Reasons I should register EV

Yeah, I only had the unregistered version for a few months before registering. And once I figured out that Capn Hector was gonna start kicking my ass very soon, I got very good at dodging him, much like your friend. Any time he entered the system, I either landed or jumped immediately. But is that any way to play a game? No. Do the right thing. register. 🙂

"No, no no...not the road less traveled....take the subway. It's faster."


Originally posted by escape_alex:
**hmm, I have a friend that have EV and he have had it for 3/4 years without Hector even touches him


That's odd. I've heard numerous players of unregistered copies of Escape Velocity talk about Cap'n Hector tearing them to shreds immediately after the thirty day limit was over. Sounds much like what happened to my old copy of EV.

= = = = = = = = = =

Ultimate Rebel- As Mac said, the old moniters were usually plagued with problems. I actually have two ViewSonic moniters (both 21"), have had them for about three years now, and have yet to have a problem...

-Cap'n Skyblade
-Battle for Sol - Episode III: The Worlds Beyond the Milky Way - coming soon -

Welcome, Insano. Glad I don't have to uncork my speech about Honor & Integrity now....

This was my experience with Hector: For some reason, after registering I did not recieve the e-mail with my password. If I remember, it was after 30 hours of playing (not thirty days) when Hecter began shooting at me. At (I think) 40 hours his shooting became more intense; more deadly. I phoned Ambrosia to complain and a very nice lady immediately gave me my password. Hector went away -- before he ever actually killed me, but I believe "death by Hector" was coming soon.

- KK

“You will find that we will be either the most loyal and trustworthy of allies, or ... if you insist on trying to swallow us up -- the worst of enemies. The choice is yours. And should you choose to fight us ... don’t bring a knife to a gunfight!!!”


For some reason, after registering I did not recieve the e-mail with my password.

They didn't? Is that common? Hopefully not...

Go to the Escape Velocity Empire. (url="http://"") Post all your stuff and enjoy everyone else's.

I believe that was about the time we were switching ISPs. Maybe that had something to do with it. I am the only one I know of who had this trouble.

Don't worry. You'll be fine, Insano.

- KK

“You will find that we will be either the most loyal and trustworthy of allies, or ... if you insist on trying to swallow us up -- the worst of enemies. The choice is yours. And should you choose to fight us ... don’t bring a knife to a gunfight!!!”

Hector attacks you sh*t i better register!

Spam? "Good Lord no Mr. Dent. The mere thought hadn't even begun to speculate about the merest possibility of crossing my mind."-Mr. Prosser


Originally posted by Insano:
**Do you think I like my PC? Thing is sooo unsteady. The only reason I'm hesitant to get a mac is

a- Price. Macs seem to be very expensive
b- I know how to do a lot of stuff on a PC. If i got a mac my computer knowledge wouldn't be very good.

Ok, so, can someone show me Ambrosia's privacy policy? I couldn't find it.

a- Listen to Macavenger
b- Ah, quit yer whining. I've never owned anything but Macs, and I still know much about how to handle PCs and other types of computers. Not as much as I know about Macs, but still a lot.

And you should register. I think I registered about a month after the trial period was over. I got my password promptly and have never regretted sending my money to Ambrosia. (Plus, Hector's a pain the arse.)

Write your complaints here: O
Please don't write out of the space.

OK, I registered and got my license code.

Go to the Escape Velocity Empire. (url="http://"") Post all your stuff and enjoy everyone else's.


Originally posted by Macros:
**I got very good at dodging him, much like your friend. Any time he entered the system, I either landed or jumped immediately.

heh, my friend isnt afraid of Hector... I know I have been there many times telling him Hector is gonna blow him up but he says: watch this.. and he wait til Hector comes and he follow him many minutes prooving he wount attack, maybe it is because he dont have the newest version of EV

play planetarion? I have a column not just about planetarion @ (url="http://"")