Trade Routes

What are the best trade routes in EV....I think Im gonna take the boring role and become a life-time trader 🙂


Well, I don't want to make it too easy on you... but I'll give you a little info on what I believe to be the best route in EV. I have yet to find a route which yields a higher profit/day (which is the important figure to note, since you'll probably be paying escorts every day). It involves selling medical supplies on Spica, and buying something else (equipment maybe) to sell at the other stop on the route. The route will only involve 2 or 3 jumps, and you only move between Spica and one other location. I will leave a little exploring for you to do.

One thing that's nice about this route is that when the prices on items change due to oops events, it's pretty easy to modify the route to keep it profitable (although not as profitable as it would normally be) until prices correct.

If I'm remembering correctly, there is another route which is pretty good (but doesn't have quite as high profit/day) around Pegasus. Good luck with your trading empire.


Who you callin' "newbie?" I've been posting since (url="http://"")

Hello fellow San Diegian. How 'bout them chargers?

I didn't know anybody else in this city played EV. I was beginning to think I was human kind's last hope here.


"I live my life a quarter-mile at a time." - Dominic Toretto, The Fast And The Furious


Originally posted by Low-Key:
**Hello fellow San Diegian. How 'bout them chargers?

I didn't know anybody else in this city played EV. I was beginning to think I was human kind's last hope here.


Hey, Low-Key. Chargers in 2003! Heh, or not.

Yeah, I guess there are multiple people here who play EV. But aside from a friend of mine that I introduced to it, you're the first I've met. However, I've been taking steps to get more people interested in EVN... setting the homepage of the iMacs at the Fashion Valley Apple Store to AmbrosiaSW and that sort of thing. So we may see more San Diegans here eventually...

Drop me a line sometime if you want, and we can continue this conversation without using up board space:


Who you callin' "newbie?" I've been posting since (url="http://"")


Originally posted by Paradigm:
Yeah, I guess there are multiple people here who play EV. But aside from a friend of mine that I introduced to it, you're the first I've met.

Tennessee, oddly enough, is a relative hotbed for EV enthusiasts. Other than myself and my girlfriend (Proverbial Friday here on the boards), there was Peng Liu (I think I spelled his name correctly... he left a long time ago), Janus/Chad and Logic/(whatever his name was), Captain Skyblade, and Shadow Leopard (just one of her many handles).


Originally posted by Paradigm:
However, I've been taking steps to get more people interested in EVN... setting the homepage of the iMacs at the Fashion Valley Apple Store to AmbrosiaSW and that sort of thing. So we may see more San Diegans here eventually...

Heh, I've set the computers at CompUSA to (url="http://"")my website(/url) before... all well and fine until I got an email from the manager, asking me to stop. Oh well, I still do it every once and a while... no big deal as long as I don't set it to be the homepage. 🙂

(url="http://"")EVula,(/url) your friendly (url="http://"")self-promoting(/url) EV & EVO Boards/Addon/Newswire/Chronicles moderator
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Originally posted by EVula:
Peng Liu (I think I spelled his name correctly... he left a long time ago)

The Galactic Alliance fellow? I think that's the right spelling.

David Arthur
(url="http://"") MissionComputer and the Talon plug-in for the original Escape Velocity
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Originally posted by EVula:
**Heh, I've set the computers at CompUSA to my website before... all well and fine until I got an email from the manager, asking me to stop. Oh well, I still do it every once and a while... no big deal as long as I don't set it to be the homepage.:)

Heh, that's a good point. Maybe I shouldn't set it to the homepage - or else Ambrosia may start to receive unhappy emails from the Apple Store. I guess I'll have to restrain myself to bookmarking it from now on.

That must have been an amusing email to get, though...


Who you callin' "newbie?" I've been posting since (url="http://"")

Oh, and since we've now gone several posts without addressing the topic here, I'll put forth another route for you, asher. Some people like to trade Lux Goods around Procyon. I don't remember all the steps off the top of my head, but you can make a pretty good profit running between four locations (I think) with one point of the rectangle being Procyon.

Anyone have any other ideas?

Who you callin' "newbie?" I've been posting since (url="http://"")

I never was a real trading buff in EV so I'm not very familiar with the routes present there. The best thing I've found to do is to locate planets with extremities. (Not junks) such as Torgo and their medical supply problem. Then explore the surrounding systems and gather a price list. Find the most profitable 2-way route. If you really want to, you can explore other systems in the area and set up a 4 or 5 leg trade route to make more money.

Then, you can install EVGE. Head for the Orion Union, fill your fleet with their bulk freighters, and make the trading run that's just south of the capitol. You'll know it when you see it. With half a dozen orion freighters, you'll have a microsoft-sized bank account within 30 minutes.


"I live my life a quarter-mile at a time." - Dominic Toretto, The Fast And The Furious

Yeah, junk really lived up to its name in EV. I don't remember any of it costing more than the standard commodities, and some of them were only about 10 credits a piece. Ah, the booming t-shirt industry.


**Then, you can install EVGE. Head for the Orion Union, fill your fleet with their bulk freighters, and make the trading run that's just south of the capitol. You'll know it when you see it. With half a dozen orion freighters, you'll have a microsoft-sized bank account within 30 minutes.

Yeah, the Orion Union is just sick.

Who you callin' "newbie?" I've been posting since (url="http://"")


Originally posted by EVula:
**Heh, I've set the computers at CompUSA to my website before... all well and fine until I got an email from the manager, asking me to stop. Oh well, I still do it every once and a while... no big deal as long as I don't set it to be the homepage.:)


Ahh. More of the famous shameless advertisement. 😄

Bah! Spica! I stick around Sol and other Fed planets while trading. Too many pirates far out.

Yeah, I'm back.


Originally posted by Mr. Moose:
Bah! Spica! I stick around Sol and other Fed planets while trading. Too many pirates far out.

Heh, well they certainly keep it interesting. Actually, though, the pirates aren't too much trouble if you have a quick ship and leave most of the serious hauling to your escorts. Liberal use of your burners is mandatory, of course.


(edit)removal of lame typo(/edit)
Who you callin' "newbie?" I've been posting since (url="http://"")

(This message has been edited by Paradigm (edited 03-29-2002).)


Originally posted by Paradigm:
quick ship

Oh... 😉

Yeah, I'm back.