Seeking a webmaster

Who would be willing to make a sister site to (url="http://"")EVO Info(/url), for EV. E-mail me (, IM me or post here if you are interested.

Coming Soon: (url="http://"")The Mystery of the Council(/url)
- Visit my Website: (url="http://"")EVO Info(/url).

Funny you should ask, DeadMan. I have had an EV Tech Info site for just under a year—all info, basic design, and green text from the tech info pages of the original formerly administered by Captain Scurvy. I am currently moving those pages from their old WebJump location to a new and friendlier server. In the process, I'll be making the site more complete—meaning the Rebel missions will finally be posted, and some errors pointed out by sharp-eyed visitors will be corrected.

The work in progress is located at (url="http://"") . Once it's done, I'll make a formal announcement via the Newswire here. If you'd like me to link to your EVO site (and vice versa, yes?), let me know.

world keeps turning

(This message has been edited by PlanetPhil (edited 08-15-2001).)

I already got someone for the EV site, but I'll contact you

Coming Soon: (url="http://"")The Mystery of the Council(/url)
- Visit my Website: (url="http://"")EVO Info(/url).