Battle for Sol: Episode II - The Unfinished War -

Although the alien fighter had been sighted well over a week ago, it was still fresh in Rak's mind. He wondered when the real attack would come, and if he could handle it. Then it just clicked. He spotted the fighter in Sirgil. The fighter has only 4 jumps of fuel. The only unexplored system in range was AAAJ. Therefore, there was probably some sort of alien fleet there, just waiting to attack. This worried him. Enough that he called in his theory to Earth, and requested back-up ASAP.

"Mr. Navarone?" Riker said as he approached the vice president's desk.

"Yes Riker, what can I do for you?"

"General Riker has just reported sightings of an alien fighter, somewhere around the southern portions of the galaxy."

"What wasn't I approached about this sooner?" Navarone asked in a mild tone.

"Well sir, the message was somehow blocked, maybe even intercepted, before it reached Human Confederation headquarters. It is possible that the aliens or pirates scanned the message."

"I'm not surprised," Navarone said, taking in a deep breath. "Any additional information?"

"Not really," Riker replied. "But General Rak has reported seeing the same fighter in recent days. He believes an alien fleet could be close by, but where? We don't know..."

Navarone seemed to be quite uneasy. "We must inform the President. Tell him we need to divert some of our forces southward, as if the aliens do attack, we don't want them to catch us by surprise. That's all."

"Yes sir."

"Oh, and Riker," Navarone continued, "Inform General Rak that his orders are to patrol the local systems, but should he discover any aliens, make sure he knows that he is not to engage them. If anything, he is to leave the system where the aliens are discovered immediately, and contact High Command."

-Cap'n Skyblade
-Battle for Sol - Episode II: The Unfinished War-
(url="http://"")Map(/url) | (url="http://"")Human Confederation Weapons(/url) | (url="http://"")Pirate Weapons(/url) | (url="http://"")Alien Weapons(/url)
(url="http://"")Human Confederacy Shipyard(/url) | (url="http://"")Pirate Shipyard(/url) | (url="http://"")Alien Empire Shipyard(/url)

I didn't design a ship on the first page, so I'm making two now, okey-dokey?


And they were still at Alta. Admiral Vaten was getting extremely restless, but he liked the new fighter design. A tactical bomber. A new warship was also starting to be produced in the depths of the research station. There were rumors circulating of a new HC Heavy Cruiser, which was supposed to have in excess of 3500 shields! The Pirates clearly needed something to combat that. And, thankfully, it was in development, and would soon start being seen in fleets. Woe be upon the captain who first lays eyes on it.


Skyblade, your ships are starting to get a bit overpowered, and there is no corresponding price jump. I think we need to see that.

Apparently, my X-Rapiers are kicking HC warship @$$ right about now.


Originally posted by Sattomax:

Skyblade, your ships are starting to get a bit overpowered, and there is no corresponding price jump. I think we need to see that.


Just remember that the powerful ships built by the Human Confederation still don't match that of the aliens, so you can't point a finger at us without looking at alien vessels. The Heavy Cruiser is priced logically, since it does not carry any fighters whatsoever. Warships that carry fighters usually make up half the price. The Heavy Cruiser was developed as a tactical gunship, designed to engage large warships at close range and take the damage. And besides, the Heavy Cruiser isn't as powerful as the carrier...Anywhere close.

-Cap'n Skyblade
-Battle for Sol - Episode II: The Unfinished War-
(url="http://"")Map(/url) | (url="http://"")Human Confederation Weapons(/url) | (url="http://"")Pirate Weapons(/url) | (url="http://"")Alien Weapons(/url)
(url="http://"")Human Confederacy Shipyard(/url) | (url="http://"")Pirate Shipyard(/url) | (url="http://"")Alien Empire Shipyard(/url)

After recieving his orders, Rak heads back to Pelagon. He does so for the support of ErsadtSF's fleet and the coverage of two alien attack routes. After destroying sever pirate argosies, he settles down for a good drink at the bar.

(Mac or Skyblade, get ready for a map change....)

== == == == == ==

Karl Wilk’s “secret” won’t keep for long. It may not even last three weeks.

Nine days ago, in a moment of undisciplined bridge behavior, Second Mate Zazz Geppa leaned against the conn ... and discovered an uncharted jump link. He barely had time to signal Wilk.

