How do I add a PICT to a ship?

I need to have a PICT resource put for a ship. See, I'm making a ship and I want it to have a PICT. Well, actually lots when you think about it. Anyway, I have the PICT in the PICT resources "fork" in the Plug in RE. Now, I need to know where to point it to.

"The Answer. . . Lies beyond the horizen" - Me, David L. Clark "The Beloved"

Are you asking how to designate a PICT file as the sprit for a ship? I think you need Pics2Sprits. I don't really make ships so I'm not entirely sure. I believe it is adressed in the ResEdit Beginners Guide... Lemme see here... Ok, this is what you need. It has all the information you need. It's in the Utilities section on the EV addons page. Look under "making a ship" and there is a "adding picts to your ship" section. I think this is what you are looking for.

Also, Andrew Glosgow is working on a new version of the EV Annotated Bible that will include information not previously included in the EV Bible. You should suggest to him (its in a thread on the dev board) that he should add this information to the new bible.

"I'm going to live my life by the ideals that my hippy forefathers refused to go to war and fight for." -- Homer Simpson
Check out my EV website: (url="http://"")The Legion(/url).

Thanks ares1!!

I will suggest that to him!

"The Answer. . . Lies beyond the horizen" - Me, David L. Clark "The Beloved"

Hmm, I could definitely add a section on that to the revised version of the Annotated EV Bible. It IS in the FAQ, though.

The Space Between , you should really get into the habit of asking questions like this on the Development forum, and checking the Development FAQ first.

The answer is that if the PICT you're adding is the actual sprite, that is, the 36 overhead pictures of the ship at different angles, then you need to create or modify a spďn resource. Look at the Bible (the original or the annotated version) under that resource for more information.

"She said, 'Honey, you know I gave up cigarrettes for my new-year's resolution... but I didn't give up SMOKIN'!"
-- The Blues Brothers, "I Don't Know"
Bounty Plus, Final Battle and the Annotated Bibles
idisk: andyg

Okay, I did read the FAQ, but I can't understand a frickin word it's sayin! So it's easier when I know that someone form Earth (or someone near Earth) is actually telling me. And second, I was really tied last night and I thought that this was the Development board. And here's my problem:
How do I find the height, width, and size of the PICT? I didn't make the ship. I got the mask and Pict (there's 6 PICTs) from an Internet Graphics provider. So, in other words, I don't know anything about the PICTs besides the ID#s and visible things like that. So how do I find the size?

"The Answer. . . Lies beyond the horizen" - Me, David L. Clark "The Beloved"


Originally posted by The Space Between:
**..How do I find the height, width, and size of the PICT? I didn't make the ship. I got the mask and Pict (there's 6 PICTs) from an Internet Graphics provider. So, in other words, I don't know anything about the PICTs besides the ID#s and visible things like that. So how do I find the size?

Most ship graphics packages include a ReadMe file which give the size of the sprites, or the information is provided on the site you download the picts from. If the info is not in either of these places you will need to use a graphics program such as GraphicConverter or PhotoShop to look at the sprties and find the size. Note that the spin resource needs the size of a single sprite image, not the size of the entire grid.

Joe Burnette
"I find that humans can be divided into only two meaningful categories: Decent Humans and Sonsofbitches; both types appear to be evenly distributed
among all shapes, colors, sizes, and nationalities." -- Keith Laumer

Well, I have GraphicConvertor. So, where can I find the size?

"The Answer. . . Lies beyond the horizen" - Me, David L. Clark "The Beloved"


Originally posted by The Space Between:
**Well, I have GraphicConvertor. So, where can I find the size?

Open the PICT in GC, and hit (SHIFT)+(COMMAND)+I. This will bring up a little info window with, among other things, dimensions for the graphic.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

Is that an L or an i?

"The Answer. . . Lies beyond the horizen" - Me, David L. Clark "The Beloved"


Originally posted by The Space Between:
**Is that an L or an i?

I, as in "eye" or Info.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

Kay seeya! Thanks!

"The Answer. . . Lies beyond the horizen" - Me, David L. Clark "The Beloved"


Originally posted by The Space Between:
I was really tied last night and I thought that this was the Development board. And here's my problem:

Alright, one time asking a dev-board type of question is excusable. However, you just gave an excuse and then proceeded to ask another one. If you do it again, I'll just delete the topic.

EVula @ (url="http://"")
Your friendly self-promoting EV & EVO Boards/Addon/Newswire moderator

Sorry EVula.

I'm going to send you an e-mail about your Dragon Frigate and Dragon Interceptor ships.

"The Answer. . . Lies beyond the horizen" - Me, David L. Clark "The Beloved"