Boozerama Bar XII

:rolleyes: Like mods ever come here? OK, there's EVula, but I'm his loyal follower...

Who else could make an (url="http://"")entire plugin devoted to EVula??(/url) ๐Ÿ˜„

Coreyล‚ (Cubed) | (url="http://"")Plugsล‚(/url) | (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url)
/me checks his digital watch...I should start thinking about warning the islanders about the impending lava flow...


Originally posted by coreycubed:
**Spacey, you had -2 karma the other day. Now you have 1. And I have zilch. To quote Kitty, "WHY???":D 's not fair...


I was at -2 about 2 weeks ago. What I did was redeem myself. (I have connections. JUST KIDDING!)
I started to cool off. Maybe you should do the same... ๐Ÿ˜›
Just kidding there too. You're cool.

"The answer. . . lies beyond the horizon." ME!
(url="http://"")Space Between Software(/url) (url="http://"")Space Place(/url) (url="http://"")Click Here To Read The Between Time And Space Chronicle(/url)

Jimbob gets bored, so he decides to...continue being bored.

Three rings for the Elven-kings under the sky, Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone, nine for mortal men doomed to die, One for the Dark Lord on his throne, In the land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.
One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them, one ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them, In the land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.

Spacey smacks Jimbob... cuz he can.... since he's older ๐Ÿ˜„
Spacey starts to push Jimbob around for fun... then stops.
"Sorry, got carried away." Spacey straightens up JB's clothes, then ruffles his hair and laughs.

(edit) Why doesn't anyone read my Chronicle? And if you have, please post a comment there. Personally, I think I have the best ezBoard for EV out there. (Not to be haughty or anything...)
"The answer. . . lies beyond the horizon." ME!
(url="http://"")Space Between Software(/url) (url="http://"")Space Place(/url) (url="http://"")Click Here To Read The Between Time And Space Chronicle(/url)

(This message has been edited by The Space Between (edited 10-20-2001).)

Jimbob gets out some insta-roach juice, adds water, and injects it into Spacey's vains, just for fun. ๐Ÿ˜›

Three rings for the Elven-kings under the sky, Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone, nine for mortal men doomed to die, One for the Dark Lord on his throne, In the land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.
One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them, one ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them, In the land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.


Originally posted by Payback37:
**Nah, that's been on so many shirts and stuff, misspelled so many different ways. I like the other quote of Luke's better.

Well, make up your minds, folks! ๐Ÿ˜„

Luke's TNT work is going well, and Luke is happy to show Mac the details on his top secret plans sheet.

Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.
(url="http://"")"Huked un Fonix wurkd fur mea!"(/url)

Skyblade tosses Jimbob out of the bar for his use of the evil roach juice. ๐Ÿ˜‰

(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
the Confederation Graphics Expansion Set: Coming soon
(url="http://"")Alien Invaders(/url) | (url="http://"")The Legion(/url) | (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"")Meowx Design(/url)


Originally posted by Jimbob:
**Jimbob gets out some insta-roach juice, adds water, and injects it into Spacey's vains, just for fun.:p


Spacey pulls out his baseball bat and whaps JB in the side of the left knee, making him fall to the ground, hitting his head. Spacey quickly gets out an antiseptic, but fails to complete the job, because he collapses. Amanda runs in and does it for him. Thankfully, she was there ๐Ÿ˜›

"The answer. . . lies beyond the horizon." ME!
(url="http://"")Space Between Software(/url) (url="http://"")Space Place(/url) (url="http://"")Click Here To Read The Between Time And Space Chronicle(/url)

I'm getting pretty mad. :mad:
Why isn't anyone reading my chronicle? :frown:
And how long is a chronicle on the (url="http://"")Chronicles(/url) page?????? That J'ting chronicle has been on there a while. (Not being rude, it is a good chronicle.) Ambrosia sends me an email telling when mine will be on there right????

"The answer. . . lies beyond the horizon." ME!
(url="http://"")Space Between Software(/url) (url="http://"")Space Place(/url) (url="http://"")Click Here To Read The Between Time And Space Chronicle(/url)


Originally posted by Captain Skyblade:
**Skyblade tosses Jimbob out of the bar for his use of the evil roach juice.;)


I'll be back...

Three rings for the Elven-kings under the sky, Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone, nine for mortal men doomed to die, One for the Dark Lord on his throne, In the land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.
One ring to rule them all, one ring to find them, one ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them, In the land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.