“Kaptain Karl, sir!” squawked the comm link, “I screwed up and the Scourge is about to jump ... and, uh ... leave the rest of the fleet!”

“Signal the Strafe immediately that Dirk’s in command and that we’ll return within a month. Then stand-by, Geppa. Your carcass is mine! I’m on my way....”

The fleet was in the NGC-6548 system -- where the Listening Post 95 was supposed to sense “bad guy” activity for the HC. “We must be heading toward Spica, muttered Karl. I’m gonna jettison that idiot, Zazz.” Karl sometimes longed for the precision of a military ship. Pirates just didn’t favorably respond to the same kind of rigidity....

“What coordinates are plotted?” Karl demanded as he strode onto the bridge of the Scourge.

“Kap’n, Sir, we appear to be headed for NGC-1023, off the Cygnus system, uh, Sir” Geppa stammered, “but how?”

“Excellent!” whooped Karl. (Now Geppa was scared AND confused.) “This jump link really improves our lot.” (Geppa kept quiet. He knew enough not to attract any more of the Kaptain’s ire....)

Kaptain Karl was truly delighted. Up to now, the only disadvantage to “working” the New Atiguan sector was its single access point, the jump link from Spica. As with all “independent enterprises” (pirates and mercenaries) mobility is highly desirable. The HC’s increased patrols in this sector had been making Karl think about relocating to a sector with more opportunities for egress. No more....

As the Scourge flashed into NGC-1023’s space the scanners revealed three merchant Couriers and a Scout Ship escorted by an old HC Frigate. Though this little convoy was “easy pickings” for Karl’s Super Kestrel, he insisted the men stand-down and not attack. After the convoy jumped out of the system, Karl had the Scourge come about and jump back to the rest of the fleet. He wondered if the Frigate’s crew noticed his point of arrival...?

“Hmm,” said KK. “Could this be a result of upgrading the ship's computer to OS XXXX? Apparently the navigational controls now have a “default” built into them. If no course is actually plotted, the system picks the jump link which is nearest. We must have been in the ‘wrong place at the right time’ or something like that.” “Those guys at Apple are pretty sharp,” he commented under his breath.

Shortly after rejoining the fleet, Kaptain Karl Wilk -- Grunadulator had made him a starred Admiral, but Karl had little use for lofty titles -- called a conference of his three wing commanders. Seated in the Scourge’s tactical room were three privateers who Karl knew to be as good or better than any commander the HC had. They each headed a wing of 20 Corvettes and 44 X-Rapiers from their own Corvettes: Dirk, of the Strafe; Vic, of the Star Dog; and Kotov, of the Snake. All in attendance understood the importance of the new jump link. They all looked like hungry wolves as they hatched a plan.

The Scourge led Karl’s whole fleet through the new link. As previously planned, only one wing continued with the attack.

Vic got to spring the first surprise on the HC. His wing of Corvettes and X-Rapiers swooped into Cygnus space and found a six-Freighter convoy carrying industrial goods and food. Their two escorts, a Rapier and two Argosies were quick to answer -- but were simply outmatched. The Argosies were destroyed as were two of the six freighters. (The men were still too heavy on the triggers of Vaten’s new Swivel Proton Cannons. But they’d get better.) The Rapier, amazingly, got away.

By then Palomino’s defense fleet of Mantas was engaging Commander Vic’s wing, but they were not up to the task. By the time Vic had signaled Kaptain Karl that Cygnus had fallen, the tally was: One more system under KK’s control -vs- losing two X-Rapiers, a day’s worth of repair work needed on six more, and one very banged-up ‘Vette -- which was estimated at two days repair time.

Vic plundered the four remaining freighters. The rest of KK’s fleet joined them. The whole fleet was cautiously excited with the results.

The mission was a qualified success. We have new access to additional systems. We have more riches to plunder. But our secret is out. We also know the HC would have subsequent convoys better protected. “Ah well. Life is about risks.”

== == == == == == ==

KK’s fleet - positioned in the Cygnus system
1 ........ Super Kestrel
64 ...... Corvettes
133 .... X-Rapiers

Cygnus is now a pirate-controlled system

“You will find that we will be either the most loyal and trustworthy of allies, or ... if you insist on trying to swallow us up -- the worst of enemies. The choice is yours. And should you choose to fight us ... don’t bring a knife to a gunfight!!!”

