Boozerama Bar IV


Originally posted by Macavenger:
**1... e5

The door to the bar bursts open from a giant barrel of Pepsi smashing into it. The NPC, wearing the tattered remains of a Confed uniform walks in says, "bunch of chess playing sissies. Here, this should keep you busy." The NPC then tosses a bag on the floor out of which crawl several hundred tiny roaches all dressed in Pepsi uniforms. They begin spraying pepsi all around the bar, especially on the tables set up for chess. The NPC laughs and saunters out of the bar.


The Roaches are quickly repulsed by the Bars anti-Pepsi DP cannon system, which destroys the roaches on contact. They last about 2 seconds, and do almost no damage to the bar.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

Almost lost in the sound of DP Cannon fire is the laughter of the NPC standing just outside the door. "Just as I expected, little do they know that each of my little roach buddies are engineered with special Roach genes. Now, each of their cells will divide into thousands of duplicates. Within 10 minutes our tests have shown this place will be infested with millions of little Pesi roaches each armed with their Pepsi spray bottles. It's an endless cycle that will cause the DP cannons to fire over and over helping to create more. So much for a quiet game of chess."


(This message has been edited by ChristopherH (edited 08-20-2001).)


Originally posted by ChristopherH:
Almost lost in the sound of DP Cannon fire is the laughter of the NPC standing just outside the door. "Just as I expected, little do they know that each of my little roach buddies are engineered with special Roach genes. Now, each of their cells will divide into thousands of duplicates. Within 10 minutes our tests have shown this place will be infested with millions of little Pesi roaches each armed with their Pepsi spray bottles. It's an endless cycle that will cause the DP cannons to fire over and over helping to create more. So much for a quiet game of chess."

Luke shoots the NPC in the behind and tells him to get lost. Then he plays his Pepsi-Mascot-Roaches-Enchanting-Flute and leads all the little buggers away and into a pit of molten lava. Luke is wearing a suit made of alien armor and is not hurt by the lava. All the roaches are incinerated and cannot reincarnate. Luke returns to the bar and orders another Coke, with extra ice.

Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.


Originally posted by Luke:
**Luke shoots the NPC in the behind and tells him to get lost. Then he plays his Pepsi-Mascot-Roaches-Enchanting-Flute and leads all the little buggers away and into a pit of molten lava. Luke is wearing a suit made of alien armor and is not hurt by the lava. All the roaches are incinerated and cannot reincarnate. Luke returns to the bar and orders another Coke, with extra ice.

Nice job there Luke. One of the roaches was trying to tip my king over. πŸ™‚

Macavenger: 6...Nf6

This is obvious since 6...Nc5?! 7. d4 is a serious loss of time.

The Hunter asks that the NPC be booted πŸ™‚

The Hunter: semi-dangerously flying around in his Courier, looking for Pirates who are worse them him to blow up. Loyalty: Umm...I like the Feds better but I ain't enlisting!

(This message has been edited by The Hunter (edited 08-20-2001).)

Overrider tears out of the bar after the NPC and grabs hold of the back of his shirt.
"You no good pepsi loving scum!!!" Overrider roars. "You shall learn not to mess with the glory of coke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and us." Skyblade throws some knives to Overrider and he catches them. Overrider shoves them in the back of his neck his stomach and his back. Overrider precceedes to stick him up in the way of ship coming into hyperspace. Overrider outs gloves on not willing to touch the bloody busted mess. Overrider chucks him in the lava pit and comes back to the bar. "Well that went well How bout that chess

You have been overriden by Overrider. Prepare to die evil scum! -Me
rookie's smiles:(url="http://"")Cool Smiles(/url)
(url="http://"")Cooler Smiles(/url)
AIM: Ferazel17


Originally posted by The Hunter:
**Macavenger: 6...Nf6

This obvious since 6...Nc5?! 7. d4 is a serious loss of time.


Actually, I was planning on 6...Nc5?! 7.b4, despite a couple of weaknesses. But I didn't really think you'd play anything but 6...Nf6. I was hoping for 6...Ng5? of course, but I figured you wouldn't play that. If you just look at it as a straight series of exchanges, (6...Ng5 7.Nxg5 Bxg5 8.Bxg5 Qxg5) it looks pretty good for black, except white can play 8.Qh5! instead, and black drops a piece.

Now, we need to figure out some way to keep ChristopherH away from the bar, he might come back and cause more trouble. I'll let Skyblade handle that, he's good at that sort of thing.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

No, no. Let CH come. It's nice having someone else beat on besides me.

One roach survived Luke's flute playing. Insano jumps on it and catches it in his hand. He then takes a miniature laser cannon and s the poor insect until it dies. He then throws it into the lava pit.

