Soda Wars: The Empire Strikes Back

Meanwhile, The Reprisal , a stolen "code red", class mountain dew cruiser, lies in wait near Guiron. After a brief Refitting of it's Alka-Seltzer effervescent torpedoes. And a tuning of its Caffeine based cloaking device, it begins underway to Sol. ETA: 73hours, 5 minutes, and 3 seconds....

Aboard The Reprisal a large crew of ex-coke inc.and ex-pepsi, make their way in preparation for the upcoming attack. Many aboard the vessel are MIA, many whom were reconized as heroes before their unfortunate dissappearance. 12 Fructose fighters, 4 "uglies" powerful ships made of mixed parts found in space, and 1 rescue ship are all that remains of this vessel's once immence attack fleet. Sacrificing weapons/shield power and speed, for support vessels The Chimera was transformed to The Reprisal. After its original theft the ship was installed with a cloaking device and all of the transponders had to be refit to avoid capture. Now with a complete arsenal of turrets, and the latest illegal technology it is prepared to do battle with vessels twice its size. One ship, one crew, one eliminate the opposing monopolies that stain the universe (and many people's teeth)

I prefer the term "shockingly realisticly logical"
AOL/IM: Will346 sometimes IonStorm332
Gameranger: Ion Storm

NOO! must we have another enemy? it's 8:2! That's quite evil....

(url="http://"") |The Palshife Rebel Hideout (/url) |(url="http://"") EVula's Lair|(/url)

I attack all who stand in my way of achieving victory over coke/pepsi. Besides im only one ship.....mwahahaha 😉

I prefer the term "shockingly realisticly logical"
AOL/IM: Will346 sometimes IonStorm332
Gameranger: Ion Storm

Sorry, but I think we limited new recruits to the rj. You gotta admit, it is unfair. Insano hates Pepsi, but he's the rje leader. Would you mind switching? (I)Pleeeease?)/I) 😉

hmm give me an allignment and I'll switch sides. besides what is rje? I warn you I tend to go into detail about battles and such. But i'm sure you guys wont mind.

I prefer the term "shockingly realisticly logical"
AOL/IM: Will346 sometimes IonStorm332
Gameranger: Ion Storm

rje = roach juice empire - pepsi confederation (no caps)

As long as you don't do one-post battles, that's fine Matrix. (ie: The Boogers Away fires at the Pooper Scooper and destroys it. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!) Like that. 😛

(url="http://"")SBSoftware(/url) | | (url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) | | (url="http://"")Dirty Rat Inc.(/url) | | (url="http://"")Soda Wars - The Empire Strikes Back(/url) | | (url="http://"")Current Boozerama Bar(/url) | | (url="http://"")Between Time And Space v1.0 Alpha - Download It Here(/url) | | (url="http://"")Best Internet Game EVER!(/url) We don't know why / The Innocent die / Will any of this be the same / Will any of us be the same (url="http://"") <--The Song Here(/url)

Mr. Moose fires a torpedo at the most inconspicus(sp?) part of the roach star and it explodes into tiny pieces, thanks Allance members for providing an adequet distraction.

(url="http://"")Dirty Rat Inc.(/url) (url="http://"")Luke's Spot(/url) (url="http://"")SBS's Space Place(/url) (url="http://"")Spam(/url) (url="http://"")World of Spam(/url)

Mr. Moose, there is no roach star, and if there was, it would be Sol. And Jimbob, I said fifteen hundred weapons, not one hundred and fifty. Cap'n Redeye then designates a fleet to destroy Matrix and wipe him from the face of the galaxy. It will consist of: one Juggernaut, six DP Battlecruisers, and thirty Assault Frigates, along with twenty wings of Drone Fighters.

"Thank you, thank you. Now you're all under arrest!"


Originally posted by Cap'n Redeye:
**Mr. Moose, there is no roach star, and if there was, it would be Sol. And Jimbob, I said fifteen hundred weapons, not one hundred and fifty. Cap'n Redeye then designates a fleet to destroy Matrix and wipe him from the face of the galaxy. It will consist of: one Juggernaut, six DP Battlecruisers, and thirty Assault Frigates, along with twenty wings of Drone Fighters.


Well, it blew up anyway.

(url="http://"")Dirty Rat Inc.(/url) (url="http://"")Luke's Spot(/url) (url="http://"")SBS's Space Place(/url) (url="http://"")Spam(/url) (url="http://"")World of Spam(/url)


He puts them into DP-controlled systems close to Sol, surrounding the capital world of the Empire to keep resources and supplies from getting to the planet. He then requests that the CC, the RBEE, and the FA to send their own fleets of vessels to attack the Core of the galaxy.

Hehe, one large hole there. Remember, we have transporters? Hahahaha! Your blockade is of no effect. Jimbob, you stay in control of your fleets and send them to defend Sol. I'll continue the attack on Palshife. If no one has noticed, I've met no resistance!

