Cinema Display & background music

On my Cinema Display, everything looks stretched horizontally -- characters look fat, and so forth. I know it's possible to open non-stretched video modes, and I think that would be better for PoG, even if it means having black bars at the right and left sides of the screen.

I was not able to find any way of turning off the background music, or even turning down the volume. There really should be some way to adjust this.

-- Zobeid Zarathustra

To turn on/off music type command+M. Just use your speakers to adjust the volume (you do have speakers, dont you?) To fix your fatness problem, just run PoG in window mode and chat in on irc #pog at the same time like everyone else does. However, if you are so inclined to play PoG fullscreen then I don't know how to fix it. Sorry m8. :frown:

Apple Computer - The name of microsoft's research and development division


Originally posted by Zobeid:
**On my Cinema Display, everything looks stretched horizontally -- characters look fat, and so forth. I know it's possible to open non-stretched video modes, and I think that would be better for PoG, even if it means having black bars at the right and left sides of the screen.

I was not able to find any way of turning off the background music, or even turning down the volume. There really should be some way to adjust this.


Try either running PoG in a window or setting your display to 640x480 in the Monitors control panel(make sure its set not to be stretched, this should put those black bars there.). To toggle music hit Command-M, to toggle fullscreen hit Command-F.

GameRanger SN: Col. Patrick (EL)

You could set your resolution to any standard one in the control strip at the bottom of your screen::

Those all work OK.

- Anatole

There will come a time, when the/curse of the One above/will not be tolerated further/when the Lineage of Caine will be weak/and there will be no Embracing for/these Childer/for their blood will run like water/and the potence in it will wither/Then, you know in this time that/Gehenna will soon be upon you.
- The Book Of Nod