DANG IT! I lost my pilot that I had been working on for 305 days! I had a Rebellian Warship (The big one)!!

Okay, I duplicated my Pilots folder and saved it onto my desktop. Then, I kept the original in the EV folder. (I wanted to make a new pilot for a plug-in the same name as I had before)
So, I went back to the duplicate that was on the desktop, put it in the EV folder after taking out the original, but the duplicate had THE SAME ONES! AHHHH! So in other words. . . the duplicate kept saving pilots!!


----The Beloved----

Is it possible you made an alias instead by accident? That would explain it.

When saving old pilots, I tend to make sub-folders in the pilots folder, and stick old guys in there for safekeeping until I'm done with a plug.

Also, for future reference, don't post a topic with a title in all CAPS. Mods don't appreciate that too much.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"mailto:e-gamerguy1@home.com")mailto:e-gamerguy1@home.com(/url)e-gamerguy1@home.com

This is why I'm a loser and don't play strictly.


Originally posted by Macavenger:
**Also, for future reference, don't post a topic with a title in all CAPS. Mods don't appreciate that too much.


Not just the moderators, but most users.

The most dangerous people are the followers in positions of power.
(url="http://"http://www.nohate.f2s.com")Don't Hate Me(/url) | (url="http://"http://yoshi.zzux.com/phpBB/")Unofficial Boards(/url)


Originally posted by The Space Between:
**So in other words. . . the duplicate kept saving pilots!!

That isn't even remotely possible.

I'm sorry for your troubles...but once out of the EV folder, a pilot file can't be updated by progress in the game. My guess is that—in the course of shuffling pilot files around—you accidentally let the Mac replace the newer file with the older one.

world keeps turning

Space, go to Flatulence's thread at the botton of the EV board and check out his Pilot Trading Network. You're bound to find another file like yours. Unless you whant' to spend another 300+ days. 🙂

Long live the Alien empire!

Where is it at Rebel Alliance??

----The Beloved----


Originally posted by rebel council:
**Space, go to Flatulence's thread at the botton of the EV board and check out his Pilot Trading Network. You're bound to find another file like yours. Unless you whant' to spend another 300+ days.:)

Alas, Flatty's link seems to be down. Wait, let me go check...

Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.


Originally posted by The Space Between:
**Where is it at Rebel Alliance??


What? No, flatty's sig. 😕

If anyone needs help creating a web site or needs help with html please E-mail me at

Lost Pilot File? Why, you could go to the (url="http://"http://www.pftn.f2s.com/")Pilot File Trade Network(/url) and pick up a new one! 😄

/shameless plug

(PFTN link working again)

In... my.... self righteous suicide
I.... cry.... when angels deserve to die!
| AIM: CrazyJ617 | B-net: Flatulence187 | (url="http://"http://www.pftn.f2s.com/")Pilot File Trade Network(/url) | (url="http://"http://www1.minn.net/~fpeters/scripts/happy.html")Test Your Reflexes(/url) |

Does anyone know how to get the Alien ships?(Confed,UE,Volinian .Etc?)

PLease help me.


Originally posted by Wow:
**Does anyone know how to get the Alien ships?(Confed,UE,Volinian .Etc?)

PLease help me.**

Huh? Confeds aren't aliens... just morons. 😄

If you want to be able to buy Confed ships, destroy an alien cruiser for them.

If you want UE ships, do various missions for them.

If you want Voinian ships, do some missions for them, too.

Or use the PFTN, which is working again, to download a pilot with the ship you want.

Or cheat, if you're really desperate.

Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.
(url="http://"http://pub80.ezboard.com/blukesspot")Luke's Board(/url)