Need a little helps here...

Hi, my stuff-it expander is really screwed up right now... I've downloaded multiple versions of it and each has the same problem. I can't fix it yet, but I do believe a nice cleaning up of my drive would work... but I don't have the time yet. In any case, my problem is that it won't unpack some of the plug-ins and utilities correctly... or at all sometimes!

I would like to know if anyone could get me the folowing plug-ins in a format that is compatible with another free expander, (please name the expander and give a link so I can get it)
-EV Game Expander 1.0u2
-Babylon 5

and also the following EVOverride plug-in,

Unfortunately the internet is only installed on my IBM machine so if it is possible to download a non-compressed mac file onto an IBM hard drive then I would prefer the plug-ins not be compressed... if you're not sure about this though, don't do that because I'm not interested in downloading something that might not work. (I have a mac emulator on my IBM so I can move the file onto that from the hard drive and then on to the mac-formatted zip disk, no other way unfortunately)

Thank you for your time.

my e-mail for easy-reference is

Life is a waste of time and time is a waste of life... So get wasted all of the time and have the time of your life!

I had the same problem, I never did get any of the newer plugs to work. Most of the older plugs worked fine for me though.


If you have an actual real mac it is possible to DL the file to your Windoze comp, copy it on to a windoze formatted ZIP, and if your ZIP is SCSI, just plug it into your mac. You should be able to copy it straight from the PC ZIP to your Mac HD because of the traslation software already in the Mac OS. I did this when I trasfered EV Nova from a school PC to my own home Mac.

Out ride the sons of Terra,
Far dirves the thundering jet,
Up leaps the race of Earthmen,
Out, far, and onward yet - Robert A. Heinlein, The Green Hills of Earth

(This message has been edited by Vice Admiral Ipvicus (edited 04-23-2002).)

The problem isn't in the transfering... it's in the actual unstuffing of those files. I can't even unstuff EV Enabler and Babylon 5 plug-ins when I USED to be able. The Developer's Map one unstuffs everything EXCEPT the program file(s) itself and it tells me that the newest EVO Babylon 5 plug-in is corrupted... yet I downloaded it from AmbrosiaSW twice.

It unstuffs the older Babylon 5 EVO plug-in just fine, it also unstuffed ResEdit and both Escape Velocity and EVO without any difficulty... And that's still the case now.

Life is a waste of time and time is a waste of life... So get wasted all of the time and have the time of your life!

Someone download them, unstuff them, zip/binhex/tar them, and email them to him. I'd do it if I weren't
1. lazy and
2. in school.

If at first you don't succeed, use more duct tape.