Question: 'Triad' Thread in Empire of Crime

I'm stuck in the Triad thread of EOC.
The last Triad mission I completed was the 'Destroy the Empire task force in a system near Curzon for the Weave' one. Upon completion and return to Palshife, the Triad leader said to drop by Refuge some time to get a proper token of appreciation from him.
Since then, I've been both to Refuge and to Blackthorne several times, trying the space port bar, jumping out of and into the system dozens and dozens of times, landing, trying the bar (wiping out scores of various pirates and Empire units in the process!!) - NO NEW MISSIONS! I'm getting impatient, bordering on a little pissed off now.
Is it just that I've been very unlucky with the probability rate of getting missions, or do Triad missions continue elsewhere after that mission?
Or are there no further Triad missions after that?
Help please?!?

Obviously, while waiting for help, I've just downloaded 'Final Battle' v. 4, to see whether that's any good.


What Naish ment was you could pick up the Triad Frigate at Refuge shipyard. The next mission takes place at Blackthrone, but all missions are at 20%; always.


(url="http://"")A Pilot's memory(/url)
"Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of congress. But I repeat myself." -- Mark Twain

Thanks a lot.
All right, seems it's just my luck with odds....

And the offer of that Frigate is not much of a token. I won't trade it in for my Blockade Runner with every possible technical upgrade (as far as I've found them, but I think I've found most of the available goodies!).

Beautiful plug, though, and delightfully non-pc!



Originally posted by Galactic Punk:
jumping out of and into the system dozens and dozens of times

Here's a trick that is used by many of the more impatient EV players. We all know that there is a certain percent chance that you will get a mission, and that if you don't get it once, it will never show up until you hyper out of the system or land on a different stellar. The easiest way to get those missions is to accept a mission from the computer, and then delete it. Then go back to the bar, the engine has then "re-rolled" in a sense, so you could get the mission. It's how I played through E2 in a day and a half.


Also posted by Galactic Punk:
I won't trade it in for my Blockade Runner

The blockade runner is the best ship in empire of crime, in fact, it's too good. And on top of that, it's cheap. In my opinion the only flaw in Empire of Crime is thes ship balancing. Some of the ships are too powerful, and it's too easy to make a ship that is almost indestructable. I usually force myself to stick in a Kestrel to make the game more of a challenge. You got to appreciate the slick writing, though.

Every smilie I see drives me closer to the edge


Originally posted by Myriad:
**The blockade runner is the best ship in empire of crime, in fact, it's too good. And on top of that, it's cheap. In my opinion the only flaw in Empire of Crime is thes ship balancing. Some of the ships are too powerful, and it's too easy to make a ship that is almost indestructable.

You've got a point there.
With all the upgrades built into 'my' B. R., I can more or less doze through a battle against a dozen Widowmakers with the odd Empire Heavy Dreadnought thrown in for good measure, and still come out practically unscathed. That's taking ship strength/speed a little too far.
But after playing EV and most of the more interesting (and some of the duller & badly programmed!!) plugs for over a year, what interests me most now is a good storyline and fascinating missions (apart from good ship + planet graphics).
And by 'fascinating' I don't mean having to battle my way through scores of monstrously powerful opponents, but missions where a bit of thought, writing skill and tongue-in-cheek humour were applied in making them. So I'm actually grateful for the qualities of the Blockade Runner, as I don't have to interrupt my enjoyment of the missions because I have to bail out and start in a shuttle again. The days when I thought this was an interesting challenge are over for me.
Although, there are still occasional moments when I enjoy a challenging fight....

Oh, and thanks for the 'accept mission' tip. I thought this only works if several missions are available in the Spaceport Bar.
I'm not an impatient type at all, but when it comes to half an hour or more of fruitless whizzing in and out of the system, even my patience gets stretched to its limits.
