My Site

I have started (url= own little EV site[](http://.%20%20As%20of%20now,%20all%20I%20have%20is%20a%20small%20(and%20almost%20complete)%20tips%20section%20and%20the%20first%20two%20chapters%20of%20my%20story,%20The%20Legion.<br />
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Chapter%20two%20is,%20like%20I%20said,%20up.%20%20I%20need%20comments...<br />
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Even%20more%20importantly,%20I%20need%20submissions.%20%20A%20few%20people%20have%20links%20they%20want%20me%20to%20put%20up,%20and%20I%20will%20once%20I%20have%20the%20link%20section%20up.%20%20Links%20will%20be%20up%20in%20a%20few%20days,%20hopefully.%20%20But%20I%20need%20stories%20and%20graphics%20and,%20well,%20anything%20that%20will%20pass%20as%20content,%20because%20I%20am%20lacking%20it.<br />
<br /><br />
<br />
It's%20really%20late%20and%20I'm%20probably%20just%20rambling%20now.%20%20Me%20need%20bed....%20beeeedddd....<br />
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------------------<br />
--ares<br />
) Check%20out%20my%20new%20EV%20website:%20%5burl=http://"]The Legion" target="_blank">. As of now, all I have is a small (and almost complete) tips section and the first two chapters of my story, The Legion.

Chapter two is, like I said, up. I need comments...

Even more importantly, I need submissions. A few people have links they want me to put up, and I will once I have the link section up. Links will be up in a few days, hopefully. But I need stories and graphics and, well, anything that will pass as content, because I am lacking it.

Comments and suggestions are also appreciated:

It's really late and I'm probably just rambling now. Me need bed.... beeeedddd....

"Out of all the sperm, I was the fastest."
Check out my new EV website: (url=http://" Legion

Except for quite a few dead links, it's a very nicely formatted site.

One tip- Instead of displaying all of your news, archive it. πŸ™‚

Prepare to succumb to superior intelligence
Terrorist Strike
(url="http://"")Pentagon Attack(/url)-(url="http://"")WTC Tower Collapse(/url)
Military Technology - (url="http://"")Army(/url) - (url="http://"")Navy(/url)

(url="http://"")A very nice website.(/url) Almost as good as (url="http://"")mine.(/url) πŸ˜‰ Actually, it's better.

Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.
(url="http://"")Luke's Website(/url)

All dead links are because I have not finished anything yet. The only dead links should actually the the Rebel and Combat sections of the tips page...

I'll start archiving news next update. Good idea.

"Out of all the sperm, I was the fastest."
Check out my new EV website: (url="http://"")The Legion(/url).

The entire tips section is dead.

Prepare to succumb to superior intelligence
Terrorist Strike
(url="http://"")Pentagon Attack(/url)-(url="http://"")AP Photo of the Day(/url)
Military Technology - (url="http://"")Army(/url) - (url="http://"")Navy(/url) - (url="http://"")Air Force(/url)

Crap! Really? I guess I can only load them because of cache. Crap, this is the last time. RR always (*%#s up my websites... everything I upload is getting deleted but index.html.

Alright, I'm going to move my page over to my iTools account. I'll let you know when all is well.

"Out of all the sperm, I was the fastest."
Check out my new EV website: (url="http://"")The Legion(/url).

Everytime I reaload the tactics page, its fine for me. I don't have that as a broken link. This is really messed up. When I upload something and then log out of FTP, and then log back in, all the files I upped are gone. I can go to the pages but no one else can. Grrr.... And iTools wont let me setup a page unless I want to use a template of theirs or something lame. Where can I get some decent free web space?

"Out of all the sperm, I was the fastest."
Check out my new EV website: (url="http://"")The Legion(/url).

NetFinder isn't displaying any of my files, but IE is. FTP is no good in IE, but it still shows my files. So the problem is yours, because I can get to the tips section fine and the files are there.

"Out of all the sperm, I was the fastest."
Check out my new EV website: (url="http://"")The Legion(/url).


Originally posted by ares1:
**Everytime I reaload the tactics page, its fine for me. I don't have that as a broken link. This is really messed up. When I upload something and then log out of FTP, and then log back in, all the files I upped are gone. I can go to the pages but no one else can. Grrr.... And iTools wont let me setup a page unless I want to use a template of theirs or something lame. Where can I get some decent free web space?


Actually you can make a site ith out templates. But you have to create the pages in HTML. You have to place the HTML files in to your sites folder wich is located in your iTools floder.That's what I here but It never works for me. Also (url="http://"") hase nice web space. Skyblade uses it all the time.

"I'm not the one who runs from a fight, but also I'm not the one who stays in a losing battle." Galeish

If anyone needs help creating a web site with HTML or needs help with HTML please e-mail me at (url="http://";=rebel+council")


Originally posted by ares1:
**NetFinder isn't displaying any of my files, but IE is. FTP is no good in IE, but it still shows my files. So the problem is yours, because I can get to the tips section fine and the files are there.