(This message has been edited by Kaptain Karl (edited 08-03-2001).)

(This message has been edited by Kaptain Karl (edited 08-04-2001).)

- Human Confederation credits - 331 million credits -

Ships currently being purchased:

1 Human Confederation Carrier - 50,000,000 credits

5 Human Confederation Heavy Cruisers - 100,000,000 credits

4 Human Confederation Supercruisers - 60,000,000 credits

6 Human Confederation Destroyer M6 Gunships - 21,000,000 credits

10 Human Confederation Cruisers - 82,000,000 credits

180 Manta Fighters - 18,000,000 credits

Credits remaining - none.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

1 Carrier, 1 Heavy Cruiser, 1 Supercruiser, 1 Destroyer M6 Gunship, 2 Cruisers, and 30 Manta Fighters given to General Rak's fleet.

1 Heavy Cruiser, 1 Supercruiser, 2 Destroyer M6 Gunships, 2 Cruisers, and 30 Mantas given to ErsadtSF's fleet.

1 Heavy Cruiser, 1 Supercruiser, 1 Destroyer M6 Gunboat, and 30 Manta Fighters given to UE Crusader's fleet.

1 Heavy Cruiser, 1 Destroyer M6 Gunboat, 2 Cruisers, and 30 Manta Fighters given to Tycho Maudd's fleet.

1 Heavy Cruiser, 1 Supercruiser, 3 Cruisers, 3 Destroyer M6 Gunboats, and 60 Manta Fighters given to Admiral Skyblade's fleet.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Admiral Skyblade's fleet now numbers:

1 Carrier
1 Heavy Cruiser
3 Supercruisers
14 Cruisers
20 Ospreys
3 Destroyer M6 Gunboats
30 Destroyer M5s
142 Star Cobras
50 Dragonflies
110 Mantas

All Human Confederation Fleet Commanders, make sure you add your vessels to your fleets.

-Cap'n Skyblade
-Battle for Sol - Episode II: The Unfinished War-
(url="http://"")Map(/url) | (url="http://"")Human Confederation Weapons(/url) | (url="http://"")Pirate Weapons(/url) | (url="http://"")Alien Weapons(/url)
(url="http://"")Human Confederacy Shipyard(/url) | (url="http://"")Pirate Shipyard(/url) | (url="http://"")Alien Empire Shipyard(/url)

Skyblade, you yourself said that you get money for ships on the 4th page, not the 3rd. Oh, and the Starscreamer is in production. Grunadulater, for your next research project, I suggest either a new type of primary weapon or a cloak.

Current fleet:
463rd Pirate Warfleet (Initials: SV)
5 SuperKestrels
40 Corvettes
50 X-Rapiers
55 Lightnings

"Prepare to leave Alta." Admiral Vaten's voice was heard throughout the fleet. Alta had a very specialized defense system. Part of the system was a field that bent space-time to connect Alta to a few locations in the galaxy, or the other way around. The catch was, only certain types of ships could get through, or the link collapsed on itself. It had been an extraordinary invention when first completed, and now was proving its worth quite handily. His lone Kestrel, though, was sluggish, and so he was leaving behind at Alta for a few quite specialized upgrades. It would not be the same machine when he got back.

One of the places the hyper-field happened to go was Orban, somewhat to the galactic northeast of "unexplored AAAO". The Admiral's fleet was preparing to go there right now.

"Set jumplink to Orban." As the fleet hypered out, there was nothing to be seen in the system but a Kestrel being HEAVILY modified.

Apparently, my X-Rapiers are kicking HC warship @$$ right about now.

"Admiral Rak?" inquired a young shipyard worker.

"Yes?" Rak responded.

"We have some new ships sent in from high command."

"Thank you. Dismissed." Rak stated.

Rak decided to split up his fleet after the new ships arrived. Each fleet would be a system jump away from each other, hence able to cover more ground and easily defend each other.

