Battle for Sol: Episode II - The Unfinished War -

No, KK gave his ships to me and Grunadulater.

Rak, Crusader still hasn't given us adequate fleet losses for his conquest of Saden. Please get somebody to post his fleet stats.

Cougars and Siege Carriers are a very good combination for the Pirates.


Originally posted by Sattomax:
**No, KK gave his ships to me and Grunadulater.

Rak, Crusader still hasn't given us adequate fleet losses for his conquest of Saden. Please get somebody to post his fleet stats.

Grunadulater hasn't picked them up yet so they are still there. And if I am attacked in Kathoon before they are picked up I will use them.

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Cougar gunships+Starscreamers+X-Rapiers=Dead HC fleets


Originally posted by spl_cadet:
**As the HC warfleet braced itself for a suicide charge, the 589th did something different. It unleashed a massive barrage of missiles and torpedoes. Following up were guided propulsion mines and rockets from the Starscreamers and X-Rapiers, respectivly. The HC fleet was caught by surprise by this tactic and took heavy losses. 1 BattleCruiser, 1 Destroyer M6 Gunship, 6 Ospreys, 5 Destroyer M5's, 6 Starcobras, 40 Dragon Flies, and 12 Manta's erupted in large fireballs as the weapons struck home. As the missiles and torpedoes flew towards their targets the Argosies and Hawks dived upon the confused HC fleet. The expected Kamikaze attack was here. But confused as they were from the barrage they were unable to take advantage of it. 2 SuperCruisers, 3 BattleCruisers, and 6 more Ospreys blossomed into giant clouds of debris as the ships slammed into the fleet. After the suicide run, the Pirate fleet left and jumped for Kathoon.

You already used torpedoes and other guided munitions in the first round. It is why you inflicted so much damage in the first barrage. So by this time everyone is down to close combat. I would go something like this...

In a surprising move, the pirate rapiers and lightnings shot out of the hovering fleet. They immediately launched heavy rockets and pulled away. Heavy flak, rockets, and missiles followed them out. Losses- 25 X-Rapiers, 25 Lightnings, 2 SuperCruisers, 4 Ospreys.

As the pirate fleet prepared to jump out, the steadily advancing M5s and 1 heavy cruiser tore open the argosies, kestrels, and lightnings with heavy rockets and flak fire. Losses- 9 argosies, 5 kestrels, and 15 lightnings. The pirates jump to Kathoon. The defense fleet is easily dispatched with only 2 M5s lost.

** Levo is now under HC control**

Updated Stats-
5 Kestrels
40 X-Rapiers (I gave you a few kills on them)
2 StarScreamers
24 Lightnings
38 Hawks

HC ships-
1 Carrier HCS Intrigue
1 HeavyCruiser HCS Tristar
3 Supercruisers
5 Battlecruisers
1 Destroyer m6 Gunship
10 Ospreys
18 Destroyer M5's
4 Destroyers
13 StarCobras
100 Dragon Flies
49 Manta's

Prepare to succumb to
superior intelligence

Are you insane? On a kamikaze charge, you would lose far more ships then that.
You aren't going to destroy fifty fighters with a Heavy Cruiser and a Gunship M6.

I'll be back tomorrow evening.
Cougars and Siege Carriers are a very good combination for the Pirates.

(This message has been edited by Sattomax (edited 08-07-2001).)

Fleet Admiral UE Crusader's current forces:

2 Carriers
6 SuperCruisers
7 BattleCruisers
1 Heavy Cruiser
14 Cruisers
10 Ospreys
20 Destroyer M5's
8 Frigates
10 Destroyers
45 Mantas (aboard Carrier)
55 Star Cobras (aboard Carrier)

Current system position: Saden


UE Crusader follows orders and hypers 4 jumps from Saden to the Alycon system.

OOC note: Okay, I've taken more ships off my stats--let me know if this is now acceptable.


grunadulaters fleet moves to the kathoon system and meets with kks and they fuse becoming one fleet.
2 Super Kestrels
7 Kestrels
67 Corvettes
184 X-Rapiers
3 Star Screamers
20 Modified Argosys
5 Rapiers
3 Siege Carriers

I bet there darn tasty to.


