BFSIII Discussion part 2


Originally posted by RC:
...Do I have to pay?

Well, I doubt you'd be able to access it, because if you don't know what it is, then you probably don't have Starcraft... But just for the record, I'll explain. is a free multi-player gaming service hosted by BlizzardΒ™. Unfortunatly, it is only accesible through a Blizzard game. Some of the games, you upload your actual character, others, you simply play head2head. The most important (in this situation, anyway) is the chat service. However, this will only work if you have Starcraft (NON-Brood-War). I think I saw you once, as a matter of fact, but it could have been another Rebel Council. I think the name was "rebel dude" and, when asked if you (he) were (was) Rebel Council, you (he) replied with an affirmative. I asked if he was from ASW Boards, but the game started and you (he) couldn't reply. If you do have 'craft, than we can arrange a date & time to log on and the code can be relayed then.


Originally posted by Kaptain Karl:
**I don't know what else you changed but my fleet is "listed" in El Santo and "appears" in Ruby. And your fleet is listed in Polaris and appears west of Atropos.

I don't know why you keep saying it works best in that crappy MicroSoft browser, but in Netscape 4.6 (which worked fine before) the map is all "kerphlooey". Just thought you'd like to know....**

Suggestion 1: Bite the bullet and use IE for this. I hate it too, but it seems to be the industry standard, so I found it easiest to optimize the map for that.
Suggestion 2: You're using Netscape 4.6? Try upgrading to 4.7. It looks marginally passable in Netscape 4.77 (ZenMastaT's fleet is the only one that looks enough out of place to appear in the wrong system), although the image map sections look like crap.

I think I may have a 30 day trial of some WYSIWYG editor lying around on a CD somewhere, maybe I can try that sometime and see if it can make code that will work in all the browsers. We'll see.


Originally posted by ElGuapo7:
**4 Heavy Cruisers: 100,000,000 credits
10 Cruisers: 200,000,000 credits
20 Destroyers: 300,000,000 credits

Total: 600,000,000credits.

The fighters are so pathetic I'm not gonna bother with them. The destroyers have enough point defenses to destroy them quickly. Can I replace the unused hangar space with more guns and missiles?**

Few things:
Sentarus Prime is a popular system, I just haven't had enough info to post a fleet there. RC (The new Emperor) wanted to be there first, so I think I'll put him there. Second, the Cruisers come with the Heavy Fighters. The 2 Heavy Fighters on board the Cruisers are part of the cost of the Cruiser, so I think you might as well use them. If you want Cruisers that don't come with fighters, look into Battlecruisers. However, there isn't much of a provision for modifying ships to exchange hangar space for additional guns. Empty hangar space isn't really a big deal though, it doesn't run up the ship price much at all. The only other thing is that fleets aren't supposed to have over 200 million credits worth of any particular ship type. That rule gets bent a bit here and there, but I'm not going to bend it out to allowing 300 million in Destroyers. Since you haven't been around long, you probably just didn't see that, so it's Ok. 7 Destroyers with 4 Heavy Cruisers (similar weapons load) and a fighter to suck up the last few millon. Sound good?


Originally posted by Lord Asriel:
Anyway...when do we start?

At this point, as soon as I have fleet info for everyone. πŸ™‚

BTW CD, game type doesn't matter on for chats (I've been able to talk to a guy using DIIx while I was on BW before), but you do have to be logged in to the same Gateway. I think the two of you are both in the US East area anyway, though.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

OH! You see you have to explain these things to me! πŸ˜‰ I have StarCraft, I was at one time on battle net, not as rebel council or rebel dude.

Now thats good, but what about the other alien members? I don't know if they have it. If I have to tell them / they have to tell me something what do we do?

"God made people because that dinosaur game sucked" - Xbox
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RC, can you post or email me ranks and fleet numbers for all the Aliens? It'd be easier if I could just get those now, rather than post your fleets with placeholders or something... I don't need a number for ElG7, since he gave us that, but other than that... You've got ElG7, Cyber-Dragon, JChuck (I hope), and Saint+ on your team, including yourself.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

RC- I am assumming you are basing our legal system off the original Roman one your predecessor had in mind?