Go to the Escape Velocity Empire. (url="http://"") Post all your stuff and enjoy everyone else's.

Where's my Coke?

Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.


This move still works here as well. πŸ™‚

The Hunter: semi-dangerously flying around in his Courier, looking for Pirates who are worse them him to blow up. Loyalty: Umm...I like the Feds better but I ain't enlisting!

"Mac's got multiple chess games going on at the moment, Luke. Guess I'll be the temporary bar tender for now. Here's your coke."

-Cap'n Skyblade
-Battle for Sol - Episode III: The Worlds Beyond the Milky Way - coming soon -

(quote)Originally posted by The Hunter:

This move still works here as well. πŸ˜› Have you considered trying that Hunter? You can get to the site from a link in the topic I linked to earlier.

Skyblade, it's your move in our game too, you know. I played pawn to e5. That's what 1...e5 means. πŸ˜› Thanks for taking over the bar, I've already got a simul going here...

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")**

Luke sits down at the table where chess is being played. He sips his Coke pensively.

Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.


Originally posted by Macavenger:
** <snip>

Now, we need to figure out some way to keep ChristopherH away from the bar, he might come back and cause more trouble. I'll let Skyblade handle that, he's good at that sort of thing.

Serious question: Does the above mean you donΒ’t want me posting in your bar? If it does, I apologize for my previous posts, didnΒ’t realize it was a closed community thing.



Originally posted by ChristopherH:
**Serious question: Does the above mean you donΒ’t want me posting in your bar? If it does, I apologize for my previous posts, didnΒ’t realize it was a closed community thing.

Don't take anyone in a Boozerama Bar seriously. It is not a closed community, anyone can come in, just be prepared to be kicked around if you

Rock the Boat
Like Pepsi
Like the 'Feds


Originally posted by Luke:
**Don't take anyone in a Boozerama Bar seriously. It is not a closed community, anyone can come in, just be prepared to be kicked around if you

Rock the Boat
Like Pepsi
Like the 'Feds


Hold 'em boys!

"Is that a Pepsi fleet in orbit?"

The Hunter points up at some shiny things in the sky

The Hunter: semi-dangerously flying around in his Courier, looking for Pirates who are worse them him to blow up. Loyalty: Umm...I like the Feds better but I ain't enlisting!

Originally posted by Luke:
Rock the Boat
Like Pepsi
Like the 'Feds

1. Spent 4 yrs on guided Missile Destroyer, know how to swim; not worried about boats rocking. πŸ™‚
2. Much prefer Irish CoffeeΒ’s to soda pop. πŸ˜›
3. Which Β‘Feds? Confederate States (Southern Rebs)? Kind of like some of them. πŸ˜‰

Orignally posted by Captain Skyblade:
Those who don't follow those rules get to see Mr. Skyblade.

Me fall over shaking with laughter. πŸ˜›

ISN bulletin: The Pepsi Corporation and Microsoft announce that Pepsi has just become a subsidiary corp. of Microsoft. In other news, Microsoft announced the completion of its long term project to create the most powerful chess playing robot in history. Chairman Bill Gates the 23rd revealed that Microsoft had secretly preserved the Brain of Bobby Fisher and has managed to transplant it into their robot creating the first cyborg chess player in history.

You folks might want to check out that Lava pit. Seems something rather large is morphing into existence out there.


While The Hunter is pointing, Mac rearranges all the pieces. πŸ˜›

Mac turns on the automatic DP defense guns, which start firing at the real or imaginary peps fleet, whichever it is.

9. Nf3

Gee, I had a fairly nice line worked out, but you totally messed it up now with those last two moves. Not bad.

Oh, and ChristopherH, just come on in, but no self-replicating dead roaches. We can't have infinite numbers of that type of thing. Only infinite thing around here is gallons of Dr. Pepper. In fact, I do believe we have another Bulk Freighter convoy landing now. πŸ˜‰

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

(quote)Originally posted by ChristopherH:

Me fall over shaking with laughter. πŸ˜›

Skyblade grabs six tritanium steak knives, three of which were just delievered by the United Space Service. He throws three of them at Christopher, one pinning his shirt to the wall and the other two knocking him off his feet. Skyblade then attacks him with his remaining knives and begins to bring back memories of the Confederation Admiral. Skyblade's commandos blast Christopher with their high-powered automatic coca-cola / dr.pepper general purpose long-range 200mm armor-piercing soda guns, blasting Christopher out the bar door. Christopher, his clothing in ribbons, begins to crawl away with Skyblade and his commandos all chasing him; and all** armed with tritanium knives this time. πŸ˜›

"Mac, who let that guy in here anyway?"

-Cap'n Skyblade
-Battle for Sol - Episode III: The Worlds Beyond the Milky Way - coming soon -