Originally posted by grunadulater:
**grunadulaters fleet moves to the kathoon system and meets with kks and they fuse becoming one fleet.
2 Super Kestrels
7 Kestrels
67 Corvettes
184 X-Rapiers
3 Star Screamers
20 Modified Argosys
5 Rapiers
3 Siege Carriers

No. Where did you get all those Siege Carriers? And how do you propose to move all the way across the galaxy in one post? Please edit that to something more suitable. Your fleet starts one jump beyond SGS-5842(?), remember. Saden is 4 jumps away.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")


Originally posted by UE Crusader:
**Fleet Admiral UE Crusader's current forces:

2 Carriers
6 SuperCruisers
7 BattleCruisers
1 Heavy Cruiser
14 Cruisers
10 Ospreys
20 Destroyer M5's
8 Frigates
10 Destroyers
45 Mantas (aboard Carrier)
55 Star Cobras (aboard Carrier)

Current system position: Saden

I'll give that a "close enough." Saden now belongs to the HC.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

The Aliens were on the move again, and nothing would stop them this time.

Jumping into Levo, Macavenger launched all fighters and attacked General rak's fleet. The fleet had been weakened by the battle with the pirates, so many ships were damaged and low on ammo.

Quickly recognizing that the Carrier was the biggest and likely deadliest ship remaining, a lot of Seeker modules quickly choose to concentrate it, savaging the already slightly damaged Carrier. Within moments, it was exploding. The M6 gunship and Heavy Cruiser were also picked out as major targets because of their flak turrets, and were hit with a lot of seekrs too. This destroyed the M6, and left the Heavy Cruiser badly damaged.

What Human ships still had torpedoes fired them, but there weren't that many rocks left in the bag to throw. Two Alien Cruisers were destroyed in the volley, and some others received light to moderate damage. Heavy fighters swarmed out in front, attacking the HC fighters. The Dragonflies proved effective against them with their Gun Pods, but overall they were no match. A majority of the Human fighters were destroyed, taking down 11 Alien Fighters. Star Cobras concentrated fire on one of the more heavily damaged Cruisers, destroying it, before being gunned down.

The Human fighters were mostly dead now, with the Alien fighter force badly scratched but advancing, and the Cruisers were coming up fast behind them.

Your turn, Rak.


Remaining ships:
3 Battlecruisers
37 Cruisers
73 Heavy Fighters

General Rak:
1 Heavy Cruiser
3 Supercruisers
4 Battlecruisers
10 ospreys
17 Destroyer M5s
4 Destroyers
5 Star Cobras
23 Dragonflies
13 Mantas

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

Ugh.. unfortunately, I must return to the house of pain (aka school) on the 13th, so I will be unable to participate in this webstory any longer. :frown: So, I am officially giving command of my fleet (see below) to Captain Skyblade.

1 carrier
2 supercruisers
3 cruisers
2 destroyer M6's
20 destroyer M5's
30 ospreys
110 mantas
10 star cobras

I might come back when/if Episode III starts.....

Ill put it this way - I dont write novels.

Fleet Stats:
2 Battlecruisers
20 Cruisers
32 Fighters

Once again,Shade's fleet was in orbit in the NGC-7665 system when the communications officer arrived in the command chamber with a message from the Emperor.

The Message was short:
Claim the Vulcan system for the Alien Empire.

Grinning savagely,Shade ordered the fleet to mobilize.

A total of 22 warships,fighters safely tucked away within their bays,moved out of low polar orbit towards the jump point.

The fleet moved through Apollo to Vulcan.

The Vulcan system,home to a small,Confederation-built listening post,had become a fallback point for the HumCon warships stationed at Spica when the Pirates took that system.

Two M5 destroyers,one M6 destroyer,ten Star Cobras and five Mantas were currently docked at the tiny listening post.

When the alien warfleet entered the vicinity,the HumCon warships disengaged from the station and moved outwards to attack.
The alien Battlecruisers loosed their fighters,as did the Cruisers.