  • Counsul (There are 2)

  • Legatus (There are 10)

  • Tribune

  • Praefectus Castrorum

  • Primus Pilus

  • Centurion

  • Principales

  • Cohort Commander

  • Signiferi

  • Legionary

  • Dreden President ( :p)

Shade's last "sorting" does not need (li$t) tags, it was pretty darn simple. You and me were consuls, everyone else was a Legatus. At least, I think it was. You, as Emperor, have the right to put us all at Legionary if you wanted to, but (just for the record) that was his way. PleaSe tell everbody our new (or old?) ranks. Again, if you want to change the system, that's your choice as well. As for the Well, the only one who requires that communication method is myself, as everyone else does have an active E-Mail. Maybe you could post a topic for it, that we all Aliens could post there. We'd have to ask EVula or 'Mikee, though... EVula wouldn't mind. Put a (url="http://"")link(/url) in the first post to bribe him. πŸ˜‰

Cyber_Dragon: I don't know I just might make you a Dreden president. πŸ˜›

Alien ranks:

Cyber-Dragon: Legatus ( 3 "fleetbattle" victories or 7 systems captured to Counsul )
ElG7: Tribune ( 2 "fleetbattle" victories or 6 systems captured to Legatus )
Saint+: Praefectus Castrorum ( 1 "fleetbattle" victoriy or 5 systems captured to Tribune )
JChuck: Praefectus Castrorum ( 1 "fleetbattle" victoriy or 5 systems captured to Tribune )

"God made people because that dinosaur game sucked" - Xbox
(url="http://"")BFSIII Website(/url)
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(url="http://";=rebel+council")E-mail me!(/url)

(This message has been edited by rebel council (edited 11-25-2001).)

lol. But that is a good idea, making people work toward a rank... The higher the rank, the more victories required. One question: (Using the "prerequisites" for Counsul) If a Legatus has 5 captured planets and 2 "fleetbattle victories," to his name, what happens? Does he get the promotion (based on your judgement), or does he have to wait? And does this apply to all "promotions?"

πŸ™‚ Ether you have 3 "fleetbattle" victories OR 7 captured systems. (serious emperor voice) My judgement is not important! (/serious emperor voice)

"God made people because that dinosaur game sucked" - Xbox
(url="http://"")BFSIII Website(/url)
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(url="http://";=rebel+council")E-mail me!(/url)

Good, thanks. πŸ™‚

Fleet numbers, though?

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

SD: you wanted a spacial fleet number, now would be a good time to post it. πŸ™‚

RC: 1st Fleet of Gods πŸ˜›
EIG7: 7th empire fleet
Saint: 12th empire fleet
JChuck: 5th empire fleet

"God made people because that dinosaur game sucked" - Xbox
(url="http://"")BFSIII Website(/url)
(url="http://"") My Photo among other things Album(/url)
(url="http://";=rebel+council")E-mail me!(/url)


Originally posted by rebel council:
**SD: you wanted a spacial fleet number, now would be a good time to post it.:)

RC: 1st Fleet of Gods πŸ˜›
EIG7: 7th empire fleet
Saint: 12th empire fleet
JChuck: 5th empire fleet

ElG said 9th, so I'll use that. Where would you like he and JChuck? I think they both need spots, since you're in Sentarus Prime, I doubt you want ElGG7 there too. πŸ˜‰

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

JChuck: Pax
EIG7: Zom

"God made people because that dinosaur game sucked" - Xbox
(url="http://"")BFSIII Website(/url)
(url="http://"") My Photo among other things Album(/url)
(url="http://";=rebel+council")E-mail me!(/url)

I have returned from my haiatus, thought there doesnt appear to be much for me to do. (Censored for Content Control- HC)? And what happened to Corey Cubed?

Apply When Wet

(This message has been edited by ZenMastaT (edited 11-25-2001).)


