BFS - Episode III: "The Worlds Beyond the Milky Way" pre-registration forum


Originally posted by Macavenger:
Lyra - You aren't the Alien fleet commander. Get this straight - you're all fleet commanders (most likely), and Shade will assign you ranks. If you kill ShadowKat too much, do not complain about your lack of rank, court martial, and summary execution that I should expect would be forthcoming.

Thank U 4 telling me. I am sure that post clarified a lot. And heck, Shade wouldn't take that pesonally (I hope...)


Originally posted by Shade:
I in fact follow advanced capitalist leanings,mixed with absolute dictatorship.

Cool! I love capitialism. Dictatorships are u-sually OK, exet when the dictator dtarts funneling the tzx money into his own pocket.


Originally posted by Shade:
**Just remember,as Emperor I can have you executed for treason,or sent deep into enemy territory(J/K,I wouldn't let BB spill onto this thing).

Umm... Just a stupid question... what does J/K mean?

I don't hold anything againdt you for killing me and scattering my ashes in the sewer, and I would hope that you don't hold anything against me for throwing ShadowCat off the Brooklyn Bridge. I thought that BB was "no decor". Translated from army language, it basically means that everybody has a good time, and all protocol is completly forgotten. Well, maybe I wuz wrong. But hopefully, you wouuld let bb affect bfs, cuz I don't.

J/K means just kidding.
Of course I wouldn't let BB fizzle over into BFS III.
Lyra Engels on BFS III is a different personality to Lyra Engels on BB,just as Shade on BB is a completely different personality to Lord Emperor Shade on BFS III.
See page 3 or 4 or 5 for the Alien rank list,I'll repost it shortly.

"Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's."
-St. Matthew's Gospel 22:21


Originally posted by Macavenger:
**Rak, I want a full list of your restrictions, for possible modification... what kind of range does it have again?

I had to dig all the way back to page four to get this! 😉

It's a long range beam weapon. It fires an incredible amount of energy packed together. It's range is about twice the range of a torpedo.
•It must be carried by at least a kestrel.
•It can be (along with turrets) the only weapon the ship can carry.
•The ship cost must be raised by at least 4M
•The weapon can't be put on a ship, if the ship wasn't purchased with the Buster

Prepare to succumb to superior intelligence
MOSS of the Crimson Guard, a (url="http://"")Planetarion(/url) alliance.
Winning isn't everything thing, it's the only thing.
Go have a good laugh with (url="http://"")Bushisms(/url).

I checked out the ranks shade... COOL! Have you ever been to Rome before? Nice place. I went there for a high school trip. Do you know that a lot of modern arcitechture is based on Roman design? Ye know, those guys had the best army of all time. They wouldn't stand a chance against the US military, but if we were blown back to their time, with their weapons and stuff... we'd get our a**'s kicked!

I can do some graphics, if u want.

Heavy swings the club.


Originally posted by ZenMastaT:
**Yeah, the Aliens should definitely have many players, because I doubt it will be possible for anyone to keep the Dreden and HC apart for the entire webstory, someone will find a way, especially with both Skyblade and Mac able to coordinate.


<evil laughs> Well, just because Mac and I will do our best to unite in order to fight the alien empire, it will still be a hard job for us. Just remember that the fact you already know one of our main goals will give you alien players an advantage to mobilize and protect the Sentarus galaxy borders.

-Cap'n Skyblade
(url="http://"")Saber Studios(/url) - Your source for original EV/O/N graphics.
the Azdgari Graphics Expansion Set: Coming soon


Originally posted by ZenMastaT:
**... I won't like that buster cannon if it can blow a carrier apart in a single shot...

That figures! We finally get some progress in the grossly over-balanced tech disadvantage (against us wee pirates) ... and the whinning starts.

If the web story is designed to be "stacked" against us, what's the point of having pirates at all? Rather than just be the "designated mutt to be kicked" KK may go work on other projects.

