ResEdit questions

I'm sorta new to this board, so tell me if this is too off topic to be allowed... I havnt been on the EV boards since the days of laer and hhunter and the wwwboard, so tell me if anything I say isn't taken to kindly by the folks here..

Ok, Im playing around in Res with a plugin and I have a question... There is a space in teh govt resource for "enemy" where you enter the number for an enemy of the current government. Is there a way to make multiple enemies? Ie, seperate two numbers with a comma, like "134, 140" or something?

Also, I have a gov with CrimeTol at 9999 and taking out one ship make me an offender in their systems. Is there something I can set it to so that they like me no matter what? Will -1 do that? Ill keep playing around with it..



Go to the developer's board. That's what it's their for.

  1. no, but the ally of your enemy is also your enemy. Try expiramenting with that.
  2. Set the things that make them mad at you to -1. THEN they'll like you even after you nuke their flagship. CrimeTol only specifies the point at which their warships will start to attack you.

- Anatole

There will come a time, when the/curse of the One above/will not be tolerated further/when the Lineage of Caine will be weak/and there will be no Embracing for/these Childer/for their blood will run like water/and the potence in it will wither/Then, you know in this time that/Gehenna will soon be upon you.
- The Book Of Nod