Boozerama Bar VI

RC steals Lukes body from Mac and burns it then takes the DNA to clone 11 Lukes. RC makes 10 of the lukes stand in a line and kills them all with a minigun, after 10 minutes of firing the minigun and their lifeless bodys RC takes a break(miniguns are heavy). Then RC spils gasoline all over Luke and sets him on fire. As Luke starts runing around in agony RC jumps in his Reb Cruiser and blasts Luke with a voley of space bombs. (150 alerts, you think thats funny :mad: ) (well actually I thougt that was funny, but other people may no, so...)

"You know what I say, trying is the first step to failure" Homer Simpson

If anyone needs help creating a web site with HTML or needs help with HTML please E-mail me at

(This message has been edited by rebel council (edited 08-30-2001).)

Wow, that's gotta be a record. I don't think even Insano has managed to be killed 12 times in 2 posts before. Pretty good job there, Luke. 😛

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

The Hunter, as is the fashion these days, kills Insano

(using a Plasma Pistol) 🙂

The Hunter: semi-dangerously flying around in his Courier, looking for Pirates who are worse them him to blow up. Loyalty: Umm...I like the Feds better but I ain't enlisting!

/me walks into the bar, but quickly exits the carnage

General_Rak then goes back to the RSS Illusion, a modified Rebellion Destroyer with 5 proton turrets, 4 torp launchers + 80 torps, 500 shields, and a fully stocked armoury with an autobot...

/hector, proton bolt pistol
/hector tosses General_Rak a proton bolt pistol
On second thought...
/hector, neutron rifle
/hector hands General_Rak a charged up neutron rifle
/hector, Class V Bodyarmour
/hector painstaking clads General_Rak in Class V Bodyarmour
/hector, uzi
/hector assigns two thugs with uzis to guard General_Rak

An hour later, a decked out General_Rak with his escorts make a noisy appearence into the bar. He goes up to the holovid display, turns of the game, and says, "I am a professional bounty hunter with a full armoury, heavy ship, and packing more guns than the planet of New Chicago. I will torture and destroy your enemies for only 20K credits per pop." He then observes as the orders rack up.

Prepare to succumb to superior intelligence
MOSS of the Crimson Guard, a (url="http://"")Planetarion(/url) alliance.
Winning isn't everything thing, it's the only thing.
Go have a good laugh with (url="http://"")Bushisms(/url).


Lyra reincarnates Luke, and gives him a met's hat as a peace offering, and offers to be his friend, in the hopes of being in the plug. Just kidding, I seriously want to make up. Anyway, Lyra says to Luke, "Why did you make me click "OK" 300 times (I hit "back" and had to go through the whole thing again)? That was rather mean. Actually, I thought it was hillarious and plan to send it to my friend in Hong Kong. Although, you should work on your grammer. It needs a bit of work.

To Shade:
I (and Arookee, too) am/are waiting to hear your response about Arookee putin the moves on Shadowcat. If you could please tell us me/us as soon as possible, it would be appreciated.

To General rak:
Lyra walks up to the general and says, "Thank you for offering, but I can take care of my enemies quite easily, and I do it for other people too, and I do it for FREE! You'll be going out of buisness soon, won't you?" With that, she and her daemon exit the area, after ripping up his order sheet.

To Insano:
Arookee is furious that someone broke his record for killing someone more than 10 times in a single post. He then revives Insano, and then break's Dubya's new law and clones him about 1 million times. Then Arookee is about to sacrifice them all to Bhuda, one by one, when, out of the sky, he hears a droning noise. It gets louder and louder, and then he sees that it's a helicopter fleet, coming to kill whoever cloned a human (Dubya set up a special tracking device for this purpose) It doesn't look good for our fearless daemon. However, Arookee, thinking quickly, yells out- "HELP ME! HELP ME! THIS MAN NAMED INSANO CLONED HIMSELF SO HE COULD TORTURE ME!" The helicopter fleet is acompynied by an artillary unit down below, and all of them focus their weapons at the masses of Insanos. They are all powerless to defend themselves as 1000+ Apaches, 500+ tanks, and over 1500 artillar units fire their missles, bullets, torpedos, and various other weapons at him. Soon, all but one Insano is left. Bush takes him to the white house, locks him up with soldiors guarding him 24-7, and now, he's not dead, so he can't re-incarnate himself, and 15 men with AK 47's are posted outside the door day and night, so he's not going anywhere. Bush makes him continue the duck race from jail, however, ad gives him a die to roll with and a computer to post with. Then, he gives Arookee 1,000,000,000 credits for aprehending the culprit (Stupid, ain't he?) Arookee, seeing as how he is Lyra's daemon, splits it with her.