21st Human Confederation Warfleet
ID Tag: GR
2 Carriers- HCS Visionary (Flagship) and HCS Tristar
1 Heavy Cruiser
6 Supercruisers
10 Battlecruisers
1 Destroyer M6 Gunship
3 Cruisers
31 Ospreys
53 Destroyer M5s
45 Star Cobras (Carrier Bound)
60 Dragonflies (Carrier Bound)
80 Mantas (Carrier Bound)

(Sub-Fleet 1)
21st Human Confederation Warfleet
ID Tag: GR
1 Carriers- HCS Visionary (Flagship)
1 Heavy Cruiser
3 Supercruisers
5 Battlecruisers
1 Destroyer M6 Gunship
1 Cruiser
18 Ospreys
30 Destroyer M5s
20 Star Cobras (Carrier Bound)
35 Dragonflies (Carrier Bound)
50 Mantas (Carrier Bound)

(Sub-Fleet 2)
21st Human Confederation Warfleet
ID Tag: GR
1 Carriers- HCS Tristar (Flagship)
3 Supercruisers
5 Battlecruisers
2 Cruisers
12 Ospreys
23 Destroyer M5s
25 Star Cobras (Carrier Bound)
25 Dragonflies (Carrier Bound)
30 Mantas (Carrier Bound)

Sub-Fleet 2 heads to Regulas, under the command of 2 star admiral Tasha.

giuded propulsion mine created.

I bet there darn tasty to.

Admiral Vaten was extremely happy. His personal Kestrel (if you could even call it that anymore) was finally ready. It had been upgraded to such an extent, however, that it was quite unique in any sense. Its primary beatstick was its 5 scorpion blasters. The blueprints for these had been found in the deep recesses of Evildrome before it was looted and destroyed by the HC. It had been carefully stored for the right purpose, and that purpose had finally come along. (Calm down, mods. This is NOT an invented weapon. We had had it for quite awhile. At least, it had been on Alta for quite awhile.) It worked by launching huge blasts of ionized particles at an opposing ship, which were nicknamed "scorpions", giving the blasters their current name. They also had an extremely long range. The ship had also been coated with an anti-radar coating, making it fairly hard to detect on scanners.

New specs:

Shields: 1200
Armor: 500
Speed: 325
Turning: • • • •
Mass: 0 tons
Cargo: 40 tons
Price: 20.00M credits
-5 Scorpion Blasters-3 Propulsion Mine Launchers-35 Guided Propulsion Mines-8 X-Rapier Bays-16 X-Rapiers

Apparently, my X-Rapiers are kicking HC warship @$$ right about now.

Change that last. The scorpions are actually bolts of antiparticles, which annihilate the particles of both the ship's shields and its hull, eventually ripping the ship to shreds.


The Sabre, Vaten's personal cruiser, was now back with the fleet. Vaten was enthusiastic about how fast the fleet moved from place to place. The slowest ship now moved at a speed of 300 AU/h. That was amazingly fast, and it helped keep things in order.

Admiral Vaten's fleet now numbered:
1 Sabre
5 SuperKestrels
40 Corvettes
66 X-Rapiers (16 docked)
71 Lightnings (20 docked. The 4 new SK's came w/ Lightnings, which I never counted.)

He paid a call to Grunadulater, inquiring about his next course of action.

Apparently, my X-Rapiers are kicking HC warship @$$ right about now.

first, get me to alta, then we talk.

I bet there darn tasty to.

"Bridge, this is the commander. Cancel the hyperjump to Topaz."

"Yes, sir."

ErsadtSF's fleet entered the Nexus system. It looked relatively calm, but it was obvious that something was wrong.

"Sir, several HC vessels are under attack by pirates!"

"Launch fighters and move to intercept. Ill be on the bridge shortly."

The commander ran from his quarters to the bridge and watched as the fighters and Destroyer M5's engaged the pirate vessels.

"We estimate that there are 2 Kestrels, 4 corvettes and more than a dozen of the new rapiers," said the sensor officer.

ErsadtSF's carrier, the ospreys, and the remainder of the fleet came within weapons range and reduced the pirate ships to tin foil in a hail of rocket and turbolaser fire. Unfortunately, the fleet still sustained some damage. The HC ships in-system joined ErsadtSF's fleet.(the ships that were purchased)

"Now," started the commander," we are to hold in this system and provide cover for General Rak's fleet in Pelagon. High Command has informed me of strange sightings beyond the Sirgil system, so all vessels will remain on yellow alert at all times."
Fleet stats (losses taken into account):
1 carrier
2 supercruisers
2 destroyer M6's
3 cruisers
10 star cobras
20 destroyer M5's
30 ospreys
110 mantas
(all fighters are on the carrier)

Ill put it this way - I dont write novels.

