Suppose, hypothetically, Ambrosia had a few million more dollars...

Wouldn't Escape Velocity make a great movie? Lucas or Spielberg could direct. If done correctly, it could rival Star Wars itself! What do you think?

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heh, it wount happend... EV is a game with 2 many plots, you can choose so many different things and stuff, a movie wouldnt give the same experience as the game, but... if people played the game then saw the movie it could work πŸ™‚

play planetarion? I have a column not just about planetarion @ (url="http://"")

First pr oject if they get that kind of money is a new server and more bandwidth. They need some more to keep things running smoothly when something major, like fog or even chipping, happens.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")


Originally posted by escape_alex:
**heh, it wount happend... EV is a game with 2 many plots <snip>

Or look at it this way: EV-the-movie-concept has no plot at all. What it does have is a pretty solid backstory. It's traditional, and it's a start but where do you go from there?

world keeps turning

It could be about a trader named Alex Godfrey. He's living his life, flying around in a scoutcraft or clipper (highly modified, of course) when he happens upon a Rebel Executive transport. He boards it to rescue the people, and falls in love with the hot Rebel chick on board, Victoria Hachit, daughter of the Rebel general Benjamin Hachit. Suddenly, Alex is thrust into the Galactic War, piloting Manta Fighters, destroying Confederate scum and such, until he is to fly in a major offensive, and turn the tide of war. (Sounds a lot like Star Wars, doesn't it? Actually, I just realized that.)

How's that for a plot?! Sound cool? Of course. I made it up.

P.S.- Alex could also join the Confed side.

EV, EVO, EVN. And, coming in 2007, EVF!


Originally posted by Rawzer:
**It could be about a trader named Alex Godfrey. He's living his life, flying around in a scoutcraft or clipper (highly modified, of course) when he happens upon a Rebel Executive transport. He boards it to rescue the people, and falls in love with the hot Rebel chick on board, Victoria Hachit, daughter of the Rebel general Benjamin Hachit. Suddenly, Alex is thrust into the Galactic War, piloting Manta Fighters, destroying Confederate scum and such, until he is to fly in a major offensive, and turn the tide of war. (Sounds a lot like Star Wars, doesn't it? Actually, I just realized that.)

How's that for a plot?! Sound cool? Of course. I made it up.

P.S.- Alex could also join the Confed side.

Hmmm... that might work!

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I agree with Mac. A more powerful server would be higher on the "to do" then an epic movie about Alex. If Ambrosia is thinking of releasing any more games like PoG they should upgrade thier server. (Think of what will happen when nova comes out)

"You know what I say, trying is the first step to failure" Homer Simpson
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Originally posted by rebel council:
**I agree with Mac. A more powerful server would be higher on the "to do" then an epic movie about Alex. If Ambrosia is thinking of releasing any more games like PoG they should upgrade thier server. (Think of what will happen when nova comes out)

I wasn't talking about what Ambrosia would do, I was talking about what they could do. Of course they wouldn't make a movie! πŸ˜› πŸ˜‰ πŸ™‚

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Originally posted by Luke:
**Wouldn't Escape Velocity make a great movie? Lucas or Spielberg could direct. If done correctly, it could rival Star Wars itself! What do you think?


Well, a movie based on a game is not exactly a new concept; Tomb Raider, Final Fantasy, and Mortal Kombat come to mind, so the idea is not totally crazy. I won't hold my breath, though.

Joe Burnette
"I find that humans can be divided into only two meaningful categories: Decent Humans and Sonsofbitches; both types appear to be evenly distributed
among all shapes, colors, sizes, and nationalities." -- Keith Laumer


Originally posted by rebel council:
**If Ambrosia is thinking of releasing any more games like PoG they should upgrade thier server.

If everyone who enjoys Ambrosia games without paying for registration found it in their hearts to do the right thing, ASW would be well on its way to paying for that new server wouldn't take millions, either ::grump::

world keeps turning

(This message has been edited by PlanetPhil (edited 08-28-2001).)


Originally posted by PlanetPhil:
**If everyone who enjoys Ambrosia games without paying for registration found it in their hearts to do the right thing, ASW would be well on its way to paying for that new server wouldn't take millions, either ::grump::


Well some of us are just.....umm.....pre-teens who don't have a job to sustain their....umm....gaming needs. :frown:

"You know what I say, trying is the first step to failure" Homer Simpson

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(This message has been edited by rebel council (edited 08-28-2001).)

And some of us register our games and delete the ones they don't pay for...

Too bad I can't count myself among them! (Actually, I registered EV, but none others by ASW)

CoreyΕ‚ (Cubed)

I regestered Ares and might register PoG if I like it. Also Nova, for sure! I don't have alot of money ,at this piont, so sadly I can't register any more. πŸ™‚ :frown:

"You know what I say, trying is the first step to failure" Homer Simpson

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Originally posted by rebel council:
**Well some of us are just.....umm.....pre-teens who don't have a job to sustain their....umm....gaming needs.:frown:


I'm a teen /w no job, but I found 200 bucks the other day, so I don't fall into that category. I do fit in the category of "no mac in front of me"(ie, I don't have a mac, sort of)

I try to think but nothing happens!- Ultimate Rebel

My friend and I were going to make a cheap EV movie with iMovie 2 and Strata 3D (special effects) but of course there are finacial needs. I'd need a DV camcorder, Strata 3D pro (yes, I have the free version right now), and Quicktime Pro (free version also.)

Estimated Price:
$978.99 +tax

Donations, anyone? πŸ™‚

(How do you get pics in your posts?)

Hey! Jesus Loves You! πŸ™‚


Originally posted by Ultimate Rebel:
**I'm a teen /w no job, but I found 200 bucks the other day, so I don't fall into that category. I do fit in the category of "no mac in front of me"(ie, I don't have a mac, sort of)

Being 14 and with out a job kinda sucks. How did you find $200? :eek:

"You know what I say, trying is the first step to failure" Homer Simpson

If anyone needs help creating a web site with HTML or needs help with HTML please E-mail me at

"Suppose, hypothetically, that Ambrosia had a few million more dollars.."

Then they could buy a decent server that could accomodate more than 3 people downloading at once. πŸ™‚

"Before you criticize a man, walk a mile in his shoes. That way, when you do criticize him, you'll be a mile away and have his shoes."

Hmm IF Ambrosia had millions,and ASSUMING they had a better server,they probably wouldn't make an EV movie.
If I were Andrew,however,and if I was going to make an EV-based movie,I would probably give the money to Martin Turner-the Frozen Heart plug has not only realism and good background,but also an excellent plotline.
But to do that,you'd need more than 5000-odd people to see it which means roping in Microserfs ak!

"Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's."
-St. Matthew's Gospel 22:21


Originally posted by Luke:
**I wasn't talking about what Ambrosia would do, I was talking about what they could do. Of course they wouldn't make a movie! πŸ˜› πŸ˜‰ πŸ™‚

||||||||||||||||||||||||| 4;|||||||||||||||||||||||||οΏ½ 124;|||||||||||||||||||||||||& #0124;||||||||||||

I meant it!

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(This message has been edited by Luke (edited 08-31-2001).)


Originally posted by Luke:
||||||||||||||||||||||||| 4;||||||||||||||||||||||||| 124;|||||||||||||||||||||||||& #0124;||||||||||||

I meant it!


Quite hyperactive today Luke, aren't we? πŸ˜› πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜›

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