Is there a hyper buster for EV?

I really like the hyper buster for EVO, a plug that skips the windup when changing systems. Is there a similair plug for EV? Thanks


Sure, just change the creator codes for the plugin and it'll work for EV, I'm pretty sure. 🙂

(url="http://"")EVula,(/url) your friendly (url="http://"")self-promoting(/url) EV & EVO Boards/Addon/Newswire/Chronicles moderator
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Originally posted by EVula:
**Sure, just change the creator codes for the plugin and it'll work for EV, I'm pretty sure.:)

Hmm. Would you care to expand or expound on how I could do that. I don't know how to change creator codes. Thanks.



Originally posted by Denizen:
Hmm. Would you care to expand or expound on how I could do that. I don't know how to change creator codes.

You can do it using ResEdit's Get File/Folder Info command, or by dropping the plug-in file onto (url="http://"")this (unsupported) application(/url), which toggles the plug-in's creator and type codes between Escape Velocity and EV Override.

David Arthur
(url="http://"") MissionComputer and the Talon plug-in for the original Escape Velocity

There are also applications out there that will do this for you, like Attributes or File Chamaeleon. You can just look up the codes for each type of plug-in, and change accordingly.

In any case, I finally recovered my old Mac's hard drive, so I'll upload Lightning Jump for EV and EVO as soon as I can. If I remember to do it, you might be able to get it from the add-ons page by the time you read this post (key word being "might").

Mike Lee (Firebird)

Lightning Jump is in the EV add ons section, if that's what you mean by no hyperjump windup.

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ignorance is blister

Well, I tried changing the creator and type codes on Hyperbuster and that didn't work, but I appreciate the help, and I learned something, too.
I'll check out Lightning Jump. Thanks for the tip.
I'm surprised there's not more interest in avoiding those long transitions during the hyperjump. I don't think I'd play EVO without Hyperbuster, and I'm not that impatient a person.


well I dont know. Do what they sayed. also WELCOME TO THE BOARDS. I on behalf of all the NON-newbe(new members not to get confused with...) welcome you

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Originally posted by Denizen:
I'm surprised there's not more interest in avoiding those long transitions during the hyperjump. I don't think I'd play EVO without Hyperbuster, and I'm not that impatient a person.

Since a lack of windup means AI ships have less of an opportunity to fire at you, some people view it as borderline cheating to shorten the jump time.

David Arthur
(url="http://"") MissionComputer and the Talon plug-in for the original Escape Velocity
New MissionComputer 1.3.0 Features Escape Velocity Support

Yes, I agree. I only use the plug-in when testing or to cheat to get back to the state some pilot file I messed up was in. When seriously playing a plug-in (or the game itself), I never have it in my plug-ins folder.

Mike Lee (Firebird)