How do I put new ships in?

I just got new ships, and I wanna know how to put them into the game. When I decompress them I see 3 pictures and a resedit doc. What do I do with these?


Just change the creator codes(mérc?) of the resedit document into an EV-plugin, drop it into the plugin folder and away you go.

"Out of all the sperm, I was the fastest."
Check out my new EV website: (url="http://"")The Legion(/url).

Umm.. there is no merc resource, just a pic and spin resource.


Uhm.... heheheh. I'm not the best guy to help you with this, but do this; open an ev plugin in resedit. Get info on it. Get info on your resedit file. Compare them and change the creator codes in the resedit doc to the ones in the other plugin. This will make EV see it as a plugin. Drop it in the plugins folder.

"Out of all the sperm, I was the fastest."
Check out my new EV website: (url="http://"")The Legion(/url).

Well, I did that but, I want to make new ships not replacae old one. Thans for the help BTW.



Originally posted by Frozen7:
**Well, I did that but, I want to make new ships not replacae old one. Thans for the help BTW.


Why didn't you say that to start with? 🙂

If you want to add ships to the game without replacing existing ships, you will have to use ResEdit to change the ID numbers of the new ships to numbers that are not used in the game. You will also have to change the ID#s of all the resources associated with the ship; there are around 15, can't remember the exact number at the moment, but they include the 'spďn' resource, 6 'PICT' resources, 2 'dësc' resources, and 4 'STR ' resources. A little tool called "EVO Formula Calc" is a great help in this, it will calculate the correct ID numbers for all the resources. If you can't find it in the add-ons part of the archives, it can be found here:

Joe Burnette
"I find that humans can be divided into only two meaningful categories: Decent Humans and Sonsofbitches; both types appear to be evenly distributed
among all shapes, colors, sizes, and nationalities." -- Keith Laumer

Thanks, but it still sounds like alot of work. Maybe I'll give it a try next time I have time to mess with it.


If ya want a couple ships added in, email me the pics and stats for the ships at and i'll shove 'em in a plug and send it back to ya (unless you've figured out how to do it yourself now).

check out my(url="http://"")new website(/url)(believe it or not I will keep updating this one, I had some trouble with the internet, so I haven't been online AT ALL for weeks), and tell me what you think!
"So, there is sanity in all this madness!" - Yoshimo

(This message has been edited by ChaosMan (edited 09-19-2001).)

You're asking how to make a EV plug. It's not too hard.

Step 1) RTFF(1). (url="http://";=29&SUBMIT;=Go")The FAQ(/url) (url="http://";=29&SUBMIT;=Go#28")"How Do I make a ship?"(/url)

Step 2) Do what the FAQ says.

Step 3) There is no step 3.

(1)Acronym for Read the Fine(2) FAQ.

(2)There are those who maintain that this actually refers to some other word starting with F. I don't know what it could be, though. 😉

Because it's there,