EV for the PC ?

Is there any plan to release a copy of ev for the PC ? I cant use a Mac any more and would like to play EV again...



Originally posted by simoncompton:
**Is there any plan to release a copy of ev for the PC ? I cant use a Mac any more and would like to play EV again...


sigh 🙂

Just read a little on the board and you will see tuns of these threads. No, Ambrosia doesn't make games for PC. But try Basilisk II, an emulator which I am using on my PC.

Follow the steps carefuly and there shouldn't be any troubles!


If you cannot say something nice about a man, cut his head off! >=)

Yeah, the odds of any EV game being on the PC is finite to infinite. You get the point. Yes, there are some good emulators out there, but what I suggest id to just by a Mac. Beats a PC anyday. Welcome to the boards, too!

"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This made a lot of people very angry, and is widely regarded as a bad move" - Douglas Adams, The Resturaunt at the End Of The Universe
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Oh, and no.


Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.
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Sorry to hear that you're stuck with a PC... 😉

In case you're wondering why, there are a number of reasons why it won't be ported to the PC:
()Nobody at Ambrosia knows how to code for a PC.
)Additionally, nobody has the time to learn.
()Matt Burch, who wrote EV, doesn't know, either, and he has much less time to learn. Additionally, he's finished with EV, after Nova comes out.
)Even if all the above weren't true, the major problem with putting it on the PC is the lack of resources, which stores all the scenario information (planets, missions, etc.)

If you want to read some (pointless, in my opinion) debates, look at (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/webboard/Forum28/HTML/000011.html")this FAQ topic(/url).

- Gavin Dow, upholder of truth, justice, and the American cheese.
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'nuff said


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