Originally posted by Luke:
**Well, make up your minds, folks!:D **

I have!!!!!! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Payback wonders if Luke is up for more running, like in BBXI. He goes over and chops Luke's legs and arms off, then ties him down so he has to wait for Payback to do anything more sadistic, not dying. But Pay's not in the mood yet, so he waits a while. There, trying to get back into things after an abosultely insane weekend. Hope killing people in bars does the trick! ๐Ÿ˜„

-Payback37 (url="http://"")Biggles Productions(/url)
Treat all the world as the world deserves,
With love or with hate but never with harm,

--an excerpt from The Seafarer , an Anglo-Saxon poem translation

Macavenger, however, is very interested to see what will come of Luke's bomb threat, promptly shoots Luke to allow him to reincarnate.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

Spacey, I'd read your chronicle, except, I don't read stories that have to do with EV:O. sorry.

Insano comes out of the healing tank early ignoring the fact that he is nearly dead. He also abandons his plan to shoot Mac. He then starts to recall the good 'ol days of BB2. So long ago... What happened? Oh yeah, new people. You're all evil! Just kidding. Insano then starts to walk over to people and poke them in the eye.

Go to the Escape Velocity Empire. (url="http://"") Post all your stuff and enjoy everyone else's.

Woosh. I feel really, really sick. Hope it goes away soon...

Coreyล‚ (Cubed) | (url="http://"")Plugsล‚(/url) | (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url)
/me checks his digital watch...I should start thinking about warning the islanders about the impending lava flow...

Luke reincarnates, sends Corey a get well soon card, and tells Mac how the TNT job is going to work.

"It's just for fun, I guess... And, if we ever need to blow up the bar in a hurry, (you know, for the fun of it, to destroy evidence, etcetera) we'll have my patent-pending invention, the Blowupabar-v.1 to save the day."

Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.
(url="http://"")"Huked un Fonix wurkd fur mea!"(/url)

Ahhh...thanks, Luke. ๐Ÿ™‚ Turns out it was an anxiety attack. Last night I felt a little queasy, and in my attempts to mentally quell the nausea I inadvertently amplified its effect. I was out shopping for birthday presents for my mom, and went all numb. Took some 5-HTP, and now I feel much better. ๐Ÿ™‚ WHAT A RELIEF!!!

Coreyล‚ (Cubed) | (url="http://"")Plugsล‚(/url) | (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url)
/me checks his digital watch...I should start thinking about warning the islanders about the impending lava flow...


Originally posted by Insano:
**Spacey, I'd read your chronicle, except, I don't read stories that have to do with EV:O. sorry.


Who ever said it was based on EVO? I don't like EVO. It's got only EV ships and some added ones. Plus the planets and stuff are the same. So, practically, it's not based on EVO at all. So, you gonna read it now???????? Please??

"The answer. . . lies beyond the horizon." ME!
(url="http://"")Space Between Software(/url) (url="http://"")Space Place(/url) (url="http://"")Click Here To Read The Between Time And Space Chronicle(/url)

Glad you're feeling better, corey. Well, thanx to my mom, I have a weak immune system. It's so weak, I've gotten 3 different colds in the past four weekends. The first one was worth it (let you guys figure that one out ;)) but the others are just frustrating. They basically immoblize my (already slow) thought process, making homework nigh on impossible and tests a nightmare. I'm gonna suck me down a bunch of water and start eating an apple a day. sigh When my dad gets the flu, he doesn't even throw up, while the rest of us are lining up at the toilet. Figures I'd get the worse end of the stick.

Payback runs around and cuts all of Luke's detonation wires, throws the explosives into space, destroys any books containing his plans, then kills Luke and Mac and wipes their brains free of all memory of explosives. He then reincarnates them both and buys them drinks.

-Payback37 (url="http://"")Biggles Productions(/url)
Treat all the world as the world deserves,
With love or with hate but never with harm,

--an excerpt from The Seafarer , an Anglo-Saxon poem translation

Spacey feels like raiding the place sinse he hasn't seen his gf for four days. AHH! (she's away)
Spacey jumps up and the bar and yells over and over: "Libila Libila TIMMAY!" Then he pulls out his Neutron Blaster and blows a hole through a window. "SHOOT!" His crew comes in from his ship after hearing all the commotion. They try to stop him, but obviously, he had too much sugar in his Root Beers.

"The answer. . . lies beyond the horizon." ME!
(url="http://"")Space Between Software(/url) (url="http://"")Space Place(/url) (url="http://"")Click Here To Read The Between Time And Space Chronicle(/url)

(I)Could somebody please get on IRC #EV3??? Please? I'm bored and want to see if it's owrking for me. I'll be on it everyday from 5 or 6 to 9 PM (MT).
I'm known as The Space Between. My nick is Spacey.

"The answer. . . lies beyond the horizon." ME!
(url="http://"")Space Between Software(/url) (url="http://"")Space Place(/url) (url="http://"")Click Here To Read The Between Time And Space Chronicle(/url)