Advertisement and Question

I have released the Introduction and Chapter 1 to my chronicle, called Between Time and Space. Yes, that's the same name as my Plug-In. It's the background for the Plug-In. Read it (url="http://"")here(/url).

And I'm wondering; what are the names of the most popular Star Trek Plug-Ins for EV? Recommend them or not?

"The answer. . . lies beyond the horizon." ME!
(url="http://"")Space Between Software(/url) (url="http://"")Space Place(/url) (url="http://"")Click Here To Read The Between Time And Space Chronicle(/url)

(This message has been edited by The Space Between (edited 10-13-2001).)

(This message has been edited by The Space Between (edited 10-13-2001).)


Originally posted by The Space Between:
And I'm wondering; what are the names of the most popular Star Trek Plug-Ins for EV? Recommend them or not?


Well, I think there's only been one true plug-in (as in a total conversion) based on Star Trek, and that was doesn't have any missions though, which is a rather major problem if you ask me.

Mike Lee (Firebird)

I found a B5 one for EVO. I guess it's good enough. I tried Star Wars, but it's a little strange.

"The answer. . . lies beyond the horizon." ME!
(url="http://"")Space Between Software(/url) (url="http://"")Space Place(/url) (url="http://"")Click Here To Read The Between Time And Space Chronicle(/url)


Originally posted by The Space Between:
**I have released the Introduction and Chapter 1 to my chronicle, called Between Time and Space. Yes, that's the same name as my Plug-In. It's the background for the Plug-In. Read it here.

Maybe you could post that (url="http://"")here?(/url) 🙂

I can't think of any Trek plugs off the top of my head right now, sorry.

P.S.- This is my 800th post! 😄 🙂 😄

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