All liquids approaching Insano's ships are turned into Pepsi, and are proved useless. Insano's ships return fire and pick away at the defense fleet. The S.S. Roach uses its multiple turrets to destroy several DP cruisers at once. The only way any of Insano's ships can be destroyed is with non soda weapons (which aren't allowed) and collisions. The other ships start to suiced and several fighters and cruisers are destroyed. Insano orders all ships to take evasive maneuvers and only to attack ships attempting to collide. This command works and soon the defense fleet is all but gone. The planetary bombardment of Palshife has begun...

Go to the Escape Velocity Empire. (url="http://"") Post all your stuff and enjoy everyone else's.
Worms Armageddon name: Insano
XWA name: KMG_Corran
STVEF name: Insano

Jimbob's fleets (which are located in the four systems that link to Sol, and Sol itself.) ready themsevles for battle.

(url="http://"") |The Palshife Rebel Hideout (/url) |(url="http://"") EVula's Lair|(/url)

Um, Jimbob, Tau Ceti connects to Sol and you don't have Tau Ceti because I have a fleet organizing in there. So your fleet has to be somewhere else or it doesn't exist. Insano, we don't have transporters, only hyperdrives, as we are keeping to Star Wars and Escape Velocity's method of getting around. Cap'n Redeye then sends five Devestator PSWs to Palshife from Clotho. A support force of twelve Juggernauts and one hundred DP Frigates goes along with it to defeat Insano. To stop the (all other fluids)/pepsi converter Insano has, the PSW's quickly target it with all of their guns (that's seventy-five hundred, folks) and blow through the shields, and incinerate not only the converter, but Insano's command ship. Unfortunately for the DP, Insano ejects as the bombardment from the PSWs destroy his ship. The rest of the DP fleet engages and destroys most of the remaining support ships, but three small frigates jump into hyperspace with Insano aboard one of them before they can be destroyed. Sastified that the battle is over, Cap'n Redeye goes down to the planet to replace the roach juice that Insano put there, and turns it all into whatever the FA members drink (Shade, what do you guys drink?). He then heads back to his Outer Rim outpost to develop the ultimate weapon, one that can destroy fleets, and still win. After four days of hard work, he creates the DP Dreadnought. Larger and more powerful than anything ever built by any government before, it is a terror weapon against the DP's enemies. With shields an incredible two hundred times stronger than a Devestator-Class Planetary Siege Weapon, and over six thousand beams, lasers, and projectiles launchers, it strikes terror into the rje forces. Cap'n Redeye christens it the Tacit Blue. As he prosecutes the war against the rje, he sends it to Tau Ceti to join the fleet of vessels preparing to invade Sol. The fleet has now: One Dreadnought, ten PSWs, one hundred fifty Juggernauts, four hundred fifty Battlecruisers, eight hundred Cruisers, one thousand five hundred Frigates, ninety Drone Carriers, and one hundred thousand DP fighters of assorted designs. He sends the fleet into Sol, and is immediately confronted by a wave of torpedos, missiles, laser and beam fire coming into the fleet. "All shields on full!" Cap'n Redeye screams as a rocket salvo slams into the Tacit Blue. "Damage Reports!" he says. An enlisted rating answers, "We've lost less than a hundreth of a percent of shielding, sir!" Cap'n Redeye nods in approval, then looks at the fleet's losses. Eighty enemy Frigates were destroyed, at the loss of five of his Battlecruisers and twenty of his frigates. Cap'n Redeye then orders his ship to drive straight towards Jimbob's weak (and small) cruiser. The battle continues as more and more and more DP Cruisers, Carriers, Frigates, Battlecruisers, Juggernauts, and one more Dreadnought, the Freedom, come into the system.

"Thank you, thank you. Now you're all under arrest!"

The War is dying off. (Real not in story)
Mr. Moose takes a looong vacation on Beeblebrox.

(url="http://"")Dirty Rat Inc.(/url) (url="http://"")Luke's Spot(/url) (url="http://"")SBS's Space Place(/url) (url="http://"")Spam(/url) (url="http://"")World of Spam(/url)

Redeye, that was a one post battle with Insano. And we've always had Tea Ceti, since the begin. It's had a fleet. These two things make your Invasion of Sol irrelevant. And who said my cruiser was small and weak?!?! :mad:

(url="http://"") |The Palshife Rebel Hideout (/url) |(url="http://"") EVula's Lair|(/url)

(This message has been edited by Jimbob (edited 11-17-2001).)

Mr. Moose drinks a DP/PGGB and passes out. When he arises he finds himself in a empirial spice mine on Planet Kestrel. Not good...

