An Almost EV Related Poll

A thought recently struck me, and quite hard too. It was this, all of us here obviously pla the original EV, and many have played EVO, (everyone I can think of, except for KK) and a large number of those who have played EVO delare it inferior to the original EV.

My question is this, do you think you will like Nova more? Will you put all your effort into it from now on? Or will we always remain loyal only to the original game?

Apply When Wet

I think that I'm going to remain loyal to the original EV but I will play nova a lot too.


War doesn't deside who is right it desides who is left.
Jager a nice frindly pirate here to plunder your ship

Here's how I see it:
" EV is the original game in the EV string. EVO seems to be a totally messed up EV Total Conversion plug-in. EV: Nova will be the true sequal to EV. "

So, EVO was just messed up, and has a lesser fan faction than EV. EV: Nova, on the other hand, will prove to be a true sequal and will most likely beat out some of the EV fans. But I will stay truetheful to EV and keep making plug-ins for it. But I will most likely only play EVN, instead of make plugs for it. EV will always be my # 1 fav game of all time... unless NOVA is really that cool!

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(This message has been edited by The Space Between (edited 11-29-2001).)

Nova is going to kill its older brothers, though EV will always be the classic.

(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
the Confederation Graphics Expansion Set: Coming soon
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Man, I thought about making this exact same poll, but decided against it because I thought it would end up getting locked... Oh well, live and learn.

I think that EVO was a small step away from EV as far as improvements in the engine and gameplay (but the content itself sucked), but Nova is going to blow them both away. I will play nova, yes, and probably until my eyes glaze over and the tips of my fingers bleed. But I don't think EV will ever lose it's special place in my (computer/gaming) life, because it was the original, and it has imprinted itself in my mind forever. I will not stop coming to this board, and I will still work on completing my plugin for EV.

(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) -- (url="http://"")The Legion(/url)

Remember that you are a unique individual - just like everybody else.

I don't see EV and Nova in competition. Also I liked EVO with MAGMA that is. I see all the EV's as a big happy cooperative family that show the true evolution of Ambrosia SW.

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Extemporaneous since November 2, 2000
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Originally posted by ares1:
I think that EVO was a small step away from EV as far as improvements in the engine and gameplay (but the content itself sucked), but Nova is going to blow them both away. I will play nova, yes, and probably until my eyes glaze over and the tips of my fingers bleed. But I don't think EV will ever lose it's special place in my (computer/gaming) life, because it was the original, and it has imprinted itself in my mind forever. I will not stop coming to this board, and I will still work on completing my plugin for EV.

Don't think I could have typed it much better my self. Nova will 0wn, but EV, and the community here, will always be special.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")


Originally posted by ZenMastaT:
My question is this, do you think you will like Nova more? Will you put all your effort into it from now on? Or will we always remain loyal only to the original game?

Well, I know for a fact that I'll play EVN more than I play EV; I haven't actually played in a couple of years. I love the game, I just don't have the time. 😉

As for favorites, I'll always love the original dearly. However, after having talked with pipeline and Frandall several times (both discussing just general stuff and discussing "mod" stuff), I can honestly say that I trust them to the point where I can say, right now, beyond a shadow of a doubt, I believe that EV Nova will kick ass. There is just no other way of saying it. 🙂

(url="http://"")EVula,(/url) your friendly (url="http://"")self-promoting(/url) EV & EVO Boards/Addon/Newswire/Chronicles moderator
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So is it basic public opinion that EV:O wasn't really that much of an improvement over EV, whereas EVN will be a tremendous leap forward, as Spacey put it "EVN is the true sequel to EV"

I imagine some of us will be pulled away to create projects and mods for this new game, will we see a large drop in the modding community for EV? I wasn't around at the time, but was there a large decrease in popularity or mods when EV:O was released?

Interesting, it will be an experience to see what happens to this online community when Nova comes out, especially if it is as good as its supposed to be. Will we still hold our little EV related web story type things, or will that move to Nova theme? And are there any of us out there who do Not intend to play Nova when it arrives on these hallowed servers.

THAT will be a fun time to try and run around posting on the boards... remember when PoG came out?

Apply When Wet

I suppose this means I'm still in the minority who prefer EVO over EV. Oh well, I think I'll like Nova more anyways.

If Murder Were Legal, You'd Be Dead.
Only The Good Die Young



Originally posted by forge:
**I suppose this means I'm still in the minority who prefer EVO over EV. Oh well, I think I'll like Nova more anyways.


Well this is the EV board afterall... I'm sure there are some EVO supporters lurking somewhere on their own personal board. Arg, Nova is frightening to me... I don't like change, and I fear the EVN revolution! I must go back and hide amongst the fossilized remanants of my EV folder and its plug-ins...

Apply When Wet


Originally posted by ZenMastaT:
**Well this is the EV board afterall... I'm sure there are some EVO supporters lurking somewhere on their own personal board.

Oh yeah, you would've had fun before there was a seperate EVO board.

If Murder Were Legal, You'd Be Dead.
Only The Good Die Young


I love EV, and will play nova if:

A: I get a Mac.

B: My emulator can handle it.

😄 A PowerPC emulator comes out.

Go to the Escape Velocity Empire. (url="http://"") Post all your stuff and enjoy everyone else's.
Worms Armageddon name: Insano
XWA name: KMG_Corran
STVEF name: Insano

Oh, this was definately an EV related poll. If you want polls that have to do with everything else, go to banter & brawl. Although that chicken poll got a little out of hand.... 😉

And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.
George Harrison, 1943-2001

I agrea evo wasnt really a whole new game, it contained new ships and weapons but a few(if any) tiny ammount of actual game changes. this makes it basicall be a plug-in. besides, I dont like evo as much the ships arent as cool and theres no cloaking device. the only thing I liked about evo was that you could buy the ships of your gov. which made it actually seem like you were a part of it.

Nova is verry different. its has many actual game changes like the graphics for instance (drool).

(heres the part were I move into the babling)

Nomater how cool any other new version is though I'll alway have my ev folder marked eith the "Essential" label. unfortianantly just as i was beggining to learn to make an ev plugin nova came out. Nova has made (almost) all other games, unplayable for me. Without EV i would just be watching the same qucktime movies over and over.

well gotta go ill cya!

"the universal answer... 7"- When I get bored my brain thinks verry strange things.

EVN will beat out any other mac game I've ever seen. I will, of course, still hang out here a lot, but Nova will decrease my EV time by a lot.

Alex, you need to change the number in you sig to 42. 42 is the answer to life, the universe, and everything!

"He who fights one fights the other"- Wise Man Jimbob
|(url="http://"")The Palshife Rebel Hideout (/url) |(url="http://"") EVula's Lair(/url)


Originally posted by Jimbob:
**Alex, you need to change the number in you sig to 42. 42 is the answer to life, the universe, and everything!


I know that but theres a story to it. one day at school after doing the mile run. (6:42 seconds) I was alittle weary so I acidentally answered 7 to a question that I forgot but im sure had nothing to do with numbers

"the universal answer... 7"- When I get bored my brain thinks verry strange things.