Boozerama Bar VII

Shade needs cherry cola! get me cherry cola!

Get some."-Me

GR wakes up and orders a Marsian Light.

He looks at the video news and sees the following headline-

"Australian Eric Berglund is under arrest for fraud and grand larsony."

Rak looks down and sees his pockets have been picked. His wallet is open, its contents covered in blood on the floor. Guess ShadowKat's in charge.

(Rates go down 10%

Prepare to succumb to superior intelligence
MOSS of the Crimson Guard, a (url="http://"")Planetarion(/url) alliance.
Winning isn't everything thing, it's the only thing.
Go have a good laugh with (url="http://"")Bushisms(/url).

Corey opens a low 3.7% APR VeesuhKard™ booth with a 1 million credit payments until 3099!

Bruteroot whines at the door. "Stay, Bruteroot," Corey says. "Just wait for me outside and I'll be there soon...the man at the bar has a Pokémon detector installed at the entrance." 😛

Coreył (Cubed)
Are you a fan of HHGG? Play the original text adventure (url="http://"")here(/url)!

Meanwhile, one of GR's hired guns sneaks up behind the idiot Bruteroot. Brandishing an ion quadbarrel shotgun, he blows Bruteroot into a trillion pieces.

Prepare to succumb to superior intelligence
MOSS of the Crimson Guard, a (url="http://"")Planetarion(/url) alliance.
Winning isn't everything thing, it's the only thing.
Go have a good laugh with (url="http://"")Bushisms(/url).


Originally posted by General Rak:
**Meanwhile, one of GR's hired guns sneaks up behind the idiot Bruteroot. Brandishing an ion quadbarrel shotgun, he blows Bruteroot into a trillion pieces.


sigh Quit doing that. The trillion pieces of virtual data are scattered around. They gather together and Bruteroot is reconfigured into an EGG. The EGG will hatch into a BULBASAUR.

Coreył (Cubed)
Are you a fan of HHGG? Play the original text adventure (url="http://"")here(/url)!

If you drop it, I will, ok, Rak?

Coreył (Cubed)
Are you a fan of HHGG? Play the original text adventure (url="http://"")here(/url)!

OK... I'm BAAAAAA-AAAAAACK! BTW, my psychology teacher brought a laptop to the college retreat (where'd you THINK I went for 3 days? Playing hookey?). I showed her the BB's, from 1-7, and she said the reason that they were losing popularity was because they had "evolved". For ex, when Rak did his little "shoot Bruteroot in the head" thing, in the ole' days, it would have been-

"One of GR's hired guns creeps up behind Bruteroot and cocks his rifle."

NOW, GR's bodyfuard just comes up and shoots him. It makes it less intresting. You have to give them a chance to react. However, you can't just say, "Bruteroot turns around and squashes him", either. NOTE: I'm not picking on GR (much as I would like to), I just used him as an example.

Oh, and Mac? Please answer my former question about bringing ships in AS LONG AS THEY ARE NOT used for violence (cough, cough, General RAK! cough, cough, cough...)

ONE last thing before I go on wid Lyra: I will do duck races after this post, and soda shooting after Mac and Skyblade tell me their soda's. So far, these are the standings:


That's all I have. now, if I missed anyone, or if someone would like to join, PLEASE tell me ASAP! Oh, and BTW- 6 posts left before the joke contest is over.

Lyra, who (like corey) also USED to like Pok`emon because of younger siblings, feels sympathy to the unsuspecting Bruteroot. Before the sniper can do anything, she bashes him upside the head with a Cheez-It™ box. After throwing the body into Lake Michigan, she leads Bruteroot to the edge of the forest. After bypassing ALL of corey's security codes (Lyra's got magic, 'member 😛 ), she undoes the leash. After using her magic once again to translate 'root's last farewells ("Ehhh, I hated Corey anyway. Not enough food. Too stupid. Do me a favor: starve him for a few weeks and tell 'im it's his X-mas present, 'cuz he won't be gettin' one form me this year"), he trots off and was never seen again.

PS: Everybody in Boozerama should have ONE weakness, ONE Achilles Heel (yes, even YOU Rak). Lyra's- CHEEZ=ITS!

Grrr... Corey posted at the same time as me...

I already said this, maybe you missed it. Cream Soda, please. I want to join in your soda war!

