BFS - Episode III: "The Worlds Beyond the Milky Way" pre-registration forum

Um, hello?
As I said before, I can do Alien graphics!!!
(I already have 2 or 3)

Heavy swings the club.

Possible Pirate ranking system. Needs ratification.
Fleet Admiral *****
Admiral ****
Vice Admiral ***
Rear Admiral Upper Half **
Rear Admiral Lower Half *
Lieutenant Commander
Lieutenant Junior Grade
If you want you can get rid of the half's and make the Lower Half a Commodore.

(url="http://"")Shinigami's Demon: A Gundam Wing Fanfic Archive(/url)
(url="http://"")EVN: The Beginning(/url)
US Naval Sea Cadet Corps, Petty Officer 3rd Class.

Ok Scalebone,send 'em to me and I'll have a look at them.
BTW:Your web story name is Agith Zemenzer,am I right?
Did I spell that right?

Get some."-Me

Yep, Agith Zememzer.

Heavy swings the club.


Originally posted by spl_cadet:
Possible Pirate ranking system. Needs ratification.
Fleet Admiral *****
Admiral ****
Vice Admiral ***
Rear Admiral Upper Half **
Rear Admiral Lower Half *
Lieutenant Commander
Lieutenant Junior Grade

Some of that seems okay. You should probably have "Freelancer" at the bottom. How about something like this (top to bottom. Most of it is your system):

Fleet Admiral
Mercenary Captain
Mercenary Commander
Noted Freelancer
Fresh Meat 😄

Hunter is my term for an extremely skilled pilot, but not somebody in commanding position.

"Why should I boast? The bards will do it for me -- and with music."
--Ertai, wizard adept


Originally posted by Lord Asriel:
**Some of that seems okay. You should probably have "Freelancer" at the bottom. How about something like this (top to bottom. Most of it is your system):

Fleet Admiral
Mercenary Captain
Mercenary Commander
Noted Freelancer
Fresh Meat 😄

Hunter is my term for an extremely skilled pilot, but not somebody in commanding position.

Sounds good. So fresh meat is the rank that all HC and Alien players hope to achieve? 🙂

(url="http://"")Shinigami's Demon: A Gundam Wing Fanfic Archive(/url)
(url="http://"")EVN: The Beginning(/url)
US Naval Sea Cadet Corps, Petty Officer 3rd Class.

spl_cadet, you disguist me.

All pirates pray at night to achieve the rank of POW in the HC Navy 😛

Prepare to succumb to superior intelligence
MOSS of the Crimson Guard, a (url="http://"")Planetarion(/url) alliance.
Winning isn't everything thing, it's the only thing.
Go have a good laugh with (url="http://"")Bushisms(/url).

Lord A' and spl_,

I don't think most pirates would recognize such rigid militaristic ranks. (KK scoffs at them.)

I think iconoclastic pirates would have a MUCH more basic system, such as...


... and let the individual Leaders have the freedom of selecting whatever intermediate ranks they want.

Geez! I'm a pirate (so long as I can swallow Skyblade's answer). By definition I rebel against all that structure....


- KK

Courage stands halfway between cowardice and rashness, one of which is a lack, the other an excess of courage." ... Plutarch

And all Humans fervently wish to be killed by the glorious Alien Empire,thus ending their pitiful existence as sub-sentient beings.
Sorry,but you aren't even getting "Toilet-Cleaning Slave" in an Empire run by me.

Get some."-Me

Want to know why my graphics are so bad? Here's a hint:
I just made another in the time it took to send that email. :eek: 😄

Heavy swings the club.

Skyblade, this is so you don't have to hunt for my question. I copied it off page 7 or 8.


Serious line of questioning, Skyblade, "Why are you including pirates in the story? Is it to enhance the story? Or is it to simply placate-the- pirates- it- doesn't- matter-they're- just-cannon-fodder-anyway?" Your answer will determine my participation.


- KK

Courage stands halfway between cowardice and rashness, one of which is a lack, the other an excess of courage." ... Plutarch

(This message has been edited by Kaptain Karl (edited 09-04-2001).)


Originally posted by Kaptain Karl:
I don't think most pirates would recognize such rigid militaristic ranks. (KK scoffs at them.)

I realize that. I was attempting to make a semi-rigid structure that wasn't quite as strict as cadet's original idea.


Originally posted by Kaptain Karl:
**I think iconoclastic pirates would have a MUCH more basic system, such as...


My system isn't, and wasn't intended to be, final. If you just want a few general ranks, how about these:


We can use modifications of those in the game, if we wanted to.

(quote)Originally posted by spl_cadet:
Sounds good. So fresh meat is the rank that all HC and Alien players hope to achieve?:) (/quote(

Of course. If they could ever get there. 😉

"Why should I boast? The bards will do it for me -- and with music."
--Ertai, wizard adept


Originally posted by Lord Asriel:
**My system isn't, and wasn't intended to be, final. If you just want a few general ranks, how about these:


We can use modifications of those in the game, if we wanted to.**

Yeah! I like it. Simple ... and very UN- HC or Dreden. 🙂

- KK

Courage stands halfway between cowardice and rashness, one of which is a lack, the other an excess of courage." ... Plutarch


Originally posted by General Rak:
**spl_cadet, you disguist me.

All pirates pray at night to achieve the rank of POW in the HC Navy 😛

HC Navy? You must be jesting. That pathetic gaggle of ships and you have the guts to call it a navy? I wouldn't even call it a convoy.

(url="http://"")Shinigami's Demon: A Gundam Wing Fanfic Archive(/url)
(url="http://"")EVN: The Beginning(/url)
US Naval Sea Cadet Corps, Petty Officer 3rd Class.

Shouldn't we at least wait for the webstory to start before we open up the hostilities? 😉

And just remember, if you want to pass around military strategies for the HC, keep me in mind too, I might be serving under you, and it would probably help if I understood what was going on 🙂

Apply When Wet

NOTE: I'm not sure when the story will start, but PLEASE don't post 'till I get back from my college retreat (the 7th of september, AKA friday). I hope that I will be able to do those graphics upon my return. Thanx!


Originally posted by ZenMastaT:
Shouldn't we at least wait for the webstory to start before we open up the hostilities?;)

No! Guns, all bear on spl_cadet's flagship! FIRE!


I'll keep you in mind for strategy decisions, Zen. Probably Thursday, I'll go back through and add all the HC players to my contact list, so we can do mass mailing.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")


Originally posted by Lyra Engel:
NOTE: I'm not sure when the story will start, but PLEASE don't post 'till I get back from my college retreat (the 7th of september, AKA friday). I hope that I will be able to do those graphics upon my return. Thanx!

It doesn't matter if we start posting while you are gone. I joined when we were halfway through BFSII.

(url="http://"")Shinigami's Demon: A Gundam Wing Fanfic Archive(/url)
(url="http://"")EVN: The Beginning(/url)
US Naval Sea Cadet Corps, Petty Officer 3rd Class.

Hey, can i join as a pirate? i can do a bunch of graphics if u need them.

Kool! More pirates...!

- KK

Courage stands halfway between cowardice and rashness, one of which is a lack, the other an excess of courage." ... Plutarch