PS- Just to clarify, daemons and their humans are ONE BEING! Daemon gone, human gone. Human gone, daemon gone. You're born with them, you die with them. Any pain YOU feel, they feel, and daemons can NOT go more than 15 feet from you, Although witches daemons can, because- Well, thats another story.

/hector hides.

Macavenger grabs 3 pawns off one of the unused Chessboards and hurls them at General Rak and his thugs. Guided by Caissa, the pawns go straight through the Armor and heads of all three men, killing them instantly. After scraping them out of the bar and washing the chess pieces, Mac summons a pair of Alien Cruisers from his upcoming plug to destroy Rak's Destroyer, though it destroys one of them first.

/me has punished General Rak for his insane bot abuse on #ev3 😛

It would probably take you an hour to go through all those commands you programmed into poor hector, wouldn't it?

/hector sees Rak has been dealt with and returns to the bar

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")


Originally posted by Lyra, AKA CyberDragon:
Lyra reincarnates Luke, and gives him a met's hat as a peace offering

/me burns the Mets hat, taking some of Luke's hair with it.


Originally posted by Lyra, AKA CyberDragon:
Although, you should work on your grammer. It needs a bit of work.

/me points out that Luke didn't write that script, so don't complain to him

Also, Hunter, I see you're around, so My last move, which I believe was posted in the last topic, was 14.Nd4. Your turn.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

General_Rak uses his mobile spy satellite relay to track Lyra to 210 Anybrown Plaza. As he enters the building, the location unit alerts him she is on floor 7, room 7H. Scanning the directory, General_Rak realizes 7H is a psychologists office. Entering the waiting room and stunning the receptionist, Rak prepares to assualt the conference room. Kicking the door aside, he and his assistants quickly enter and execute Lyra. Her bloody remains spew all over the shrink. General_Rak pockets a credit chip in her pocket.

Money Earned - 500,000 credits
Items Purchased - HyperAccuroÅ  Nail Gun and SilverBulletÅ  Nails

/me heads back to the bar, and resubmits the order sheet.

Prepare to succumb to superior intelligence
MOSS of the Crimson Guard, a (url="http://"")Planetarion(/url) alliance.
Winning isn't everything thing, it's the only thing.
Go have a good laugh with (url="http://"")Bushisms(/url).

/me initiates a new clone

General_Rak's ship cloaks and avoids Alien Cruiser fire.

/me regenerates hector into Armist and applies an impenatrable level eight encryption.

General_Rak now brings a small army of marines from his rebel cruiser escorts to back him up. Amidst tthe orbital bombardment of the bar, Macavenger runs stupidly out of the bar. His head explodes from a barrage of Nail Gun fire. His body is dragged to General_Rak's flag ship and tortured brutally. A 40M credit chip is found on his body and cashed in. Using 10M of it, the local militia is bribed and provides 10 kestrels, 20 corvettes, and authorization to use SilverBulletÅ  Enhanced Sniper Nails.

Prepare to succumb to superior intelligence
MOSS of the Crimson Guard, a (url="http://"")Planetarion(/url) alliance.
Winning isn't everything thing, it's the only thing.
Go have a good laugh with (url="http://"")Bushisms(/url).


Originally posted by Macavenger:
/me has punished General Rak for his insane bot abuse on #ev3:p

It would probably take you an hour to go through all those commands you programmed into poor hector, wouldn't it?

/me shows Mac a brief list of programmed commands-

Hector Commands

  • Neutron Rifle

  • Lock and Load

  • Heavy Rocket

  • Lightning Shield

  • White Flag

  • Sign Too

  • Protect Me

  • Protection Disabled

  • AK-47

  • Minigun

  • Shockwave Launcher

  • Invulnerability

  • Sniper Rifle

  • Uzi

  • Proton Bolt Pistol

Prepare to succumb to superior intelligence
MOSS of the Crimson Guard, a (url="http://"")Planetarion(/url) alliance.
Winning isn't everything thing, it's the only thing.
Go have a good laugh with (url="http://"")Bushisms(/url).

(This message has been edited by General Rak (edited 08-30-2001).)

Lyra we still on for the mach. If you get this late I wll be there til ten. 🙂

"You know what I say, trying is the first step to failure" Homer Simpson

If anyone needs help creating a web site with HTML or needs help with HTML please E-mail me at

Shade pulls out a triple-barreled flak rifle and shoots Mac.
Sorry Mac,nothing personal,but you killed a cat.
Even if it was Insano.You killed a cat.
ShadowKat(Note the K,please Lyra)looks at Arookee disdainfully from his perch atop Shade's head,wondering why Arookee is eyeing ZenMastaT's clay pigeon.
Maybe it looks a little like an animal.
Then it clicks-Arookee thinks the clay pigeon is ShadowKat!
ShadowKat takes off his halo,undoes the ends,wraps it around Arookee's throat,and proceeds to throttle him/her/it to death.
After ShadowKat asks him nicely,Shade blasts Lyra's head off with the triple barreled flak rifle.

"Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's."
-St. Matthew's Gospel 22:21

General_Rak passes out a limited use Nail Gun and 20 Enhanced Sniper Nails to Shade and Rebel Council. Of course, the nails were designed to bounce harmlessly off Rak's body armour, so they will have to use them on other people 😉

Prepare to succumb to superior intelligence
MOSS of the Crimson Guard, a (url="http://"")Planetarion(/url) alliance.
Winning isn't everything thing, it's the only thing.
Go have a good laugh with (url="http://"")Bushisms(/url).


Originally posted by Shade:
**Shade pulls out a triple-barreled flak rifle and shoots Mac.
Sorry Mac,nothing personal,but you killed a cat.

Grr... didn't you see my quotation of ZenMasta's post? He wasn't a cat then! ZM reincarnated him as himself, and I killed him as himself.

/me reincarnates self, goes behind bar

Luckily, I still have my trusty old computer terminal.

/op hector
*** Mode change "+o" hector by Macavenger
*** General_Rak was kicked off #BB6 by hector (bot abuse)
*** Mode change "+b" General_Rak by hector

Bye Rak, big armories aren't in the spirit of Boozeramas, really... maybe I'll revoke hector's ops sometime and let you back on.

BTW in case you didn't notice, hector is also my new bartender here. So we both have a hector bot, but only mine has ops on #BB6. 😛

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")


The Hunter, as is the fashion these days, kills Insano

Sorry, doesn't count. I was dead when you did that. But, the other times I died did count. Mac, let's just let that mistake with the duck race slide. I'm too lazy to go back, try to figure out what went wrong, and fix it. Insano, how is human now, harrasses the guards so they shoot him. He then reincarnates in the bar and goes and buys a pet cat. He then buys Macavenger a dog. He then puts his cat down on the floor and says very louldy, "Here Mac, this is your new dog!" When he tosses the leash to Macavenger, he misses it and the dog goes running after Insano's new cat. "Hey, Mac's vicious dog is attacking my cat!"

Roll A:

Froederick: 27
Zen Masta Duck: 29
Arookee: 30
Chuck: 27

Arooke wins by a nose! Amzing race! But, a sudden death round is needed in order to determine who gets third place. 10 foot race between Froederick and Chuck, go!

Sudden Death Roll A:
Froederick: 1
Chuck: 4

Sudden Death Roll B: Sudden Death Roll 😄
Froederick: 4 Froederick: 7
Chuck: 7 Chuck: 11 Chuck gets third.

Froederick: 0-1-0-1
Zen Masta Duck: 1-1-0-0
Arooke: 1-0-1-0
Chuck: 0-0-1-0

Go to the Escape Velocity Empire. (url="http://"") Post all your stuff and enjoy everyone else's.

Just to tell you, General, I'm plotting a very large post for your demise. i hope I'll fiish it tommorow. Sleep tight!

Macavenger prepares to shoot the dog, then remembers that he is firmly against cruelty to animals, even dogs, even in web board bars. So instead, he tells Insano, "No thanks, I don't want the dog, you can keep it." Then, to the rest of the bar, "Insano's dog is chasing a cat!"

*** Mode change "-v" on Insano by hector

By removing Insano's voice privileges, hector forces him to speak in normal tones, only to certain members of the bar. He can no longer just shout to anyone. (This applies to your character talking, not posting)

OOC: Hmm, having a op bot might actually be more fun than my old keyboard, especially now that I've been on IRC a bit and know some more things.

Also, Lyra, did you notice that hector kick-banned General Rak? Does that affect your post about his demise any?

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

After his most recent defeat, Zen retires his ZenMasta brand duck and replaces it with "Cheese, the Buddhist Duck" (Zen Buddhist of course) He then prepares for the next race. (Though Shade did kill Arookee and Lyra, so does that impede the race?)

He then inquires of General Rak how much money it would require for him to attempt to kill himself. Failing that, Zen begins to look around for a pet of his own, just in case he has to "retire" his new duck racer for failure to comply with orders.

Apply When Wet

ShadowKat jumps down from Shade's head and onto the bar,where a large Italian salty chilli flavoured cheese is sitting,doing nothing.
ShadowKat proceeds to devour it,then climbs back onto Shade's head and falls asleep.
Shade glares at Insano for letting a dog in the bar.
BTW:Sorry Mac,guess I was wrong about you killiong a cat.
No worries. :)(Hmmm what's the smiley for "Drunken Ozzie?"

"Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's."
-St. Matthew's Gospel 22:21

No, the fact that GenerealRak killed me does not impede my killling him, because I have found a way around it. You will see when it comes out. It's so long, I'm writing it in Microsoft Word. i may have to post t in the "Chronicles" section.