in including what is done and what's planned next... though that update to my page may take a few days.

My e-mail is,
My web page is (url="http://"") (currently nothing about EV on it)

Maniac Angel Raptor

Life is a waste of time and time is a waste of life... So get wasted all of the time and have the time of your life!

Be sure to tell me when you finish

Dragon's Eye


Originally posted by Maniac Angel Raptor:
**Hi, I'm working on a new Plug-In wich I intend to be available in both EV and EVO format... The plug-in will be for the Wing Commander universe! That's right, there will be aproximately 685 star systems with even more planets, stations and moons! I'd like to lighten the burden on myself though since I am currently alone on this project. All information will be supplied to those who apply to help me...

These are the things I would like people to apply for:
-Graphics (I would prefer not to re-use anything from other plug-ins, EV or EVO)
-Sounds (same note as for graphics)
-Spobs (those of you who arn't familiar with ResEdit terms, this means planets, stations and other such things)

Everyone who helps will be mentioned in the credits of this plug-in and will have a ship of their own in the game (your choice) just like the EV people!

Also, Ideas are always welcomed, and YES I am using the Map given by Wing Commander Prophecy for the creation of my galaxy! The story of my plug-in will try to encompass the whole series from Wing Commander to Wing Commander: Secret Ops... that will include Privateer 1 but not Privateer 2, WC: Armada or WC: Academy!

Any more info needed? Just e-mail and find out, I will be adding a new section to my personal webpage dedicated to this plug-in including what is done and what's planned next... though that update to my page may take a few days.

My e-mail is,
My web page is (currently nothing about EV on it)

Maniac Angel Raptor

can you make one where there is a star in every system that goes nova unexpetedly and the system is now an uninhabbited system?


(This message has been edited by travis b (edited 04-27-2002).)

Post these kind of things at the (url="http://";=9&SUBMIT;=Go")Escape Velocity Dev Board,(/url) please.

Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.
(url="http://"")"It's spelled Luke, but it's pronounced 'Qkrnxtl.'"(/url)

(This message has been edited by Luke (edited 04-27-2002).)


Originally posted by Luke:
**Post these kind of things at the Escape Velocity Dev Board, please.

Indeed, that's where this should be, so iMove.

Just for the record, if you want more people to know about your plugin, you should head over to the (url="http://"")Upcoming Plugins Directory(/url) and submit it.

(url="http://"")EVula,(/url) your friendly (url="http://"")self-promoting(/url) EV & EVO Boards/Addon/Newswire/Chronicles moderator
(url="http://"") | (url="http://"") | (url="http://"")
(url="http://"") | (url="http://"") | (url="http://"") | (url="http://"") | (url="http://"")