It just says that the requested file does not exist on the server; I use IE 5.0

Prepare to succumb to superior intelligence
Terrorist Strike
(url="http://"")Pentagon Attack(/url)-(url="http://"")AP Photo of the Day(/url)
Military Technology - (url="http://"")Army(/url) - (url="http://"")Navy(/url) - (url="http://"")Air Force(/url) offers twenty megabytes of free webspace, and there's a good possibility you'll find a nice domain name. However, the server is often rather slow, and hard to connect to via FTP on Friday nights (too much traffic). Other then that, I would highly recommend an account with

Where can you get some good, free counters? Bravenet. They provide just about anything for free, so if you want a counter, go there (when you sign up, you can also add things to your site such as message forums, chat forums, redirects... You name it). (url="http://"")

Great site, ares!

-Cap'n Skyblade
(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
the United Earth Graphics Expansion Set: Coming soon

Is Rak the only one who cannot use the tactics link on my site? It's working fine for me. Is it working for you, skyblade and Rebel council?

"Out of all the sperm, I was the fastest."
Check out my new EV website: (url="http://"")The Legion(/url).


Originally posted by ares1:
**Is Rak the only one who cannot use the tactics link on my site? It's working fine for me. Is it working for you, skyblade and Rebel council?


It works great from the main page, it's just when you click on "confed, rebel ext."

"I'm not the one who runs from a fight, but also I'm not the one who stays in a losing battle." Galeish

If anyone needs help creating a web site with HTML or needs help with HTML please e-mail me at (url="http://";=rebel+council")

I'm not having any trouble on that site. I do love your description about the Kestrel (pirate How To): "It has a compliment of two lightning fighters to do the dirty for you."

I don't want my fighters to do the dirty for me, I like doing it myself, thank you very much. πŸ™‚

Don't worry about archiving the news until you have something else up on your page. You've got 3 links, the rest is news; as long as the news isn't 3 pages long, it doesn't look that bad to have it all there.



Originally posted by EVula:
I don't want my fighters to do the dirty for me, I like doing it myself, thank you very much.:)

Very well said! πŸ™‚ haha

"I'm not the one who runs from a fight, but also I'm not the one who stays in a losing battle." Galeish

If anyone needs help creating a web site with HTML or needs help with HTML please e-mail me at (url="http://";=rebel+council")

Right now, it all looks terrible. Its just a bunch of text... I want to get some sort of kick-ass image map up in the next few days. But that will take a while, seeing as how I'm not so great with graphics.

The only broken link should be the Rebels. The confeds, pirates, traders should work. Well, Rebels and combat tips are broken links. I havn't got around to doing those yet... I've been busy with finishing chapter 2 of The Legion (which, actually, came out much better than the first chapter, so check it out.) and getting some other stuff up.

My previous FTP problems are fault of a messed up FTP program; so I will be staying with the current URL.

"Out of all the sperm, I was the fastest."
Check out my new EV website: (url="http://"")The Legion(/url).


Originally posted by ares1:
**The only broken link should be the Rebels. The confeds, pirates, traders should work. Well, Rebels and combat tips are broken links. I havn't got around to doing those yet... I've been busy with finishing chapter 2 of The Legion (which, actually, came out much better than the first chapter, so check it out.) and getting some other stuff up.

OH! Ares the links are not broken. It's just that you made the ship pics the links and I was clicking on the text. You should really fix that. Ether make both text and pic links or just the text or just pics(wow, I think I confused myself πŸ™‚ ). It would really help. Thats about all............for now. πŸ™‚

"I'm not the one who runs from a fight, but also I'm not the one who stays in a losing battle." Galeish

If anyone needs help creating a web site with HTML or needs help with HTML please e-mail me at (url="http://";=rebel+council")

Hey, Skyblade, how can I create the star effect - or something fairly similar - using photoshop? You said you did it using Glitterato. Is that freeware? Because I don't have a budget for software right now... If its not, is there other (free) software I could try? I know you offered to do my graphics work for me, but I hate to impose... plus I need to learn to do it on my own.

"Out of all the sperm, I was the fastest."
Check out my new EV website: (url="http://"")The Legion(/url).

Rebel Council, problem fixed... I set the URLs in the text (on accident) to the URLs of the ship graphics. Sort of. Long story short, I mistook one URL for another in BBedit and changed the wrong thing.

"Out of all the sperm, I was the fastest."
Check out my new EV website: (url="http://"")The Legion(/url).

Ares, it works now... Some advice:

"you get a particle beam and a cloaking device"
You only get a particle beam when playing for the 'Feds. Playing too much TalonΒ™ I see πŸ˜‰

You have the Hawk as a Pirate Ship. It is not purchasable or capturable.

You forgot the Argosy in the Pirate Ship section.

"I suggest that you ship this ship"
On the scoutship description - I suggest you change ship to skip πŸ˜‰

"It hold 50 tons of cargo" on the courier desc.

"hold it's own against a pirate attack" on the argosy desc. drop the apostrophe

"entrepeur" on the bulk freighter desc. It should be entrepreneur

Prepare to succumb to superior intelligence
Terrorist Strike
(url="http://"")Pentagon Attack(/url)-(url="http://"")AP Photo of the Day(/url)
Military Technology - (url="http://"")Army(/url) - (url="http://"")Navy(/url) - (url="http://"")Air Force(/url)