Heh, Bruteroot's got a strange sense of humor. I know he only meant some of it, cuz we used to be best buds (but he's happier in the forest than sittin' outside a bar door).

Gotta go...

Coreył (Cubed)
Are you a fan of HHGG? Play the original text adventure (url="http://"")here(/url)!

Lyra - I suppose, but you can't fire at anything

OK... I will add you to the list. I knew I was forgetting somebody.
MAc & Skyblade, get your requests in... And Skyblade? You can still have DP too, ye know. You'll be fighting FOR Dr. Pepper, Insano will be going AGAINST it...

Um... I said a bunch of things... which one were you agreeing with?

Lyra does a does a double take. "You don't want to blow up Soda cans? You don't have to do anything! I mean, heck! I'M the one writing dice-rolling programs for my TI-83+ so I don't have to REALLY roll the dice... You just watch yourself dunk Skyblade in tanks of DP! What's more entertaining then that?"


Roll 1-
Froedrick- 3 (# I rolled), 8 (current total)
Chuck- 5, 14
Cheese- 2, 3
Samuel- 5, 8

I got a 2, so the brick hit Chuck. He is knocked back 3 spaces. Which isn't so bad, seeing as how he was so far ahead. He made an easy target. 😛

Grrrr... STILL no volcano eruptions...

Froedrick- 8 ft.
Chuck- 11 ft.
Cheese- 3 ft.
Samuel- 8 ft.


Originally posted by Lyra Engel:
Um... I said a bunch of things... which one were you agreeing with?

About the ships.


Originally posted by Lyra Engel:
I'M the one writing dice-rolling programs for my TI-83+ so I don't have to REALLY roll the dice...

Eh, so? I've written programs on my TI-89 ( 😛 ) that encrypt messages using my own key I devised. If you read through BFS II, I posted one example on page 4(?).

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

Luke gets a big sixty-million gallon barrel of Sprite and goes to live in a concrete bunker under the bar for a while.*

"Sorry, guys, nothing interesting is happening. I'll still be watching the bar though, so if you need me just use the intercom link from the corner of the bar- it goes straight to my bunker. Also, are you all aware you don't exist? You have to explain how y'all survived that atom bomb..."

*I'll be back!:D

Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.
(url="http://"")Luke's Website(/url)

Macavenger takes a break from his duties at the bar, and opens a secret hatch on the floor. Going beneath the bar, he begins rigging up some interesting little things on a concrete surface down there...

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")


Originally posted by Macavenger:
**Macavenger takes a break from his duties at the bar, and opens a secret hatch on the floor. Going beneath the bar, he begins rigging up some interesting little things on a concrete surface down there...

Look seems not at all surprised as Macavenger suddenly falls through his roof and into a certified Pit 'O Doom™.

"What, Mac, the Intercom not good enough for you? Please leave me in peace unless you really need me."

Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.
(url="http://"")Luke's Website(/url)

Hey, thanx, Mac! 😄 You're a swell guy, anyone ever tell ya that?

My offer of making DuckRacers™ for PC is still up in the air...

Coreył (Cubed)
Are you a fan of HHGG? Play the original text adventure (url="http://"")here(/url)!

Lyra, who was really starting to like Mac, comes down in her RADIOACTIVE-REPPELENT ship and goes into the Aura, basically a shrunken defender that Lyra uses in close spaces. After crawiling in, she starts up the drive engines. She goes down into the bunker, and Luke turns around from mac's body and sees the heavily modified defender staring at him. Lyra bypasses the security codes, places a cloak over the Bar, and launches a Fireball at Luke. All the energy & destruction that COULD havew blown up the bar and the sourrounding 5 spaceports goes to Luke. Luke dies. 'Nuff said. Lyra climbs out, takes Mac out of the pit, has goes back into the Aura, flies back to her Mothership, has trained medics revive him, and then apologizes for using her ship for violence, but then points out the fact then Mac WAS dieing, and Lyra DID save him.

Hey Lyra, you probably picked this up, but you have convinced me to read the His Dark Materials series. I put them on hold at my local library. THEN I'll tell everyone just how good (or bad) they really are!

Corey chucks some more Cheez-Its™ at Arookee (how's the little scamp doin'?). Arookee gobbles them up faster than you can shout, "Daemon".

Coreył (Cubed)
Are you a fan of HHGG? Play the original text adventure (url="http://"")here(/url)!

(This message has been edited by coreycubed (edited 09-07-2001).)