CWS vs Kestrel

Which is better the crescent war ship or the Kestrel because I can't chose?


Probably CWS. More shields, you can sell the fighter bay, and it looks cooler. 😉

Of course, they aren't in the same game, so why would you need to choose?

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

I prefer the original Kestrel. It's cooler, and after all, the Crescent Warship design is basically a stolen Kestrel design. 😉

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Kestrel all the way. It's sleeker, cooler looking and it just rules. 🙂


Kestrel; it's awesome looking, built by an actual corporation, and it's from EV!

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Well, I fly the Crescent Warship more often than I fly the Kestrel, but that's more because of the lack of good alternative ships in EV Override than anything else. I don't think the two ships are really that comparable.

David Arthur
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Kestrel. Lightnings beat CF's any day. Then you just use them for missile bombardment, which the Kestrel excells in along with torpedoes.

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US Naval Sea Cadet Corps, Petty Officer 3rd Class.

(Kestrels = Overpriced sharp sticks) + (Crescent Warship = Overpriced, slightly sharper stick) = I vote for the latter. 😄

(Edit- Spelled 'Warship' 'Warchip.' :p)

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(This message has been edited by Luke (edited 10-14-2001).)