

Who wants to bring back Soda Wars?


"Plenty of people regard Earth's creation as a bad move. Not only have we shoved so much junk into outer space,
we're killing ourselves right here!"

Not me!

"God made people because that dinosaur game sucked" - Xbox
(url="http://"http://members.home.net/e-gamerguy1/ev/bfs3/")BFSIII Website(/url)
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I would, but sometimes it gets filled with conflicts. If we do, it should be on the Banter and Brawl. Since it's always a conflict.
But I'd love to see it back on the EV Webboard. But none of the originals would come.

The EV Board is getting boring without any simple RPGs. There's just BfSIII.

"No-Hassle, No-Haggle" - (url="http://"http://Saturnbp.com/")Saturn Corporation(/url) sales policy.

For: Yes. Against: Yes.


(url="http://"http://saberstudios.evula.net")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
GameRanger: -Sß- Captain Skyblade | Battle.net: Skyblade86
(url="http://"http://home.cfl.rr.com/aresev/")The Legion(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.gameranger.com")GameRanger(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.evula.com/")EVula's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.meowx.com/")Meowx Design(/url)

Definitely not.

Captaintripps: Harbinger #1 of Sierra's Law
(url="http://"http://voxhumanasketch.tripod.com/voxhumana/")VoxHumana(/url) -- Comedy of the Future

No. It would end up the same as it did last time, with everyone at everyone elses throats. Lets just let Soda Wars rest in peace, like the BBar.

Cause: Putting a V12 engine on a tricycle.
Effect: A dead 3 year old.
|(url="http://"http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/thepalshiferebelhideout")The Palshife Rebel Hideout(/url)|(url="http://"http://www.EVula.com")EVula's Lair(/url)

Nay! Boo! Hiss! No more Soda Wars!


Originally posted by The Space Between:
**I would, but sometimes it gets filled with conflicts. If we do, it should be on the Banter and Brawl. Since it's always a conflict.
But I'd love to see it back on the EV Webboard. But none of the originals would come.

B&B; regulars would just call it crap and flame it to high heaven.


**The EV Board is getting boring without any simple RPGs. There's just BfSIII.

I've tried several times to start up RPGs while waiting for BfS III, but none of them lasted long.

And Jimbob: Boozerama may rest in peace, but it will eventually come back. Soda Wars is really dead.

Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.
(url="http://"http://www.homestead.com/lukenj/index.html")"I'm not a schizophrenic and neither am I!"(/url)

No way.

BTW, where'd Lyra go?

Coreył (Cubed) | (url="http://"http://plugs3.evula.net/")Plugsł(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.evula.com/")EVula's Lair(/url)

Fairy-PirateLand - because conquering the galaxy should be fun for the whole family!


Originally posted by coreycubed:
**No way.

BTW, where'd Lyra go?


Two words, cyber-dragon.

"God made people because that dinosaur game sucked" - Xbox
(url="http://"http://members.home.net/e-gamerguy1/ev/bfs3/")BFSIII Website(/url)
(url="http://"http://homepage.mac.com/rebel_council/PhotoAlbum2.html") My Photo among other things Album(/url)
(url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/cgi-bin/ubb/Ultimate.cgi?action=email&ToWhom;=rebel+council")E-mail me!(/url)

Luke, yeah RPGs don't do too great here sometimes. I liked the concept of the "simple" (or whatever) one you did, that just followed the standard EV scenario with a pilot at Levo with his shiny new shuttlecraft. In about 5 posts, it was just people posting random, stupid stuff.

Oh well. Something cool will come around soon - I'm sure - and then we can enjoy that for however long.

(url="http://"http://www.saberstudios.f2s.com/")Saber Studios(/url) -- (url="http://"http://home.cfl.rr.com/aresev/")The Legion(/url)

"A towel is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can have." -- Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy


Originally posted by The Space Between:
I would, but sometimes it gets filled with conflicts. If we do, it should be on the Banter and Brawl. Since it's always a conflict.

Absolutely not at B&B.; They hate all bars and roleplaying (well, most of them), and it wouldn't work. Maybe here, but I don't think so.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"mailto:e-gamerguy1@attbi.com")mailto:e-gamerguy1@attbi.com(/url)e-gamerguy1@attbi.com


Originally posted by ares1:
**Luke, yeah RPGs don't do too great here sometimes. I liked the concept of the "simple" (or whatever) one you did, that just followed the standard EV scenario with a pilot at Levo with his shiny new shuttlecraft. In about 5 posts, it was just people posting random, stupid stuff.

Alas... That could have been great.

Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.
(url="http://"http://www.homestead.com/lukenj/index.html")"It's spelled Luke, but it's pronounced 'Qkrnxtl.'"(/url)

Yeah, I don't think we'd welcome that over there. However, Luke's story looked very nice when it started out. That might be a nice replacement if you could have someone keep strict attention to the relevance of the posting. Might end up like the Hypergate on BnB.


Originally posted by Macavenger:
**Absolutely not at B &B.; They hate all bars and roleplaying (well, most of them), and it wouldn't work. Maybe here, but I don't think so.


Captaintripps: Harbinger #1 of Sierra's Law
(url="http://"http://voxhumanasketch.tripod.com/voxhumana/")VoxHumana(/url) -- Comedy of the Future


Sure sure sure.................but I personally spend less than a half hour a week on the Internet, unless it is for school.

"Plenty of people regard Earth's creation as a bad move. Not only have we shoved so much junk into outer space,
we're killing ourselves right here!"