The space between the two sides was soon filled with torpedos and missiles from one side,seeker drones and modules from the other.
The waves of fighters met.
By teaming up on single fighters,the Mantas managed to destroy two before Fusion Beam fire ripped them apart.
By utilizing similar tactics,the Star Cobras destroyed a third fighter,and seriously damaged a fourth,until Seeker Module barrages destroyed them.
Shade cursed as several stupid captains turned their Cruisers weapons upon one of the two M5 Destroyers,quickly destroying it.
They moved on to attack the second M5,while the M6 blazed away with it's Flak Turrets.
Belatedly,the fighters moved in to strafe the M6 with their Fusion Beams,and,when the wayward Cruisers returned to help,managed to destroy it,but not before the M6 had delivered moderate damage to one Cruiser.

The fleet moved in for the station,blowing it apart quickly with heavy salvoes of Seeker Modules.

Settling in the wreckage of the listening post,the fleet began to lick it's wounds.
Something needed to be done about those M6 Destroyers,Shade mused.
But first,to give those foolish Captains a terminal lesson
They had damaged Empire vessels through their stupidity.They must die!

The Vulcan system is now territory of the glorious Alien Empire.

Fleet Stats:
2 Battlecruisers
20 Cruisers(One moderatley damaged)
29 Fighters(One heavily damaged)

Fleet is now in Vulcan system.

Long live the Alien Emperor,may he rule for a million years! -Third Star Fleet Commander Shade,following the Battle of NGC-0538

Remaining ships:
3 Battlecruisers
37 Cruisers
73 Heavy Fighters

General Rak:
1 Heavy Cruiser
3 Supercruisers
4 Battlecruisers
10 ospreys
17 Destroyer M5s
4 Destroyers
5 Star Cobras
23 Dragonflies
13 Mantas

Using tactics of superior speed, Rak had his M5s, Destroyers, and Ospreys launched heavy rockets and flak fire at a pack of cruisers, and then quickly retreat into the safety of the heavy and supercruisers. Their heavy rockets and turbolasers outranged particle beams, and seeker drones were already completely expelled. Because the cruisers were tightly packed, the flak and heavy rocket damaged reverberated between them. Picking off 7 cruisers, with only light losses of 3 destroyers and 2 destroyer M5s, the fighters finally decided to pursue them into the range of the heavy cruiser. As soon as they were in ranger of the heavy cruiser, HC fighters guarding it started dogfighting them. All HC fighters were destroyed with 7 Heavy Fighters destroyed. The group of destroyers and ospreys suddenly nose dived toward the 3 supercruisers and the heavy cruiser near them. The alien fighters followed. Using advanced fusion beam, the alien fighters concentrated on picking off the slower ospreys, killing 7 of them. But then they came in range of the heavy cruiser. Flak and heavy rocket fire burned through the alien fighter line. By the time the alien fighters had pulled back, 12 of them had been destroyed. But they had a nasty surprise waiting for them. Pulling up behind the escaping fighters were the 3 supercruisers. Using their extreme amount of heavy rockets and their long range turbolasers, they easily destroyed another 12, lowering their count to 40. Now out of seeker drones and torpedoes, both sides lumbered forward.

3 Battlecruisers
30 Cruisers
40 Heavy Fighters

General Rak:
1 Heavy Cruiser- HCS Senator (Flagship) !Fully Repaired!
3 Supercruisers
4 Battlecruisers
3 Ospreys
15 Destroyer M5s
1 Destroyers

(edit) Statistics edited, new tactics used (/edit)
Prepare to succumb to
superior intelligence

(This message has been edited by General Rak (edited 08-08-2001).)

grunadulaters fleet moves to saden.

I bet there darn tasty to.

=== Subspace Transmition ===
To- Emperor
From- Fleet comander RC

My latest sickness has got me down but now I'm more than healthy to resume command! What are my orders Emperor Mac!

========== end ===========

Long live the Alien empire!


Originally posted by rebel council:
My latest sickness has got me down but now I'm more than healthy to resume command!

Jak! Alien sicknesses can be really, really annoying 😉

Who needs signatures?


Originally posted by General Rak:
Using tactics of superior speed, Rak had his M5s, Destroyers, and Ospreys pick on one cruiser at a time. Their heavy rockets and turbolasers outranged particle beams, and seeker drones were already completely expelled. Picking off 4 cruisers, the Alien Emperor finally decided to launch his fighters.

