Pirate mission help request

I'm on the mission where you go down to their home world and fight their fleet..........the one the guy named lucas gives you. sorry I dont have more details forgot the systems and everything lol. I have an escourt of three corvettes and two raipers. but the pirate fleet is huge they tear me up everytime and destroy my escourts.........which i have become attached to through the game lol. any help would be great thanks.


Hehe. That's a hard one. Get a fast ship and take down the Lightnings one by one using the Monty Python manouver, then lure single Kestrels away from the pack and take them down one after another. (Or hope for some big Cruiser përs to arrive and do the job for you.)

Eat, sleep, eat, sleep

This mission always bugged me. The support fleet provided to you by UGE(or is it ConEx?) is woefully inadequate, and the sheer number of Kestrels and Lightnings presents you wit overwhelming odds. As Clueless said, you have to use the monty python maneuver to kill off the Lightnings, then take out the Kestrels individually.

If you have that much trouble, you can try capturing individual Lightnings throughout the battle for a little extra support.

Have you seen me?

Don't missions like this really piss you off? I mean it's like "We need to make a hard mission, pile a bunch of ships in." Still, it's a relief when that last kestrel goes up in smoke... 🙂

Monty python gets boring after a while... hell, pretty much straight away...


"How can I make it go faster?" -Me-

Also If you can afford, land on the planet and get more escourts (Krestals<sp> ). When you are in trouble try to land and replenish your weapon supply and shield. Good luck, you'll need it! 😉

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(quote)Originally posted by Azdara:
**Still, it's a relief when that last kestrel goes up in smoke...:D

Eat, sleep, eat, sleep

Thanks guys, I think ill nuy a few dosen space bombs though and take out lightingsa with them heh. Its my 7th time to try i dont have the cash to hire more than two kastrels i only got two million. so i guess ill just buy a whole lot of missels.



Originally posted by Karshaddii:
Its my 7th time to try

Hehe. I needed more tries to make it throught that one 😛

Eat, sleep, eat, sleep

Something else to do, in combination with the Monty Python maneuver, is to use heavy rockets on the ships. If they come up right behind you, have them targeted (R key should do it if they're hostile), then press the autopilot key ("A" unless you've changed it). When you fire a heavy rocket like this, it will hit dead on (if there is a small cluster of Lightnings on your tail and you do this, you may be able to take them all out with a couple of hits). As I recall, the mass driver also has some nice distance, so that would work quite well for cleaning them up after the rockets drop their shields considerably.

(url="http://"http://www.evula.com/")EVula,(/url) your friendly (url="http://"http://www.evula.com/")self-promoting(/url) EV & EVO Boards/Addon/Newswire/Chronicles moderator
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Originally posted by EVula:
**Something else to do, in combination with the Monty Python maneuver, is to use heavy rockets on the ships. If they come up right behind you, have them targeted (R key should do it if they're hostile), then press the autopilot key ("A" unless you've changed it). When you fire a heavy rocket like this, it will hit dead on (if there is a small cluster of Lightnings on your tail and you do this, you may be able to take them all out with a couple of hits). As I recall, the mass driver also has some nice distance, so that would work quite well for cleaning them up after the rockets drop their shields considerably.


I don't like to use the heavy rockets in EV; in fact, I prefer to use my primary weapons most of the time.

luck is beating the odds, bad luck is when they are the odds of having something bad happen to you.


Originally posted by SuperNova:
I don't like to use the heavy rockets in EV; in fact, I prefer to use my primary weapons most of the time.

As do I, but it's still a handy tactic. 🙂

(url="http://"http://www.evula.com/")EVula,(/url) your friendly (url="http://"http://www.evula.com/")self-promoting(/url) EV & EVO Boards/Addon/Newswire/Chronicles moderator
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If you have that much trouble, you can try capturing individual Lightnings throughout the battle for a little extra support.

This is often handy, but be warned that if you leave any disabled the pirate Kestrel's won't hesitate to add them to their fighter bay and send 'em right back at you...

Yeah this mission has always really bugged me. Perhaps the most annoying thing is, when you manage to disable a pirate Kestrel normally in the game, you've usually got an easy 150,000 credits, yet after taking out countless Kestrels in that mission, your eventual reward is somewhat disappointing... :mad:...

Oh well. Guess it's good for the battle experience and combat rating, if nothing else.

..!!in an intastella burst i am back to save the universe!!


Originally posted by Pippin:
...be warned that if you leave any disabled the pirate Kestrel's won't hesitate to add them to their fighter bay and send 'em right back at you...

Only if they run over the disabled Lightnings by accident. They won't actively go for disabled fighters.

Eat, sleep, eat, sleep