How To get ahead

How would I become a big player in the games universe? How do I get the big ships and become rulers of wolrds (I know by demanding tribute).



Originally posted by Frozen7:
**How would I become a big player in the games universe? How do I get the big ships and become rulers of wolrds (I know by demanding tribute).


I am assuming you refer to EV, of course ๐Ÿ™‚ So, a lot of people are going to say this, but time is the only answer. Your best bet is to stay conservative at first. Don't attack other vessels, and do as many rush deliveries as you can. Once you work up enough cash to buy something larger, get a Scoutship or a Courier. This will make multiple missions easier. Now, your ship should have enough armament to defend yourself from small pirates. And remember : don't pick fights!!! You can't handle the enemies at this point. Try to visit spaceport bars as often as possible to pick up special missions. These can get you started on a mission sequence and increase your standings with local governments. Saving up for a Corvette is a good plan, or maybe an Argosy if you're not ready for the big firepower yet (and the inherent costs that follow!).

OK, I'll stop now and leave the rest to you, or anyone else who cares to post here...

Coreyล‚ (Cubed)
I'm a (url="http://"")Boozerama Bar(/url) kinda guy!


Originally posted by coreycubed:
Once you work up enough cash to buy something larger, get a Scoutship or a Courier. This will make multiple missions easier. Now, your ship should have enough armament to defend yourself from small pirates. And remember : don't pick fights!!! You can't handle the enemies at this point.

Says who? I can easily take anything up to a Corvette in my Scoutship. Once you get a Corvette, you should be able to easily defeat anything except government cruisers.

Frozen7, if you meant specifically how to get large government warships, like the Rebel Cruiser, just hang out in bars on Rebel planets a lot once you have a bit of a name for yourself there, and you should eventually get missions that will allow you to buy the big ships.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

I already have a courier and starbound exprees likes me for missions (I've had two already). I thinking that its a bad idea to help pirates out at first (opps!). I got lots of upgrades for it like a missle jammer and armor upgrade. So you say I should get as may rushs as I can, ok I'll try those tips as soon as I have time to play (stupid 24 hour days) ๐Ÿ™‚



Originally posted by Frozen7:
I already have a courier and starbound exprees likes me for missions (I've had two already).

Bah, trade it in for a Scoutship, it's far superior. ๐Ÿ™‚

(quote)Originally posted by Frozen7:
**So you say I should get as may rushs as I can,

Yup, rushes are the best way to get quick money early. Just remember that they do have a time limit, so don't take too many too far away. ๐Ÿ™‚

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")**

He sounded like a beginner (no offense). It takes quite a bit o' skill to take out Corvettes in a Scoutship. And hacking Corvettes to pieces isn't exactly the best way to work your way up fast. Corvettes are usually Militia, Lethean, Cydonian, or Pirate, and you don't wanna make any of those mad in a Scoutship, excepting the pirates who hate you anyways.

Coreyล‚ (Cubed)
I'm a (url="http://"")Boozerama Bar(/url) kinda guy!


Originally posted by coreycubed:
He sounded like a beginner (no offense). It takes quite a bit o' skill to take out Corvettes in a Scoutship.

No, it doesn't, if you outfit your ship right. And I only do that to pirates anyway.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

Scoutship? Scoutship? please! And while you're in your scoutship you can hang up some pink curtains and learn to tap dance.

Screw the missions and the scoutship. You have two options:

  1. Beef up that shuttle. Get a torp launch and some proton turrets and hang out in rebel worlds pirating small ships like clippers and couriers until you have enough for either a Corvette or a kestrel.

  2. Get an afterburner for your shuttle. Get a few hundered thousand credits and hire a fleet of light freigters or something. Run the Procyon--> Pollux running food and lux goods. Once you have enough, get a kestrel or vette.

Whats the point of a scoutship? Its no better but costs a lot and have like 10 more tons of cargo. Get escorts if you need cargo space.

"Before you criticize a man, walk a mile in his shoes. That way, when you do criticize him, you'll be a mile away and have his shoes."

That doesn't work for missions.

Scoutships rule! ๐Ÿ˜„

"Why should I boast? The bards will do it for me -- and with music."
--Ertai, wizard adept


Originally posted by ares1:
**Screw the missions and the scoutship. You have two options:

  1. Beef up that shuttle. Get a torp launch and some proton turrets and hang out in rebel worlds pirating small ships like clippers and couriers until you have enough for either a Corvette or a kestrel.**

Excuse me?????? A shuttle can't even hold any turrets, let alone a torpedo launcher!!! Get your facts straight, please!!! :rolleyes:

Coreyล‚ (Cubed)
I'm a (url="http://"")Boozerama Bar(/url) kinda guy!

yeah I though a shuttle couldn't hold any of those. I used to play EV but stopped when I got this nifty G4 ๐Ÿ™‚ I think i'll stay with my courier BTW, I got 30,000 woth of upgrades(I think).Hmm I think I'll take a break from Home work to play a little, then off to bed.I used to play with a cheat utility that could give me tons of credits. Then I would deck out a kestral hire kestral escorts and take over planets. Now that the utility doesn't work I can't do that anymore :frown:



Originally posted by Frozen7:
I think i'll stay with my courier BTW, I got 30,000 woth of upgrades(I think).

You realize that you will get most of that back if you sell the ship, because it's added to your trade in value? You could probably just about get a Scoutship for free trading in an upgraded Courier. And the Scoutship has so much more combat potential than a Courier. ๐Ÿ˜„

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

Yeah, shuttles cant hold turrets. I guess only in this plug im playing...

Get a missile launcher and a proton cannon, then. But its better to do missions and keep the shuttle, and then get a fleet and run the trade routes.

"Before you criticize a man, walk a mile in his shoes. That way, when you do criticize him, you'll be a mile away and have his shoes."

I'm not sure you get exactly the same amount back when you sell a ship that has upgrades. For example, a Shuttle with 50,000 credits worth of upgrades (assuming that's possible) will still only sell for about, uh, 17,000. I think. I need to go check EV and make sure.

Coreyล‚ (Cubed)
I'm a (url="http://"")Boozerama Bar(/url) kinda guy!


Originally posted by coreycubed:
**I'm not sure you get exactly the same amount back when you sell a ship that has upgrades. For example, a Shuttle with 50,000 credits worth of upgrades (assuming that's possible) will still only sell for about, uh, 17,000. I think. I need to go check EV and make sure.

I'm pretty sure it's significantly more than that, but you are right, it's not full value. It is fairly close though, at least three-quarters. I remember the time I borded a Space Derelict Kestrel in my Scoutship and stole it's Lightning Fighters. My trade in jumped at least 1.5 mil after that... ๐Ÿ˜„


Originally posted by ares1:
Get a missile launcher and a proton cannon, then. But its better to do missions and keep the shuttle, and then get a fleet and run the trade routes.

Eh, a Missile Rack and Proton is 18 tons, Shuttles only have 15... quit dreaming about your cheater plug. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Shuttles aren't good for running trade routes, even with Escorts, there just isn't enough you can do with them. By contrast, my Scoutship with 10 Missiles, 3 lasers, upgraded speed, maneuverability, shields, and armor, plus double the cargo room, can do trading quite handily, with or without a support fleet, and can also demolish any pirate except a Kestrel easily, and maybe even that if you disable and are lucky enough to capture the Lightnings, and turn them against the Kestrel.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")