(url="http://"")Dirty Rat Inc.(/url) (url="http://"")Luke's Spot(/url) (url="http://"")SBS's Space Place(/url) (url="http://"")Spam(/url) (url="http://"")World of Spam(/url)

Jimbob, you are still mistaken. Look at my post on this page above. It details my invasion of Tau Ceti. Insano had already started the invasion of Palshife, so I finished it. Satisfied? If you're not, I'll even agree to letting the invasion of Sol slide and I'll pull my forces out if you have to complain. I don't cheat. That's for people who can't win no matter how much they try. Cap'n Redeye, having gone to Tabletop while the battle for Sol was going on, establishes a shipyard there and begins constructing large numbers of Frigates.

"Thank you, thank you. Now you're all under arrest!"

All well and good, but Tabletop is in Eriandi, right?

"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This made a lot of people very angry, and is widely regarded as a bad move"
|(url="http://"")The Palshife Rebel Hideout (/url) |(url="http://"") EVula's Lair(/url)


Um, Jimbob, Tau Ceti connects to Sol and you don't have Tau Ceti because I have a fleet organizing in there. So your fleet has to be somewhere else or it doesn't exist. Insano, we don't have transporters, only hyperdrives, as we are keeping to Star Wars and Escape Velocity's method of getting around. Cap'n Redeye then sends five Devestator PSWs to Palshife from Clotho. A support force of twelve Juggernauts and one hundred DP Frigates goes along with it to defeat Insano. To stop the (all other fluids)/pepsi converter Insano has, the PSW's quickly target it with all of their guns (that's seventy-five hundred, folks) and blow through the shields, and incinerate not only the converter, but Insano's command ship. Unfortunately for the DP, Insano ejects as the bombardment from the PSWs destroy his ship. The rest of the DP fleet engages and destroys most of the remaining support ships, but three small frigates jump into hyperspace with Insano aboard one of them before they can be destroyed. Sastified that the battle is over, Cap'n Redeye goes down to the planet to replace the roach juice that Insano put there, and turns it all into whatever the FA members drink (Shade, what do you guys drink?). He then heads back to his Outer Rim outpost to develop the ultimate weapon, one that can destroy fleets, and still win. After four days of hard work, he creates the DP Dreadnought. Larger and more powerful than anything ever built by any government before, it is a terror weapon against the DP's enemies. With shields an incredible two hundred times stronger than a Devestator-Class Planetary Siege Weapon, and over six thousand beams, lasers, and projectiles launchers, it strikes terror into the rje forces. Cap'n Redeye christens it the Tacit Blue. As he prosecutes the war against the rje, he sends it to Tau Ceti to join the fleet of vessels preparing to invade Sol. The fleet has now: One Dreadnought, ten PSWs, one hundred fifty Juggernauts, four hundred fifty Battlecruisers, eight hundred Cruisers, one thousand five hundred Frigates, ninety Drone Carriers, and one hundred thousand DP fighters of assorted designs. He sends the fleet into Sol, and is immediately confronted by a wave of torpedos, missiles, laser and beam fire coming into the fleet. "All shields on full!" Cap'n Redeye screams as a rocket salvo slams into the Tacit Blue. "Damage Reports!" he says. An enlisted rating answers, "We've lost less than a hundreth of a percent of shielding, sir!" Cap'n Redeye nods in approval, then looks at the fleet's losses. Eighty enemy Frigates were destroyed, at the loss of five of his Battlecruisers and twenty of his frigates. Cap'n Redeye then orders his ship to drive straight towards Jimbob's weak (and small) cruiser. The battle continues as more and more and more DP Cruisers, Carriers, Frigates, Battlecruisers, Juggernauts, and one more Dreadnought, the Freedom, come into the system.

That whole post doesn't work. First of all, I do have transporters. I made those at the beginning of this whole thing and since no one complained then, they count. And you can't destroy the converter, if all the weapons are being turned into Pepsi on the way. See, the converter is on, you fire, DP is turned into Pepsi and it bounces harmlessly off the shields. I say your post is not only a one post battle, but void.

Go to the Escape Velocity Empire. (url="http://"") Post all your stuff and enjoy everyone else's.
Worms Armageddon name: Insano
XWA name: KMG_Corran
STVEF name: Insano


Originally posted by Insano:
**That whole post doesn't work. First of all, I do have transporters. I made those at the beginning of this whole thing and since no one complained then, they count. And you can't destroy the converter, if all the weapons are being turned into Pepsi on the way. See, the converter is on, you fire, DP is turned into Pepsi and it bounces harmlessly off the shields. I say your post is not only a one post battle, but void.


Thank you, Insano.

"In the beginning, the Universe was created. This made a lot of people very angry, and is widely regarded as a bad move"
|(url="http://"")The Palshife Rebel Hideout (/url) |(url="http://"") EVula's Lair(/url)

Reprisal alters course to the Imperial Spice Mines on Planet Kestrel. during the travel time the captain contacts a few freighter captains that he knew from childhood. He has a plan...

I prefer the term "shockingly realisticly logical"
AOL/IM: Will346 sometimes IonStorm332
Gameranger: Ion Storm