(This message has been edited by ErsadtSF (edited 08-03-2001).)

"Admiral, we have the fleet standying by." a young pirate ensign announced.
"Good. Prepare for jump."
The 589th Pirate Fleet jumped through hyperspace, emerging in Atropos. The Modified Argosies were carrying troops for the Pirate conquest. 3 HC Frigates and a dozen Freightors turned to repel the assault. Lightnings streamed out of the Kestrels and Super Kestrel as the X-Rapiers launched a fusillade of torpedoes. The Frigates erupted in huge explosions, disabling 2 freightors. The Lightnings blazed in, sending rockets and missiles in all directions, destroying the remaining freightors. The Argosies dropped through the atmosphere to disgorge their troops. A few X-Rapiers were damaged but none destroyed.
589th Pirate Fleet
1 SuperKestrel
50 Kestrels
24 Modified Argosies
25 Corvettes
100 X-Rapiers
Atropos is under Pirate Control now.

(url="http://"")Shinigami's Demon:GW Fanfic Archive(/url)
(url="http://"")EVN:The Beginning(/url)

Alien Income: 330 million
Remaining Income from last turn: 30 million
Total available: 360 million

Purchases 2 Battlecruisers and 2 Heavy Fighters for 2 star Fleet Commander Shade's fleet. (110 Million)
Purchases 1 Battlecruiser and 4 Heavy Fighters for Emperor Macavenger's fleet. (70 Million)
Purchases 24 Interceptors and 4 Heavy Fighters for 3 star Fleet Commander rebel council's fleet. (116 Million)

Income Remaining: 64 Million

Current fleet stats:

4 Battlecruisers
48 Cruisers
104 Heavy Fighters

- Macavenger | e-mail: (url="http://"")

Priority 1 Encrypted Transmission
-To UE_Crusader@HCN.brass.secnet
-From General_Rak@HCN.brass.secnet

Hello. It has just come to my attention that a major pirate offensive is beginning. They have alread taken over Atropos, and threaten the far west of the galaxy. I advise splitting up your fleet to defend against him and the other pirate fleet you are tracking. Increased radio activity here indicates impending alien strike.

Rak out.
--- --- ---
Priority 1 Encrypted Transmission
-To Captain_Skyblade@Gov.exec.secnet
-From General_Rak@HCN.brass.secnet

Hello. It has just come to my attention that a major pirate offensive is beginning. They have alread taken over Atropos, and threaten the far west of the galaxy. I advise splitting UE Crusaders fleet to defend against the pirate offensive, and the other pirate fleet he is tracking. On another note, increased radio activity here indicates impending alien strike. I would advise that you go to the Nemesis system, and have ErsadtSF go to Apollo.

Rak out.

Priority 1 Encrypted Transmission
-To ErsadtSF@HCN.brass.secnet
-From General_Rak@HCN.brass.secnet

Hello. Increased radio activity here indicates impending alien strike. I would advise that you head to Apollo to provide Tycho Maudd with back-up. His is the weakest fleet, and he has to cover a lot of ground.

Rak out.

Rak: Take your own fleet southward to help defend the Human Confederation southern worlds. I'm leaving the defence against the pirate offensive in you and UE Crusader's hands. Avoid losing major locations at all costs.

-Cap'n Skyblade
-Battle for Sol - Episode II: The Unfinished War-
(url="http://"")Map(/url) | (url="http://"")Human Confederation Weapons(/url) | (url="http://"")Pirate Weapons(/url) | (url="http://"")Alien Weapons(/url)
(url="http://"")Human Confederacy Shipyard(/url) | (url="http://"")Pirate Shipyard(/url) | (url="http://"")Alien Empire Shipyard(/url)

Both of my sub-fleets go to Alcyon, and merge.
--- --- ---
Priority 1 Encrypted Transmission
-To UE_Crusader@HCN.brass.secnet
-From General_Rak@HCN.brass.secnet

Hello. I have just been reassigned to combat the pirates with you. I want to take out Grunadulators fleet, before he can do any damage. You should go to stop spl_cadets fleet, near Atropos. Kaptain Karl is out of our juristiction, so I'll leave that up to Skyblade. After both threats have been neutralized, and Atropos retaken, I want to start an offensive against the southern pirate worlds.

Rak out.