Originally posted by ZenMastaT:
I have returned from my haiatus, thought there doesnt appear to be much for me to do.

Correct. It's mostly me now.


Originally posted by ZenMastaT:
How are those (censored) coming along?

Speak no more of them here, or face a treason trial! πŸ˜›

They're doing better than before, though I've had to spend a lot of time coding other things... πŸ˜‰


Originally posted by ZenMastaT:
And what happened to Corey Cubed?

Good question. I emailed him this morning, hope we hear from him soon...

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

Sorry Sir! Won't Happen again sir! Now, has anyone else been found? It's just Moose, Corey, and you me and Rak, correct? Hmm... I better get on over to that crazy BFS3 website.

Apply When Wet


Originally posted by ZenMastaT:
Sorry Sir! Won't Happen again sir! Now, has anyone else been found? It's just Moose, Corey, and you me and Rak, correct? Hmm... I better get on over to that crazy BFS3 website.

If Corey doesn't show up again, I'm fairly certain I can whistle up a replacement on a day or two's notice. Other than that, about the only thing I can think of that I want you to do is probably show up at that other (censored) discussion thingy tomorrow if you can. πŸ˜‰ You know what I mean.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

While looking over the site again, I noticed the Alien roster is down to RC, CD, Saint+ and Jchuck, whom we have never seen, and despite Moose's claims, may in fact be imaginary. What ever happened to Admiral Falcen and Slider? Casualties of a long preparation time? Looking over my roster, there are quite a few missing heads out there...

And how 'bout posting the ranking systems for each government on up there, eh?

Apply When Wet


Originally posted by ZenMastaT:
While looking over the site again, I noticed the Alien roster is down to RC, CD, Saint+ and Jchuck, whom we have never seen, and despite Moose's claims, may in fact be imaginary. What ever happened to Admiral Falcen and Slider? Casualties of a long preparation time? Looking over my roster, there are quite a few missing heads out there...

Casualties of long prep, I assume. If Jchuck doesn't come soon though, I may have to drop him... RC, you could try emailing those guys if you want.
I did just add ElG7. πŸ™‚


Originally posted by ZenMastaT:
And how 'bout posting the ranking systems for each government on up there, eh?

Maybe tomorrow. Time runs short. πŸ˜‰

Map updated again, this time all in Sentarus. I went ahead and posted JChuck, but Moose, he better get here soon. Also, I poster Azdara Ace even though I don't have a rank for him yet - I went "best guess" based on what I remember from Skyblade's original Dreden rank chart (you're using USN, right CS?). If that rank is wrong, Skyblade, let me know. And while you're at it, can I have ranks for UE Crusader (you might want to email him Skyblade, have him pick out a fleet) and Jimbob too? Wait, I think I can guess UEC's... πŸ˜‰

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")


Originally posted by rebel council:
**Ohh really......?;) (congrats on 7000 posts)


Yes, really. πŸ˜‰ Thanks.


Originally posted by Azdara:
**What weapons do you need me to make, Captain Skyblade?

Anything you see posted as ship weapons are what we'll need graphics for (Plasma beam cannon, turret, stinger rockets etc.). But since I finished this graphic last night (and didn't intend for it to be a BFS III graphic), we'll use this as the Dreden Rocket graphic. All the red color should be green, though...

Posted Image
Full sized image with launcher


Originally posted by Cyber-Dragon:
**Well, well, Skyblade! I see we have 2 more history buffs on the boards! The 101st Airborne was my planned fleet name IΒ’ll think of something else.

Sorry... That's what happens when you read too much Stephen Ambrose. πŸ˜‰ I'm reading "Band of Brothers" right now...

Mac: I'll start assigning ranks sometime later today. I really need to get to my studies (if I want to be done before late tonight ;)), so just bare with me. I'll probably end up creating an entire new ranking system, since I'll never find the old one...

(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
the Confederation Graphics Expansion Set: Coming soon
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Oh, and as for the Dreden ranking system, yes; It is mostly based on that of the USN.