Serious line of questioning, Skyblade, "Why are you including pirates in the story? Is it to enhance the story? Or is it to simply placate-the-pirates-it-doesn't-matter-they're- just-cannon-fodder-anyway?" Your answer will determine my participation.

- KK

Courage stands halfway between cowardice and rashness, one of which is a lack, the other an excess of courage." ... Plutarch

(This message has been edited by Kaptain Karl (edited 09-03-2001).)


Originally posted by Kaptain Karl:
Serious line of questioning, Skyblade, "Why are you including pirates in the story? Is it to enhance the story? Or is it to simply placate-the-pirates-it-doesn't-matter-they're- just-cannon-fodder-anyway?" Your answer will determine my participation.

The way I understand it, it will provide a challenge for the HC to fight on two fronts. If you fight smartly, the Aliens may win.

Prepare to succumb to superior intelligence
MOSS of the Crimson Guard, a (url="http://"")Planetarion(/url) alliance.
Winning isn't everything thing, it's the only thing.
Go have a good laugh with (url="http://"")Bushisms(/url).

eh... what's that ye' say... the pirates WANT to help us? Aw, hell, we don't need those simple carbon-sustained creatures anyway.


Originally posted by General Rak:
**The way I understand it, it will provide a challenge for the HC to fight on two fronts. If you fight smartly, the Aliens may win.


You mean the pirates would win. The Aliens would eventually have to face us. And a fleet with about 6 buster cannons would easily destroy any enemy fleet if used correctly.

(url="http://"")Shinigami's Demon: A Gundam Wing Fanfic Archive(/url)
(url="http://"")EVN: The Beginning(/url)
US Naval Sea Cadet Corps, Petty Officer 3rd Class.

Well KK, my comment mainly revolves around the fact that I can see a post where one buster armed ship with escort hypers into a system, hits the flagship with Admiral aboard, (the extremely powerful and expensive flagship mind you) at such incredible range that no one can begin to fire back, and hypers out again.

If I'm in command of an HC fleet, I wouldn't like my command or any other essential vessels destroyed instantly by some crazy hit and run pirate. Come to think of it, I'm not sure how fair it will be anyway if anyone can simply obliterate the enemies command ship instantaneously at the start of a battl,e theres got to be some kind of counter measure.

(edit) Alright I just thought up some more limitations for the super amazing gun, perhaps a shorter range limit to allow fleets to flee, although thats still not too nice. There is the obvious idea of reducing power, or... uh something else which I have forgotten and will edit in if I remember.(Damn, and it was the most creative one too, I think)(/edit)

Apply When Wet

(This message has been edited by ZenMastaT (edited 09-03-2001).)

Agreed. If a ship with a buster can comes in and blows everything to kingdom come, then it wouldn't be any fun anymore. WE had this prob. in a webstory I was in once. it was a "medevil" webstory, and some guy said he'd made a catapult that could fire molten lava from long ranges. So I sorted out the dillema by letting EVERYBODY have a unique weapon, but it had to have a BIG advantage over someone elses, but a BIG disadvantage over another persons. It worked out pretty well. Eventually, the people of Fworkle (me and a couple others) not only fended off the attackers, but beat them to a pulp. We figured out that if we could design a fire hurler (OK, I admit, I got some hints from the His Dark Materials books, but who couldn't?) that threw rags drenched in cooking oil (Fworkle is known for its chefs) at the enemy "lava"pults, it would burn them and the desolate wasteland around them. Our backyard needed a little bit of redecorating at the end, but... would you rather be under cruel tyrany by the oppresive army of zangok? (Our enemy). Ok, I couold tell you more webstorys now, but I guess I won't.

I can see how thats sort of something along the lines of the classic rock-paper-scissors example. And the buster cannon equipped ships do have the large disadvantage(which Rak didn't post, but I'm sure I read somewhere, it might have been just a suggestion) of totally incapacitating the firing ship for awhile, including the inability to fire again for the majority of the battle.

