Battle for Sol - Episode II: Discussion

To forestall any arguement I'll be posting this. Yes, my description of my intervention in Levo was reasonable. I was there already and my attack was a quick surgical strike designed to take out just one ship and some fighters. Okay, a lot of fighters. If General Rak has a problem with the battle he should have remembered that I was there and ready to kick his ass. Now he has two fleets to deal with. My fleet used the element of surprsie which is why so many of his fighters bit the dust.

(url="http://"")Shinigami's Demon:GW Fanfic Archive(/url)
(url="http://"")EVN:The Beginning(/url)

(This message has been edited by spl_cadet (edited 08-07-2001).)

"So many" of his fighters? I didn't see that many dead. Overall, I thought your post was quite reasonable. I'd forgotten you were at Levo too, actually. Rak has his hands full now, it seems...

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

So, General Rak, you think that you have won against us? Don't forget that we smashed your fleet with highly inferior ships. And that you will have to capture the northern sector. Not an easy task as we have a good deal of defense resting in that area. And you have to deal with the aliens.

(url="http://"")Shinigami's Demon:GW Fanfic Archive(/url)
(url="http://"")EVN:The Beginning(/url)


Originally posted by spl_cadet:
**So, General Rak, you think that you have won against us? Don't forget that we smashed your fleet with highly inferior ships. And that you will have to capture the northern sector. Not an easy task as we have a good deal of defense resting in that area. And you have to deal with the aliens.


I am waiting for reinforcements. I am out of the battle, sitting at Sol.

Prepare to succumb to
superior intelligence

Um, we have a problem, Rak and I both posted to the Levo battle based on spl_cadet's post, so Rak, who needs to edit what? Shall we work this out by e-mail?

In any case, you're all rather screwed, except me...

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")


Originally posted by Macavenger:
**Um, we have a problem, Rak and I both posted to the Levo battle based on spl_cadet's post, so Rak, who needs to edit what? Shall we work this out by e-mail?

In any case, you're all rather screwed, except me...

My vote goes to Macavenger not having to edit his post. I consider the idea of us pirates having some sort of fleet left a good idea.

(url="http://"")Shinigami's Demon:GW Fanfic Archive(/url)
(url="http://"")EVN:The Beginning(/url)

I'm for that, seems to me that the Aliens entering would take precedence... I will probably edit anyway to include the HC Supercruiser left over, though.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")


Originally posted by Macavenger:
**I'm for that, seems to me that the Aliens entering would take precedence... I will probably edit anyway to include the HC Supercruiser left over, though.


I edited my post. Please edit to give me a SuperCruiser.

Prepare to succumb to
superior intelligence

Will do. A couple of suggestions for your later post:

  1. By my count, there were only 2.5 Pirate fleets.
  2. Levo promptly got lost again, so you might want to get rid of recapturing that, though you did get Matar back, certainly.

(edit)Also, I'm going to split the pirate fleet when I edit mine, if you two pirate don't like how I do it, let me know here and I can edit again.(/edit)

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")


Originally posted by Macavenger:
**Will do. A couple of suggestions for your later post:

  1. By my count, there were only 2.5 Pirate fleets.
  2. Levo promptly got lost again, so you might want to get rid of recapturing that, though you did get Matar back, certainly.


Pirate fleets-

Half of KK's fleet

I recieved no reinforcement between all of those battles.

Levo- I will edit it now

Prepare to succumb to
superior intelligence

(This message has been edited by General Rak (edited 08-07-2001).)


Originally posted by General Rak:
**Pirate fleets-

Half of KK's fleet

I recieved no reinforcement between all of those battles.

Levo- I will edit it now

Actually Gunadulator wasn't there. It was just me and Sattomax plus the parts of KK that got sent to Sattomax.

(url="http://"")Shinigami's Demon:GW Fanfic Archive(/url)
(url="http://"")EVN:The Beginning(/url)


Originally posted by spl_cadet:
**Actually Gunadulator wasn't there. It was just me and Sattomax plus the parts of KK that got sent to Sattomax.


No! I defeated Grunadulator, then went over across the galaxy and defeated Sattomax, Spl_Cadet, and half of KK's fleet. I recieved no reinforcements with-in that time, and took them all out with-out help.

