I often wonder why.....

I often wonder why the independent planets are so wannabe confeds!!! I mean if a rebel ship shoots a confed then the rebel ship is allowed to land but If I shot a confed ship I am a offender then a criminal!!!! oh, btw if i buy a fake ID will I be clean with the independent planets to?

if I have asked a question, please reply

That's a game engine matter: the rebel ship is AI, so the planet records no legal status for it, you are the player and therefore your legal status for killing that fed is accounted (it would be the same if you killed a rebel).
And no, the Fake ID cleans Confed records.

Eat, sleep, eat, sleep


Posted by Clueless:
That's a game engine matter: the rebel ship is AI, so the planet records no legal status for it, you are the player and therefore your legal status for killing that fed is accounted (it would be the same if you killed a rebel).

From a programming perspective, Clueless is right on.

But from a practical perspective, if you make it a practice in your system to allow confederate ships to go on being destroyed, you may find it difficult to maintain your independence, as the Conferderates would see you as an enemy and try to...contain..you. The rebels are our of luck, as they're just trying to maintain what they have, and fight against the evil confederacy.

2 answers to a question, 2 sides to the same coin.... 🙂

"No, no no...not the road less traveled....take the subway. It's faster."