Sorry, but this needs reworked. When I get in a fight, I always launch all my fighters at the beginning. Additionally, my Cruisers tend to be arranged in a tihtly packed demarcation line, so even if you are concentrating on one at once, you're still going to be under attack by at least three, plus a lot of fighters. Please edit.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

The 589th Pirate Assault Fleet moves to unexplored AAAO where a pirate base, Sabato, is.
589th Pirate Assault Fleet Stats
5 Kestrels
40 X-Rapiers
2 StarScreamers
24 Lightnings
38 Hawks

Unencrypted communication to Grunadulator
Send us some Cougar gunships when you get the chance. With a squadron of those I can take on even the aliens.
Vice Admiral Spl_cadet

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Cougar gunships+Starscreamers+X-Rapiers=Dead HC fleets


Originally posted by Macavenger:
**Sorry, but this needs reworked. When I get in a fight, I always launch all my fighters at the beginning. Additionally, my Cruisers tend to be arranged in a tihtly packed demarcation line, so even if you are concentrating on one at once, you're still going to be under attack by at least three, plus a lot of fighters. Please edit.


Post edited, now you can respond.

Prepare to succumb to
superior intelligence

However, in flying through the Supercruiser screen, the fighters picked two of them off, and the Heavy Cruiser was still heavily damaged. Alien Cruisers and Battlecruisers came in and began annihilating HC ships. The Supercruiser went down easily, already damaged by the fighters. The Heavy Cruiser was attacked by 3 Cruisers and a Battlecruiser, spread out so that the Flak turrets were almost completely ineffectvive against them. The heavy Cruiser put up a good fight, but didn't last long. he Aliens began to close a net around the few remaining human ships, picking them off one and two at a time. 2 More Cruisers were lost.

With the Heavy Cruiser gone, there were no flak turrets left to oppose the Alien fighters, and they swept in, firing. Turbolaser fire destroyed 2 of them and another Cruiser, but the Human ships were quickly reduced to rubble. Two Battlecruisers and 3 Destroyer M5s were able to break away from the cordon and escape to Rigel.

Levo, being so newly aquired by the Human Confederation, had no appreciable defense fleet. What few fighters could be mustered failed to destroy any Alien ships.


Fleet numbers:
4 Battlecruisers
27 Cruisers
38 Heavy Fighters
General Rak:
2 Battlecruisers
3 Destroyer M5s


A junior officer walked up to the Emperor. "Sir, we have recieved a message from the Emperor of the first galaxy,"* he said.

"What does he say?"

"He wishes to inform you that the battle against the Dreden has been going well of late, and they have not bee mounting any significant offensives. As such, he has been able to free up a fleet from defensive duty to send you here to help you in gaining absolute control of this galaxy for the good of the Glorious Empire. We have been sent a large, thoroughly modern fleet commanded by 3 star Fleet Commander Clueless."

"Splendid. I will be issuiing some orders now. Dismissed."


From: Emperor Macavenger
To: All Alien Empire Fleet Commanders

We have been sent an additional fleet from the first galaxy. Welcome, Fleet Commander Clueless. Your orders are to proceed to Vulcan with all possible speed. Fleet Commander rebel council, you are to attack the Gymkata system and conquer it for the good of the Empire. Shade, I want you to pass over Gymkata, as rebel council will now be attacking it, and attack NGC-6849. Soon, we shall be moving through the Human Core Worlds. Go with speed and power.

- Emperor Macavenger


Clueless's fleet consists of the following:
1 Carrier
1 Battlecruiser
25 Cruisers
75 Destroyers
16 Heavy Fighters (aboard Battlecruiser)
32 Interceptors (aboard Carrier)
Starting system: Kaujathin

*Alien Political Note: The aliens come from another galaxy, and have an emperor for each one. Neither is really higher than the other, though the one from the first galaxy may be slightly more respected because it contains the homeworld. However, for all in this galaxy, the Emperor here is still the ultimate authority.

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

Rak retreats to Earth.

Prepare to succumb to
superior intelligence