Now my problem is thus, even with those limitations, I'm sure a Carrier costs much more then a Peregrine Cruiser, which I think is one of the ships mentioned to be equipped, and if the cannon is powerful enough to obliterate that ship, then the HC will soon be faced with a situation where it is impossible to win a fight with pirates who can hit and run and cost the HC lives and equipment on a scale unprecedented.

There has to be some other limitation, maybe the gun only inflicts energy damage, and therefore can't harm armor? Maybe the firing of the gun disables the ships hyperdrive for a time, so it can't run away? But even then, thats still the kind of trade no fleet commander would enjoy making.

Apply When Wet

Well, if they get that kind of Firepower, why don't we? It only makes it air. The HC can make like a beam weapon or something, and we can use the Fireball. Renamed of course, and we'd have to scale it down a bit, but if Shade, Mac, and Skyblade want to do that, that might be a solution. However, it's just a suggestion. It worked out OK before, there's no reason it can't do so again.

Ahem. The reason that I designed the buster cannon was to make it a bit fairer. An HC Carrier had the shield and armor strength of an entire Pirate fleet. We couldn't fight a single head to head battle. The buster cannon gives the Pirates the ability to destroy the HC and Alien heavy warships. Then we can get slaughtered using the medium warships. And there won't be any jump in, fire the buster cannon, and jump back out things. If you noticed, on the limitations, except for life support all systems were down on the ship for 2.5 minutes. Then they were back up but it took another 2.5 minutes to recharge the gun. It is designed to reduce some of the odds against us. And if you saw the stats of the ships in BSF2 the odds were stacked pretty high against the pirates.

(url="http://"")Shinigami's Demon: A Gundam Wing Fanfic Archive(/url)
(url="http://"")EVN: The Beginning(/url)
US Naval Sea Cadet Corps, Petty Officer 3rd Class.


Originally posted by spl_cadet:
Ahem. The reason that I designed the buster cannon was to make it a bit fairer.

I see. However, a weapon that could anhliate a fleet in a matter of seconds made te priates "fair scale" go from -1 to 100. Now, that technology is WAY better than anything you might find in the HC, Dreden, or alien fleets.


Originally posted by Lyra Engel:
**I see. However, a weapon that could anhliate a fleet in a matter of seconds made te priates "fair scale" go from -1 to 100. Now, that technology is WAY better than anything you might find in the HC, Dreden, or alien fleets.

If you had bothered to continue reading you would have noticed that the buster cannon has some drawbacks as well. There is no way that I could use the buster cannon to destroy an entire fleet unless I had over 200 of them.

(url="http://"")Shinigami's Demon: A Gundam Wing Fanfic Archive(/url)
(url="http://"")EVN: The Beginning(/url)
US Naval Sea Cadet Corps, Petty Officer 3rd Class.

I thought up a revision to the BC. It is a beam. Beams are short range weapons. Why not make the BC an extremely lethal short range weapon?That would make the ship carrying a lot more exposed. As a side effect, increase the fire rate to once every three minutes.

Prepare to succumb to superior intelligence
MOSS of the Crimson Guard, a (url="http://"")Planetarion(/url) alliance.
Winning isn't everything thing, it's the only thing.
Go have a good laugh with (url="http://"")Bushisms(/url).


Originally posted by General Rak:
**I thought up a revision to the BC. It is a beam. Beams are short range weapons. Why not make the BC an extremely lethal short range weapon?That would make the ship carrying a lot more exposed. As a side effect, increase the fire rate to once every three minutes.

That might work but you would have to get rid of the disables firing vessel part as well. And in any case you still run up against the problem of the carrier being the equivelent of a Pirate fleet. Surronded by a few other ships it is invincible.

(url="http://"")Shinigami's Demon: A Gundam Wing Fanfic Archive(/url)
(url="http://"")EVN: The Beginning(/url)
US Naval Sea Cadet Corps, Petty Officer 3rd Class.