Prepare to succumb to
superior intelligence

Except mine, on the last bit of the fleet at Levo... 😛
I don't know if that's what you call "help" or not. 😉

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

Yay! i finally got the map completly updated in all respects, including fleets. The fleet icons aren't as cool as Skyblade's old ones, but I don't have the tools to reproduce them.I tried, but it didn't work, so we now have colored squares.


Saden will be awarded to the HC as soon as we get updated loss figures from UE Crusader.

KK's fleet is still listed, though it is technically part of gruandulater's now. I'm going to leave it on the map until it merges with grunadulater's fleet, i.e. occupies same system. Alternatively, grunadulater, I see no problem with you using it to restock spl_cadet's and Sattomax's fleet instead, in which case I'd just take it off, since they are all at the same place.

Renamed a couple of systems to match the game more accurately, so we no longer have 2 NGC-9758s.

Additionally, the map is now just a little over 250k, so it won't take as long to load for those of you with sissy 56k modems. 😉

If anyone's fleet is in the wrong place (I'm going by last memory for ErsadtSF and Captain Skyblade), let me know here and I'll fix it.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")


Originally posted by General Rak:
**I am waiting for reinforcements. I am out of the battle, sitting at Sol.


You've received orders from my recent post at the Episode II topic, so it should bring you some extra ships. 🙂

-Cap'n Skyblade
-Battle for Sol - Episode II: The Unfinished War-
(url="http://"")Map(/url) | (url="http://"")Human Confederation Weapons(/url) | (url="http://"")Pirate Weapons(/url) | (url="http://"")Alien Weapons(/url)
(url="http://"")Human Confederacy Shipyard(/url) | (url="http://"")Pirate Shipyard(/url) | (url="http://"")Alien Empire Shipyard(/url)

The fleets on the map seem to be in the appropriate places. Good work at getting the map online again. 🙂 A very helpful tool...

-Cap'n Skyblade
-Battle for Sol - Episode II: The Unfinished War-
(url="http://"")Map(/url) | (url="http://"")Human Confederation Weapons(/url) | (url="http://"")Pirate Weapons(/url) | (url="http://"")Alien Weapons(/url)
(url="http://"")Human Confederacy Shipyard(/url) | (url="http://"")Pirate Shipyard(/url) | (url="http://"")Alien Empire Shipyard(/url)

Sorry, wasn't on the boards yesterday.

Location: Guiron. Yes, Guiron, not Levo. Rak, how did you think that I was at Levo anyway? I recommend that we delete all posts about the Battle of Levo and start with whoever owned it before (HC?) owning it now. Even if I had been there, the Sabre would not have been destroyed so easily. You don't know what those weapons are. KK, I don't know if you still want to give me your flight wing, and/or retire from the game.

Fleet (with KK's wing)
1 Sabre
5 SuperKestrels
58 Corvettes (20 from KK)
116 X-Rapiers (16 docked, 48 from KK)
68 Lightnings (20 docked)

Apparently, my X-Rapiers are kicking HC warship @$$ right about now.

Well, I conquered Levo just before Rak got there. Hmm. I vote for getting rid of all posts about the battle of Levo after I conquered it. That way we can simply restart the fight between me and Rak. Assuming I let that happen.

(url="http://"")Shinigami's Demon:GW Fanfic Archive(/url)
(url="http://"")EVN:The Beginning(/url)

Sattomax and spl-cadet have very good reasons to void your Levo battle posts, Rak. Might be a good idea to get rid of them, since Sattomax's fleet wasn't even at Levo at the time. Cancel the whole battle, and lets get rid of some extra confusing posts. 🙂

-Cap'n Skyblade
-Battle for Sol - Episode II: The Unfinished War-
(url="http://"")Map(/url) | (url="http://"")Human Confederation Weapons(/url) | (url="http://"")Pirate Weapons(/url) | (url="http://"")Alien Weapons(/url)
(url="http://"")Human Confederacy Shipyard(/url) | (url="http://"")Pirate Shipyard(/url) | (url="http://"")Alien Empire Shipyard(/url)


Originally posted by Captain Skyblade:
**Sattomax and spl-cadet have very good reasons to void your Levo battle posts, Rak. Might be a good idea to get rid of them, since Sattomax's fleet wasn't even at Levo at the time. Cancel the whole battle, and lets get rid of some extra confusing posts.:)


Fine with me... I'll delete my posts... and regain my fleet (plus TM's fleet)

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superior intelligence